Thursday, August 3, 2023

August 3, 2023

        The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on August 3, 2023 in the Miner County Courthouse Commission room.  Members present: Alex Protsch, Tom Reisch, Joe Bechen, Mike Clary and Kathy Faber. Absent:  none.  The flag pledge was recited.  Motion by Faber, seconded by Bechen and carried to approve the agenda.  No persons appeared for public comment.

        The minutes of the July 18th meeting were approved. 

The auditor’s account with the county treasurer showed a July 31, 2023 balance of $6,092,296.10 in all state, county, civil, school and trust accounts.

It was moved by Reisch, seconded by Clary carried to authorize the auditor to pay the following claims:  Road & Bridge $45,581.49, Wellmark $56,492.38, Delta Dental $1,647.35, Kansas City Life $470.38, Retirement $7,006.03, OASI $9,973.84, Commissioners $4,680.25 (includes Kari Jo Carlson at $25.00/meeting), Auditor $8,143.25, Treasurer $7,436.25, States Attorney $5,880.00, Govt Building $3,168.63, Director of Equalization $8,740.35, Register of Deeds $7,072.01, Vet Service $575.00, Sheriff $11,877.25, Highway Safety $664.88, Coroner $75.00, Contract Law $4,195.03, Welfare $687.68, Co Nurse $1,473.50, Ambulance $11,122.07, WIC $100.00, Extension $1,473.50, Weed $1,346.50, Dispatch $13,409.70, Emergency Mgt $2,500.75 JULY PAYROLL; Triotel $169.53 911 CHARGES; Cora Schwader $83.90 EQUIPMENT; Motorola $16,379.01 HOMELAND SECURITY; Emergency Safety Education $135.00 IN SERVICE EDUCATION; Mark Neises $846.00 MOWING; Miner Co Treasurer $13.38 POSTAGE; Davison Co Sheriff’s Office $600.00 PRISONER CARE; Graham Tire $854.39, Howard Auto Clinic $135.51, Sturdevant’s $56.94 REPAIRS; Kristian Ellendorf $900.00 STATE’S ATTY OFFICE EXP ALLOWANCE; McLeod’s $616.25, Miner Co Treasurer $56.65, Tim Reisch $433.33, Rusty’s $100.00, Tami Severson $20.00, Thomson Reuters-West $49.98 SUPPLIES; Alliance $949.46, AT&T $326.51, Susan Connor $30.00, Erin Feldhaus $30.00, Lori Kiehl $30.00, Tami Severson $30.00, Molly Steeneck $30.00, Verizon $93.92 TELEPHONE; Northwestern Energy $36.17 UTILITIES.

The board acknowledged receipt of the following correspondence:  Ziebach & Perkins County Commission Letters-Eminent Domain; Miner County Conservation District & NRCS-April reports; Miner County Moisture report.

It was moved by Bechen, seconded by Clary and carried to approve the changes to the Miner County personnel policy.  These changes were to reflect the changes to the hours of operation and typographical errors. 

Zoning Administrator Tami Severson presented various county fee schedules for zoning applications.  It was moved by Faber, seconded by Reisch and carried to set the following zoning charges for Miner County.                       

Building Permits





$100,000 >


Shelterbelt Waiver




Conditional Use


Special Meeting




Printed Zoning Manual



        Highway Superintendent Ron Krempges reported on progression of fog & chip sealing, and requested to purchase a new slide-in sander and a tire balancer.  The commission approved these requests.  The 2024 highway budget was reviewed.

The public auction was held as advertised for tax deed property described as:  The North Twenty Feet (N 20’) of Lot Four (4), Block Three (3), Roswell Village OP, Miner County, South Dakota.  Present for the auction included:  Jeff Rubenstein, James & Carol Stainbrook.  Commissioners approved the sale of the property to Jeff Rubenstein for $180.  A quit claim deed shall be prepared by State’s Attorney Ellendorf and provided to Rubenstein.

It was moved by Bechen, seconded by Faber and carried to enter into executive session (SDCL 1-25-2 (3)) at 10:20.  The board returned to regular session at 10:42. 

Tami Moore of the Miner County Conservation District discussed state & federal rules the district must follow when planting trees.  Bechen suggested that any shelterbelts planted through the conservation district be approved with the district as the contractor.  If any shelterbelts require a variance, the applicant can utilize the waiver process through the Miner County Planning & Zoning office. 

Ambulance Manager Cora Schwader submitted a written request to reinstate Full-time On Call EMT Danielle Werkmeister at her rate prior to leaving the full time position on May 27, 2023 and to move her anniversary date August 24th.  Motion by Clary, seconded by Bechen and carried to set Werkmeister’s rate of pay at $2445/month and set the anniversary date to August 24th. 

2024 budget discussion continued with Director of Equalization, Treasurer, Sheriff, Ag Building and Weed Dept.  Further review will take place at the August 15th meeting.

4-H Youth Advisor Jillian Calmus gave a list of summer activities hosted by her dept.:  Horse Safety Camp, Horse Show, Cupcake Battle, Goat, Sheep, Swine & Beef Judging Schools, Area Livestock Judging Competition, and Clover Bud Camp.  She reported that $149,000 has been donated for the new 48’ x 96’Goat, Sheep & Swine building.  The annual pie auction raised $49,000.  A portion of this will be used for the new building with the remaining portion used for other building and grounds updates. 

It was moved by Faber and seconded by Clary to adopt the following resolution.


WHEREAS, SDCL 35-4-2 (6) states that a county may charge for On-Sale Licenses issued outside municipalities an amount not less than the maximum that the municipality to which the applicant is nearest is charging for like licenses; and

WHEREAS, SDCL 35-4-11.1 states if not previously fixed by ordinance or continuing resolution, the board of county commissioners shall on or before the first of September in each year determine the number of on sale licenses it will approve for the ensuing calendar year and the fees to be charged for the various classifications of licenses.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Miner County board of Commissioners that

(1)     a new liquor license will be based on the nearest municipality’s liquor license fees and shall not be less than the maximum of that municipality. 

(2)    The number of On-Sale Licenses authorized for issuance in calendar year 2024 outside of municipalities within Miner County is three.

Voting aye:   Reisch, Bechen, Faber, Clary and Protsch.  Voting nay:  none.  Resolution adopted this 3rd day of August 2023.                                                                     

                                                            Alex Protsch, Chairman

                                                            Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

            Custodian Lori Kiehl reported on the condition of the cement at the north entrance to the courthouse.  She is seeking a quote from Cosmos Construction for a sealant to help preserve the cement.  Kiehl also reported on other courthouse maintenance issues.                

            Having no further business, the meeting adjourned until August 15th.    Dated this 3rd day of August, 2023.

                                                            Alex Protsch, Chairman

                                                            Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest:  Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor






Contact Info

Please see department pages for direct contact information.

Physical Address: 

Miner County Courthouse

Park Ave. & Main St

401 N. Main St.

Howard, SD 57349


Office Hours: 

7:30am-12:00pm & 12:30pm-4:00pm

Monday - Friday

(Sheriff/Dispatch Office Open 24/7)