2010 Meeting Minutes

December 29, 2010

The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in special session, December 29, 2010, in the Miner County Courthouse. Members present: Patrick Maroney, Heath Thompson, Don Bowman and Rollin Schulz. Absent: Voni Durant. Chairman Schulz called the meeting to order.

Motion by Thompson, seconded by Bowman and carried to approve the agenda. The minutes of December 21st were approved.

Director of Equalization Kay Hageman presented the following plats for consideration. Motion by Thompson and seconded by Maroney to adopt the following resolution.


BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE plat described as LOT 1 PALMQUIST’S ADDITION IN THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (S ½ NW ¼ ) OF SECTION THREE (3), TOWNSHIP ONE HUNDRED FIVE (105) NORTH, RANGE FIFTY-FIVE (55) WEST OF THE 5TH P.M. IN MINER COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA, be approved and accepted by the Board of County Commissioners at its meeting of December 29, 2010 and the county Auditor is hereby instructed to endorse on such plat a copy of this resolution and to certify the same.

Voting aye: Maroney, Bowman, Thompson and Schulz. Voting Nay: none. Resolution adopted.

Dated this 29th day of December, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan R. Connor, Miner County Auditor

It was moved by Bowman and seconded by Thompson to adopt the following resolution.


BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE plat described as LOT 1 OF M. KIZER FIRST ADDITION IN THE NE ¼ OF SECTION 20, T 107, R 56 W OF THE 5TH P.M., MINER COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA, which has been submitted for examination pursuant to law, is hereby approved and the county Auditor is hereby instructed to endorse on such plat a copy of this resolution and to certify the same.

Voting aye: Maroney, Bowman, Thompson and Schulz. Voting Nay: none. Resolution adopted.

Dated this 29th day of December, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan R. Connor, Miner County Auditor

Motion by Maroney, seconded by Bowman and carried to adopt the following resolution.


WHEREAS, SDCL 7-21-51 allows the board of commissioners to authorize the accumulation of funds for a period longer than one year for capital outlay purposes;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Miner County Board of Commissioners set forth funds from the General Fund for capital outlay accumulation as follows: $100,000 for the purchase of a motorgrader in 2013; $100,000 for the purchase of a motorgrader in 2015; and $150,000 for the overlay project in 2014.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such funds shall be expended within eighty-four months from the date of this resolution or the funds shall revert to the fund from which they were originally appropriated.

Voting aye: Thompson, Maroney, Bowman, and Schulz. Voting nay: none.

Resolution approved this 29th day of December, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

Motion by Bowman, seconded by Thompson and carried to remove the following from capital accumulations and revert back to unreserved undesignated as follows: Backhoe $43,000, Tractor $20,000 and Chip Sealing $90,000.


WHEREAS, insufficient appropriation was made in the 2010 adopted budget for the following departments to discharge just obligations of said appropriations; and

WHEREAS, SDCL 7-21-32.2 provides that transfers may be made by resolution of the board from the contingency appropriation established pursuant to SDCL 7-21-6.1 to other appropriations;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the appropriation be transferred from contingency as follows: Elections $250; Auditor $2400; Treasurer $1600; Veteran’s Service $100; County Nurse $700; Health Services $300; Ag Building $600; Urban Rural Development $75; Emergency Management $900; Weed Control $4000.

Voting aye: Thompson, Maroney, Bowman, and Schulz. Voting nay: none.

Resolution approved this 29th day of December, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

Motion by Thompson, seconded by Maroney and carried to authorize the auditor to make operating transfers as provided for in 2010 budget as follows: Road & Bridge, $501,683; Dispatch, $1,000.

Motion by Maroney, seconded by Bowman and carried to authorize the auditor to make an automatic supplement to Emergency Management $2353.18 for grant funds received.

Claims allowed: Alltel $95.98; Audio Electronics $669.94, BJM Enterprise $3300.00, Butler Machinery Co $16.00, repairs; SD Department of Transportation $1822.13, contracted maintenance; Karen Beranek $10.58, BJM Enterprise Inc $14,728.22, Butler Machinery Co $3155.48, Central Business Supply $47.98, Dakota Fluid Power Inc $358.82, Kay Genzlinger $25.00, Grainger $1785.43, Homestead Building Supply $16.79, Howard Farmers Coop $16,979.65, Huron Culvert & Tank $5200.43, Law Enforcement Systems $87.00, McLeod’s Printing & Office Supplies $35.00, Karla Neises $126.85, Office Peeps, Inc $1061.92, Sanitation Products, Inc $391.00, SD Dept of Transportation $388.49, Sturdevant’s Auto Parts $193.58, Tom’s Hardware $1.98, Ultra, Inc $1147.00, Verizon Conferencing $50.45, Wheelco Brake & Supply $31.50, WW Tire Service $165.24, supplies; Karen Beranek $153.26, Don Bowman $46.99, John D. Haak $3.70, Wallace Jacobson $4.81, Patrick Maroney $115.44, Bruce Nelson $10.36, Dan Page $11.84, Rollin Schulz $13.32, SD Dept of Ag $40.00, SD Assn of Co Weed & Pest Brds $110.00, travel; Brock White Co $10,341.60, Spencer Quarries, Inc $20,812.50; road materials; Community Counseling Service $1949.00, Mental Health Center & Drug Abuse grants; deCastro Law Office $427.80, court appointed attorney; Patricia Hartsel $49.40, judicial transcripts, Miner County Treasurer $198.98, cash item-postage; Rachael Nichols $39.98, judicial witness; NW Energy & Comm. $1445.30, Servall Towel & Linen $33.54, rent; Sioux Falls Two Way Radio $6356.00, equipment; SD Dept of Health Lab Service $35.00, blood alcohol; Vander Haag’s Inc $16,250.00, weed truck; Yankton County $103.75, mental hearing expense.

The meeting adjourned to January 4, 2011. Dated this 29th day of December 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan R. Connor, Miner County Auditor


December 21, 2010

The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in regular session, December 21, 2010, in the Miner County Courthouse. Members present: Patrick Maroney, Heath Thompson, and Don Bowman. Absent: Rollin Schulz. and Voni Durant. Commissioner-elect Roger Wentland was also in attendance. Vice-Chairman Thompson called the meeting to order.

Motion by Maroney, seconded by Bowman and carried to approve the agenda. The minutes of December 7th were approved.

Motion by Maroney, seconded by Bowman and carried to enter into the prisoner housing agreement with Charles Mix County at the rate of $45/day/prisoner.

Motion by Maroney, seconded by Bowman and carried to enter into the contract for Juvenile Detention services with Minnehaha County with rates as follows: secure and non-secure detention $140 per day; non-secure detention at the Volunteers of America Dakotas facility $110 per day.

Deputy Sheriff Rob Eggert made a request for funding to the James Valley Crisis Intervention Team which provides services to Miner County emergency personnel. Motion by Maroney, seconded by Bowman and carried to grant $200 to the intervention team.

Motion by Maroney, seconded by Bowman and carried to sign the Company/Financial Institution ACH Origination Agreement with the Miner County Bank for future processing of the county’s payroll.

Commissioners reviewed sections 10 & 11 of the proposed employee policy. The policy will be on the agenda for adoption at the January 4th meeting.

Poor Relief Case 10-22 was considered. Motion by Bowman, seconded by Maroney and carried to deny case 10-22 due to lack of information available to determine residency and eligibility.

Motion by Maroney seconded by Bowman and carried to approve the revised by-laws of the Miner County Ambulance Board.

Highway Superintendent Ron Krempges reviewed highway matters including extended warranty for the 2006 Cat motorgrader, and spring load limits. Krempges is proposing spring limits to be set at 80,000 maximum gross weight with 7 tons/ axle.

The following quote per gallon (excluding non applicable or refunded tax) based on a constant markup escalator clause was received for fuel for the period of January 1, 2011, through December 31, 2011: Howard Farmers Coop Association $2.753 unleaded, $2.716 unleaded with ethanol, $3.348 clear #1, $2.978 clear #2, $3.132 dyed #1, $2.762 dyed #2, $3.152 dyed #1 at Carthage shop, $2.782 dyed #2 at Carthage shop. It was moved by Bowman, seconded by Maroney, and carried to award the purchase of fuel for the period from January 1 to December 31 to Howard Farmers Coop Association with the price being adjusted according the rack prices as of January 1, 2011.

Claims allowed: Alltel $85.54, telephone; Valara Anderson $14.80, Karen Beranek $216.52, Robert Calmus $30.00, Kari Jo Carlson $5.18, Michael Connor $6.29, Barbara Genzlinger $2.96, Jim Krantz $431.35, SD Assn of Co Weed & Pest Brds $85.00, travel; Avera Home Medical Equipment $65.00, Butler Machinery Co $939.36, Cattle Fax $200.00, Dakotagas Propane $104.40, Dawson Construction $40.00, First Dist Assn Local Govts $50.00, GCR Tire Centers $548.00, Graham Tire Co. $1117.50, Homestead Building Supply $9.18,; McLeod’s & Office Supply $875.93, Office Peeps $707.79, Pheasant Industries $9.64, Postmaster $56.00, Procellular $79.99, SDN Technologies $814.75, Stan Houston Equipment $255.50, Sturdevant’s Auto Parts $913.32, Tom’s Hardware Hank $46.68, Universal Services $257.40, Van’s Auto Electric $250.00, Wheelco Brake & Supply $2177.15, supplies; Team Lab Chemical Corp $5087.50, road materials; Butler Machinery $506.00, Dakotagas Propane $45.00, Thomas R. Mentele $40.00, Prostrollo Auto Mall $710.56, SDN Technologies $1082.50, Sioux Falls Two Way Radio $225.00, repairs; Kingsbury Co Sheriff $31.88, service of papers; Qwest $94.18, 911 charges; Servall Towel & Linen $33.54, rent; James Valley Crisis Intervention Team $200, Professional Services.

The meeting adjourned to December 29th when a special end of the year meeting will be held at 1:15.

Dated this 21st day of December, 2010.

Heath Thompson, Vice-Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan R. Connor, Miner County Auditor

December 7, 2010

The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in regular session, December 7, 2010, in the Miner County Courthouse. Members present: Rollin Schulz, Patrick Maroney, Heath Thompson, Voni Durant and Don Bowman. Absent: none. Commissioner-elect Roger Wentland was also in attendance. Chairman Schulz called the meeting to order.

Motion by Bowman, seconded by Maroney and carried to approve the agenda as amended. The minutes of November 16th were approved.

The Auditor’s account with the County Treasurer showed a November 30, 2010 balance of $4,157,195.49 in all state, county, civil, school, and trust accounts.

Andy Carlson with the Olson Group presented information on Critical Illness Insurance that is offered through their company. Employees that work 30 hours or more would be eligible for this elective insurance through payroll deduction. Motion by Maroney, seconded by Durant and carried to allow the Olson Group to present the information to those employees that would be eligible for Critical Illness insurance and authorize premiums to be deducted through payroll.

Motion by Thompson, seconded by Durant and carried to sign the contract for Community Health Nurse services with the SD Department of Health.

Maroney informed the board on engineering & architectural costs for services from Architectural Inc.

Highway Superintendent Ron Krempges joined the meeting. He reported on the accident that occurred while the department was sanding roads. The single axle truck and sander were heavily damaged. Insurance adjustors have been contacted and Krempges is waiting for a report on the amount of the insurance claim. Maroney informed the board that at the last District meeting it was a recommendation to have a policy for documenting which intersections are sanded by the county. Krempges presented Miner County’s current Snow Removal and Sanding Policy. Krempges suggested that the commission consider purchasing an extended warranty on the 2006 Cat motor grader as the original warranty is due to expire. Krempges was instructed to contact Butler Machinery to request an inspection of the 2006 motor grader.

Maroney also showed commissioners Hanson County’s newly adopted drainage policy for informational purposes. Durant had been contacted by the Kingsbury Commission to appoint a representative to attend a meeting on December 21st at the Kingsbury County Courthouse to discuss drainage ordinances.

Norris Behm, Denny Feldhaus, Cindy Foster, Elwood Jacobson, Melanie Brandert from the Mitchell Daily Republic, & States Attorney Greg Protsch joined the meeting. Commissioner Thompson presented reasons for the Wheel Tax being implemented in 1994. Thompson believes that those reasons have been resolved with the current assessments and added valuation with the Keystone Pipeline. He also stated that if the ordinance was repealed the commission would have the ability to reinstate the tax if additional funds were needed in the future. Maroney voiced concern as to several uncertainties with the costs associated with the PSAP funding, state and federal shortfalls in funding of road & bridge projects and the fact that the SD Assn of County Commissioners has a policy requesting that all counties impose a wheel tax. Durant voiced support of repealing the tax. Bowman voiced concern as to the uncertainty of the economy and rising costs associated with maintaining county roads & he felt that our license plate fees are very reasonable compared to other states. Krempges voiced concern as to the trend of price increases over the years, especially overlays that will be required in the next few years. Approximate costs in 2014 for a 9 mile overlay would be $700,000 (county’s share). Originally overlays have been planned every 2 years. With the increase of these projects Krempges has changed to every three years, but doing this will cause the roads scheduled later to begin to deteriorate further before the overlays are completed. Thompson addressed some of the concerns stating that those added increases have been budgeted for over the years and that we are unique county as far as financial stability. Commissioner-elect Wentland said he could see both pros and cons of eliminating the wheel tax. Schulz added that our roads are being used for grain hauling by trucks licensed in other counties & therefore do not help pay for road maintenance. Durant thought that by giving residents a break now they would maybe support the reinstating of the tax in the future if the revenue was needed. Susan Connor asked the commission if they had considered reducing the county’s property tax levy as a way of reducing the tax burden on the taxpayers. Cindy Foster, President of the Association of Towns and Townships told of her concern with oil roads that have been turned back into gravel due to the high costs of maintaining oil roads. Currently 11 of the 16 townships have opt outs in place. Foster suggested that the county could share the revenue from the wheel tax with the townships on a percentage basis as other counties currently utilize. Jacobson voiced support in repealing the wheel tax.

Motion by Thompson and seconded by Durant to adopt the following resolution.


WHEREAS, the County Commission imposed, collected, and enforced a wheel tax, due to rising property tax, the proposed property tax limitation measure, and the uncertainty that personal property replacement funds would be received due to state cutbacks should video lottery cease and penalties for failing to meet assessment standards on September of 1994; and

WHEREAS, wheel tax revenue is deposited in the County Wheel Tax Fund to be expended for highway and bridge maintenance and construction; and

WHEREAS, revenue to the general fund has increased from the centrally assessed Keystone pipeline which exceeds current wheel tax fund revenues; and

WHEREAS, revenues from the Keystone pipeline can replace current wheel tax revenues for highway and bridge maintenance and construction; and

WHEREAS, a County Wheel Tax could be re-established in the future if additional revenues are needed for highway and bridge maintenance and construction pursuant to SDCL 32-5A-1;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Miner County board of Commissioners passes an ordinance repealing ordinance 94-01.

Voting aye: Thompson and Durant. Voting nay: Bowman, Maroney and Schulz. Resolution failed.

Dated this 7th day of December, 2010.

Dennis Chance made a request to reconvey the tax deed property held by the county which was previously owned by Mr. Chance. Motion by Maroney, seconded by Bowman to adopt the following resolution.


WHEREAS Miner County is the owner of the tax deed property described as Lot 4, Block 29, Carthage City, OP; and

WHEREAS Dennis Chance has made a request to obtain the above described property which he lost through tax deed proceedings; and

WHEREAS SDCL 10-25-41 gives the county commissioners the authority to authorize reconveyance by quitclaim deed to the record owner or his assignees or successors only of any real estate held by the county under tax-deed title only; and

WHEREAS the total principal, interest, and costs of all taxes represented in the tax deed shall be required paid in full in cash by Mr. Chance;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the county shall reconvey the property when such principal, interest, costs and $10 filing fee for the quit claim deed is paid by Mr. Chance.

Voting aye: Bowman, Thompson, Maroney, Durant and Schulz. Voting nay: none. Resolution adopted this 7th day of December, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

Director of Equalization Kay Hageman reported on a request she has received from a company for all property tax assessments. After discussion of other counties’ policies it was suggest by Maroney to have a committee of department heads draft a policy to present at a future meeting.

Krempges continued with other highway matters. He reported on an offer for a lease of John Deere tractor through Noteboom Implement. The lease would consist of a 6 month lease with 250 hrs of free use. He was instructed to obtain the lease so that it can be reviewed before entering into the agreement. Commissioner Thompson was not present for the entire hwy matters discussion. Krempges voiced no concern with the Central Electric Environmental study. Safety issues and the use of seat belts were covered.

Motion by Durant, seconded by Maroney, and carried to grant the following level raises: Arnum Blunt from level 3 to level 4 and Grant Stevens from level 5 to level 6. Krempges presented his proposed 5 year plan for highway projects and equipment purchases.

The commission accepted the resignation of Valera Anderson from the Community Counseling Board. Valera has served as a member of the Community Counseling Board, representing Miner County, since April 1981. The board recognizes her many years of service and thanks her for serving the residents of Miner County.

Motion by Thompson, seconded by Maroney and carried to appoint Connie Ruml to the Community Counseling Board to fulfill the vacancy due to the resignation of Valera Anderson.

Motion by Bowman, seconded by Maroney and carried to declare the steel removed from the 4-H pig barn and the furnace previously located in the 4-H exhibit hall as surplus and advertise for public auction.

Auditor Connor reported on conversations between the auditor’s office and Independent Communications concerning the transfer of ownership of their tower. Currently Miner County rents space on the tower for repeater placement. Further information will be brought to the commission when received from Independent Communications.

Claims allowed: Payroll by department: Commissioners $3463.50; Auditor $6567.25; Treasurer $7051.00; State's Attorney $3875.25; Custodian $2673.51; Director of Equalization $5215.52; Register of Deeds $6068.57; Veteran Service Office $972.00; Sheriff $10,761.50; Contract Law Enforcement $3049.25; Public Health Office $1835.24; Ambulance $4962.93; WIC $99.33; Extension $2567.50; Weed $749.72; Highway $32,715.70; Dispatch $9203.17; Emergency Management $2127.25;

Other Claims: Miner County Bank $7463.95, social security match, Wellmark, $26,765.65, health insurance match; SD Retirement System $5718.62; retirement match; Election Board Workers $4415.66; Canova C.A.R.E Center $75.00, Fedora Fire Dept. $50.00, Carthage City $50.00, polling places; SD Dept of Revenue $1687.40, predatory animal control; Human Service Center $449.40, patient care; Mike Clary $12.00, travel; Witness Fees, $38.50; Carmen Bremmon $281.70, Professional Services; South Dakota Assoc. County Commissioners $2368.47 CLERP; Miner County Pioneer $108.12, publishing; Valera Anderson $207.20, Susan Connor $27.38, Lanny Klinkhammer $120.00, Mary Clark $1.11, Matt Connor $6.29, Rita Nelson $10.36, Best Western Ramkota Inn $87.00, Ron Krempges $18.00, travel; SD Dept. Health $460.00, Rafferty Robbins $8.93, McLeod’s Printing $84.21, Stamp Fulfillment $1000.60, Dakota Data Shred $44.80, Dust-Tex Services $84.84, Mid-American Research Chemical $49.50, Rusty’s $17.77, Lexis Nexis $52.24, Neve’s Uniforms $49.03, SD Dept of Public Safety $90.00, Velvet Uniforms $690.00, A-OX Welding $38.22, Cora Schwader $116.64, Cretex Concrete Prod.$298.80, Diamond Mowers $39.53, Fastenal $20.30, Homestead Bldg Sup $36.38, Howard Farmers Coop $84.84, Mac’s $3.14, Office Peeps $164.87, Sturdevant’s $401.35, Thompson West $28.00, WW Tire $4586.80, Rolling Prairie Grain $1767.68 Supplies; Alliance Communications $1010.49, Alltel $223.92, Verizon Conferencing $27.31, Splitrock Properties $48.90 phone service; Ultra, Inc. $40.00, Howard Auto Clinic $78.00, Al’s Service $56.88, Boyer Ford Trucks $1,164.60, Sioux Falls Two-Way $1667.96 Repairs; Splitrock Properties $314.90, Qwest $93.02, Triotel $177.53, Santel $55.12 911 Charges; Howard Farmers Coop $21,035.82 Fuel; Amy Neises $45.00, SD Dept. Health Serv. Lab $209.00, Alcohol & Drug Testing; Greg Protsch $900.00 office allowance; City of Howard $1218.78, Northwestern Energy $448.98, Xcel Energy $12.41, Utilities; Servall Towel $89.96, rent; SD Dept of Transportation $6746.15 Contracted Services; Barb Esser $800.00 Pandemic Planning; Interlakes Comm. Action $394.12 Out-reach worker; Lewis & Clark Behavioral Health $142.00 Mental Illness Services; Volunteers of America $400 Juvenile Detention; Miner County Treasurer $364.07 Cash Item-Postage.

The meeting adjourned to December 21, 2010. Dated this 7th day of December, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

November 16, 2010

The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in adjourned session, November 16, 2010, in the Miner County Courthouse. Members present: Rollin Schulz, Voni Durant, Patrick Maroney, Heath Thompson, and Don Bowman. Absent: None. Chairman Schulz called the meeting to order. Commissioner elect, Roger Wentland was also in attendance.

Motion by Bowman, seconded by Maroney and carried to approve the agenda.

The building committee discussed the 2 proposals from MSH Architects and Architecture Inc. The committee will contact Architecture Inc. for itemized costs associated with the architectural and engineering costs.

Bond limits with CNA Surety for officials’ bonds are set at $25,000 for the Treasurer, $5,000 for the Sheriff, and $2,500 for all other officials. Consideration of raising those limits was presented. No action was taken.

Community Health Nurse Barb Esser presented the quarterly CHN report.

Heath Thompson presented information on the additional property tax revenues due to the addition of valuation from the Keystone Pipeline and the need for the continuation of the wheel tax revenues. Maroney asked about telephone communication between the commissioners prior to the meeting. It was determined that no quorum was present during any discussion. Revenues generated through the wheel tax from prior years averaged $64,150 per year for the past 6 years. The amount held in the capital accumulation for larger projects and purchases was also reviewed. Commissioners voiced concern as to funds needed for future highway expenditures including overlay and bridge projects scheduled for the upcoming years.

Highway Superintendent Krempges answered questions as to overlay projects and funds available through the STIP funds held at the State level. Overlay projects are tentatively scheduled for 2014 & 2015. Equipment repairs, road repairs on roads due to high water levels in the NE corner of the county, gravel testing, and current tiling projects that are taking place throughout the county were included in his report.

Thompson made a request to put the removal of the wheel tax ordianance on the agenda for the December 7th meeting at 10:30 and to request the States Attorney to be present for the discussion.

Commissioners reviewed section 7 of the proposed employee policy. Sections 8 & 9 will be presented at the December 7th meeting.

Claims allowed: AED Superstore $127.80, American Red Cross $260.00, Boyer Ford Trucks $251.31, Robert Calmus $28.70, Dust-Tex Service $84.84, Election Systems & Software $1858.69, Hard Drive Central $233.49, Homestead Building Supply $67.99, Howard Farmers Coop $993.25, Hydraulic World $13.87, LexisNexis Matthew Bender $313.76, Menards $491.32, Mobile Electronic Service $4003.50, Office Peeps $7.16, Rafferty-Robbins Drug $3.49, Sturdevant’s Auto Parts $72.98, Tri State Implement $121.26, West $288.50, Wheelco Brake & Supply $272.82, supplies; A-OX Welding Supply Co $170.00, rent; Queen of Peace $220.00, Horizon Health Care $45.00, drug & alcohol testing; Karen Beranek $253.40, Don Bowman $31.08, Robert Calmus $15.00, Susan Connor $26.64, Voni Durant $29.60, Wallace Jacobson $52.00, Lanny Klinkhammer $72.53, Rollin Schulz $13.32, travel; Bob’s Electric $100.00, Dan’s Heating & Cooling $279.05, Hard Drive Central $51.80, repairs; CNA Surety

$252.40, surety bond; Davison County Jail $65.00, prisoner care; Splitrock Properties $48.90, phone service, $314.90, 911 charges.

The meeting adjourned to December 7, 2010. Dated this 16th day of November 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan R. Connor, Miner County Auditor

November 4, 2010

The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in regular session, October 5, 2010, in the Miner County Courthouse. Members present: Rollin Schulz, Patrick Maroney, Heath Thompson, Voni Durant and Don Bowman. Absent: none. Chairman Schulz called the meeting to order.

Motion by Durant, seconded by Bowman and carried to approve the agenda as amended. The minutes of October 19th were approved.

The Auditor’s account with the County Treasurer showed an October 31, 2010 balance of $4,813,387.67 in all state, county, civil, school, and trust accounts.

Commissioners recognized R. Dean Sherman for his years of service to Miner County as coroner. Sherman began as Miner County Coroner in 1975 retiring in July of this year. The board thanked him for his dedication to the position of coroner and for his service to the citizens of Miner County.

The board conducted the official canvass of the results of the general election held November 2, 2010, and transmitted the results to the Secretary of State.

Motion by Thompson, seconded by Maroney and carried to adopt the following resolution.

Resolution 10-25

WHEREAS, insufficient appropriation was made in the 2010 adopted budget for Ag Building and Urban & Rural Development to discharge just obligations of said appropriations; and

WHEREAS, SDCL 7-21-32.2 provides that transfers may be made by resolution of the board from the contingency appropriation established pursuant to SDCL 7-21-06.1 to other appropriation;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the appropriation of $1100 be transferred from contingency as follows: Ag Building $1000; Urban & Rural Development $100.

Voting aye: Durant, Maroney, Bowman, Schulz and Thompson. Voting Nay: none.

Resolution approved this 4th day of November, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan R. Connor, Miner County Auditor

Motion by Durant, seconded by Bowman and carried to authorize the auditor to make an automatic supplement to the Ag Building fund, $4738 for grant funds received.

Commissioners reviewed correspondence from the Minnehaha Board of Commissioners concerning the future needs of the Minnehaha County Regional Juvenile Detention Center. Miner County is part of the SE District compact that was formed in 1995 to share the cost of secure juvenile detention. Motion by Maroney and seconded by Durant to adopt the following resolution in support to proceed with the development phase of the new Regional Juvenile Detention Center.


WHEREAS, Minneahaha County and the Counties of Bon Homme, Brookings, Charles Mix, Clay, Hanson, Hutchinson, Lake, Lincoln, McCook, Miner, Moody, Turner and Yankton established a Joint Powers Agreement in 1995 to provide each with secure juvenile detention space when needed and share the debt service of expanding the Minnehaha County JDC to provide the needed space for such agreement; and

WHEREAS, the Joint Powers Agreement established by the counties is due to expire on June 30, 2015 and each member county plus Davison and Union Counties have expressed an interest in crafting a new Joint Powers Agreement; and

WHEREAS, these counties have met as a group to examine facility and programming needs of the Minnehaha County Regional Juvenile Detention Center over the next 15 to 20 years; and

WHEREAS, part of the work of the group has included contracting with Perspective Inc. to produce a pre-design report that includes a recommendation that the current JDC facility should be replaced; now it is hereby


1. That Miner County wishes to proceed to the design and development phase of a new Regional Juvenile Detention Center.

2. That Miner County understands Minnehaha County will assume the cost for all work associated with the design and development phase of a new Regional Juvenile Detention Center, and Miner County agrees to participate in the design and development phase. Minnehaha County may roll design and development costs into a bond issue for later reimbursement.

3. That participating in this design and development phase will not commit the participating counties to anything other than continuing to gather information.

4. That by taking this step participating counties will be able to further identify the true size needs and cost of constructing a new JDC.

Dated this 4th day of November, 2010.


Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

Highway Superintendent Ron Krempges reported on the exchange of road work between Kingsbury County and Miner County. Kingsbury County will reimburse Miner County for the additional work through gravel and cash reimbursement. Krempges voiced concern as to the amount of tiling being completed on agricultural land and the methods being used to cross county roads. Equipment repairs and other highway matters were also discussed.

Elizabeth Squyer of Architecture Incorporated and John deWit of Associated Consulting Engineering, Inc. presented a proposal for services associated with the courthouse elevator project. Commissioner Bowman informed the board of a citizen’s request for the addition of an elevator to the courthouse.

The board adjourned as a Board of Commissioners and reconvened as a Planning Commission acting as the Board of Adjustments.

A hearing was held as advertised to consider the application of Lynette Nutter to locate a 16’ addition to the existing house closer to the road than zoning regulations allow in the NE ¼ 25-106-58, Clinton Township, Miner County, South Dakota.

Following consideration of oral and written testimony in support of the application, it was moved by Bowman, seconded by Thompson and carried that the Findings that follow be approved.










That the applicant, Lynette Nutter, has made an application for a variance to locate a 16’ addition to the existing house closer to the road than allowed by zoning regulations in the NE ¼ 25-106-58, Clinton Township in Miner County, South Dakota, and that Lynette Nutter is the owner of record thereof.


That the proposed use of said realty is specifically prohibited by the zoning ordinance without applicant first obtaining a variance, for which she has applied and paid the applicable fee.


That upon said application, notice of hearing was given as required by the Miner County Zoning Ordinance by mailing to the adjoining landowners and by publication.


That hearing upon said application was held on November 4, 2010, in the Commissioners’ Room of the Miner County Courthouse.


That applicant appeared in person.


That no one appeared in opposition.


That a presentation in support of said variance and testimony on behalf of said variance was received at the hearing and that no testimony regarding concerns for the granting of the variance was received at the hearing.

NOW, THEREFORE, that application, testimony at the hearing, having been considered, it is the FINDING of the Miner County Board of Adjustment that the application of Lynette Nutter for a variance be approved to allow placing a 16’ addition to the existing house closer to the road for the following reasons:

1) That the Miner County Board of Adjustment is empowered under Section 505 to grant the variance and that the requirements of the zoning ordinance regarding a variance have been met by the applicant.

2) That the Miner County Board of Adjustment is able to make the applicable findings required by Section 505 of the ordinance, which are considered prerequisite to the granting of a variance.


That the Board of Adjustment vote upon approval of such application was five in favor thereof and none opposed thereto.

It is, therefore, ORDERED that said application be approved.

Dated this 4th day of November, 2010.

Patrick Maroney, Chairman

Miner County Board of Adjustment


Susan Connor, Secretary

The board adjourned as a Planning Commission and reconvened as a Board of Commissioners.

Extension Educator Jim Krantz requested a level raise for Extension assistant Maria Feldhaus. Motion by Maroney, seconded by Durant and carried to grant a level raise to Maria Feldhaus from level 6 to level 7.

Cora Schwader, Pat Carmon and Maria Feldhaus joined the meeting to discuss the proposed personnel policy. Requests were made to increase the amount of vacation earned for employees with 15 years or more of service to the county and to allow the carryover of compensatory time earned in a year to the following year. Commissioners did not make changes to the proposed policy concerning these requests.

Claims allowed: Payroll by department: Commissioners $3463.50; Auditor $5420.43; Treasurer $5576.00; State's Attorney $3225.25; Custodian $2785.69; Director of Equalization $4787.23; Register of Deeds $5211.46; Veteran Service Office $697.00; Sheriff $9186.50; Contract Law Enforcement $2949.25; Public Health Office $1844.70; Ambulance $8053.32; WIC $156.09; Extension $2182.50; Weed $675.75; Highway $27,539.24; Dispatch $9290.70; Emergency Management $2027.25; Erin Feldhaus $894.25, Colleen Noid $183.00, Barbara Genzlinger $336.00, Kimberly Halverson $48.00, Donna Klinkhammer $692.00, Lanny Klinkhammer $324.00, Rick Olson $300.00, Ashley Callies $1509.50, ambulance attendants;

Other Claims: Miner County Bank $7111.19, social security match, Wellmark, $ 26,481.16, health insurance match; SD Retirement System $5050.60; retirement match; SD Dept of Revenue $1545.00, county nurse payment; Miner County Treasurer $139.17, cash item-postage; Mike Sebert $10.00, Jerry Sprecher $30.00, Nathan Ruml $10.00, ambulance drivers; AED Superstore $138.55, A-OX Welding Supply $58.97, Brock White Co $105.00, Central Business Supply $26.27, Emergency Medical Products $141.73, Howard Farmers Coop $13,476.26, James River Equipment Co. $25.00, Krug Products Inc $116.68, Lyle Signs $119.80, McLeod’s Printing & Office Supply $56.04, Mid-American Research $476.61, Office Peeps, Inc $724.36, Rafferty-Robbins Drug $22.07, Rusty’s Foodland $140.27, Safety Kleen Corp $321.41, SD Federal Property Agency $532.50, Stamp Fulfillment Services $1247.60, Sturdevant’s Auto Parts $766.15, Tom’s Hardware Hank $14.66, Universal Products $250.00, Vilas Sales & Service $92.96, WW Tire Service $3327.84, supplies; Alliance Communications $1000.47, Alltel $51.11, phone service; Davison County Jail $325.00, prisoner care; Donna Dietrich $6.86, Yankton Co $25.00, mental illness hearing; GeoFurnace $4738.00, Hard Drive Central $203.44, Howard Auto Clinic $1410.60, SDN Communications $320.00, Vilas Sales & Service $38.00, repairs; Interlakes Community Action $394.12, outreach worker; Howard City $1206.43, NW Energy & Comm $46.30, Xcel Energy $10.73, utilities; Ron Krempges $9.00, Ramkota Hotel $154.00, Henry Rentschler $53.28, Molly Steeneck $617.82, travel; Miner County Pioneer $1096.52, publishing; Miner County Treasurer $205.63, cash item - postage & supplies; Philip Parent $167.00, court appointed attorney; Gregory Protsch $900.00, office expense allowance; Santel Communications $55.12, Triotel Communications $170.22, 911 charges; Servall Towel & Linen $101.40, SD Dept of Health Lab Service $180.00, blood alcohol testing; SD Dept of Transportation $733.00, contracted maintenance, Canova Cowhands 4-H Club $387.26, Clearwater Country Cousins 4-H $795.58, Hard to Beat 4-H Club $372.94, Matt Nutter $22.95, Helpful Workers 4-H Club $56.42, Henden Future Farmers 4-H Club $673.03, 4-H awards.

The meeting adjourned to November 16, 2010. Dated this 4th day of November 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan R. Connor, Miner County Auditor

October 19, 2010

The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in adjourned session, October 19, 2010, in the Miner County Courthouse. Members present: Patrick Maroney, Heath Thompson, and Don Bowman. Absent: Rollin Schulz and Voni Durant. Vice-Chairman Thompson called the meeting to order.

Motion by Bowman, seconded by Maroney and carried to approve the agenda as amended.

The minutes of October 5th were approved with the correction of the legal description on the variance granted for Brenda Reisch. Legal is corrected to read the SE ¼ exc. E 553.74’ of the N 1180.08, Sec. 10, Township 106N, Range 56 W, Howard Township, Miner County, South Dakota.

Consideration of the purposed personnel policy section 5 will be postponed until the November 4th meeting.

Correspondence from Attorney Robert Nelson on behalf of McKennan Hospital was considered. Motion by Maroney, seconded by Bowman and carried to deny the request made by Nelson relating to Poor Relief case 10-4 .

Motion by Bowman, seconded by Maroney and carried to adopt the following resolution.

Resolution 10-24

WHEREAS, insufficient appropriation was made in the 2010 adopted budget for Ag Building to discharge just obligations of said appropriations; and

WHEREAS, SDCL 7-21-32.2 provides that transfers may be made by resolution of the board from the contingency appropriation established pursuant to SDCL 7-21-06.1 to other appropriation;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the appropriation of $500 be transferred from contingency as follows: Ag Building $500.

Voting aye: Maroney, Bowman, and Thompson. Voting Nay: none.

Resolution approved this 19th day of October, 2010.

Heath Thompson, Vice-Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan R. Connor, Miner County Auditor

The total unreserved, undesignated fund balance of the General Fund as of September 30, 2010 is $950,490.25 which represents a 32.83% fund balance percentage based on 2011 total General Fund budget.

Motion by Maroney, seconded by Bowman and carried to enter into the State & Local Agreement with the State of South Dakota which provides a single funding, operating and reporting instrument for the accomplishment of agreed upon activities and products under performance activities to justify local funding assistance. The goal is to protect South Dakota’s citizens and their property from the effects of natural, manmade, and technological disasters through a comprehensive emergency management program of preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation.

Highway Superintendent Ron Krempges reviewed mowing and graveling projects, future equipment purchases, and other highway matters.

Gary Drewes of SDPAA, Russ Hendricks of Fishers Rounds & Associates, Curt Neises of Miner Insurance, and Doug Jerlow of Kundert-Williams Insurance joined the meeting to present quotes for liability, property and auto insurance coverage.

The following quotes for liability, property & commercial auto insurance were as follows: from Miner Insurance Agency & Kundert-Williams Insurance, $48,062; from South Dakota Public Assurance Alliance, $34,122.46. Motion by Bowman, seconded by Maroney and carried to continue insurance coverage with the SDPAA.

Claims allowed: Alltel $172.23, Splitrock Properties $48.90, phone service; Avera Home Medical Equipment $26.00, Boyer Ford Truck $15.03, Butler Machinery Co $1656.66, County Wide Directory $430.00, Diamond Mowers, Inc $667.42, Dust-Tex Service $84.84, G & H Radiator Co $106.00, Hodges Badge Co. $648.53, Homestead Building Supply $7.89, Howard Farmers Coop $11,711.53, James Valley Nursery $149.00, LaCal Equipment Inc $477.72, Liberty Flag & Specialty $354.85, Marshall & Swift $1466.90, McLeod’s Printing & Office Suplies $207.16, National 4-H Supply Service $37.95, Office Peeps, Inc $372.88, Peterson Imp $400.00, Pheasant Industries $108.20, Power Promotions $25.30, Puthoff Repair Sales & Service $7.37, Rafferty-Robbins Drug $3.98, SD Federal Property Agency $215.50, Sturdevant’s Auto Parts $105.85, supplies; Don Bowman $20.72, Diane Rentz $335.42, Darwin Callies,$34.78, travel; Denise Cody $15.00, Donna Dietrich $90.20, Kabeiseman & Pollard $170.00, Lincoln County Auditor $293.50, Gary Mikelson $41.00, Cathy Rehfuss $15.00, Shepherd Reporting Service $25.00, mental illness hearing; Dakota Body Shop $2477.41, Howard Farmers Coop $56.25, Office of Fire Marshall $60.00, Office Peeps $57.84, repairs; First Dist Assn of Local Govts $6672.40, annual contribution; Howard City $1422.02, utilities, Interlakes Community Action $394.12, outreach worker; Lammers, Kleibacker & Brown $990.00, court appointed attorney; Larson & Nipe $968.40, States Attorney special prosecutor, Miner County Pioneer $28.00, publishing; Miner County Treasurer $1451.55, 4-H awards; Spiltrock Properties $314.90, Triotel Communications $167.53, Qwest $92.91, Santel Communications $55.12, 911 charges; SD Public Assurance Alliance $34,122.46, property & liability insurance.

Minnehaha County $1019.02, juvenile detention payments; Mitchell Regional Ambulance $300.00, ALS ambulance service; SDML Workers’ Comp Fund $31,922.00, workers’ comp insurance; Servall Towel & Linen $56.42, rent.

The meeting adjourned to Thursday, November 4, 2010. Dated this 19th day of October, 2010.

Heath Thompson, Vice-Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan R. Connor, Miner County Auditor

October 5, 2010

The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in regular session, October 5, 2010, in the Miner County Courthouse. Members present: Rollin Schulz, Patrick Maroney, Heath Thompson, Voni Durant and Don Bowman. Absent: none. Chairman Schulz called the meeting to order.

Motion by Durant, seconded by Thompson and carried to approve the agenda. The minutes of September 7th were approved.

The Auditor’s account with the County Treasurer showed a September 30, 2010 balance of $3,618,511.27 in all state, county, civil, school, and trust accounts.

CHN administrative assistant Gibi Page presented information concerning Breast Health Awareness month and the All Women Count program. Commissioners agreed to promote both programs by encouraging all county employees to donate $5 to the All Women Count Program and to wear pink on October 21st in recognition of Breast Health Awareness month.

Commissioners reviewed Poor Relief applications 10-19, 10-20, and 10-21. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Bowman and carried to deny application 10-19 due to the applicant being eligible for Medicaid, deny applications 10-20 and 10-21 due to lack of information available to determine residency and eligibility.

The board adjourned as a Board of Commissioners and reconvened as a Planning Commission acting as a Board of Adjustments. Planning chairman Maroney called the meeting to order. A hearing was held as advertised to consider the application of John & Brenda Reisch to locate a building closer to the road than zoning regulations allow in the E 553.74’ of N 1180.09’ of SE ¼ section 10, Township 106N, Range 56W, Howard Township.

Following consideration of oral & written testimony in support of the application, it was moved by Schulz, seconded by Bowman and carried that the Findings that follow be approved.











That the applicant, Brenda Reisch has made an application for a variance to locate a building closer to the road than allowed by zoning regulations in the E 553.74’ of N 1180.08’ of SE ¼ 10-106-56, Howard Township in Miner County, South Dakota, and that John & Brenda Reisch are the owners of record thereof.


That the proposed use of said realty is specifically prohibited by the zoning ordinance without applicant first obtaining a variance, for which she has applied and paid the applicable fee.


That upon said application, notice of hearing was given as required by the Miner County Zoning Ordinance by mailing to the adjoining landowners and by publication.


That hearing upon said application was held on October 5, 2010, in the Commissioners’ Room of the Miner County Courthouse.


That applicant appeared in person.


That no one appeared in opposition.


That a presentation in support of said variance and testimony on behalf of said variance was received at the hearing and that no testimony regarding concerns for the granting of the variance was received at the hearing.

NOW, THEREFORE, that application, testimony at the hearing, having been considered, it is the FINDING of the Miner County Board of Adjustment that the application of Brenda Reisch for a variance be approved to allow placing a building closer to the road for the following reasons:

1) That the Miner County Board of Adjustment is empowered under Section 505 to grant the variance and that the requirements of the zoning ordinance regarding a variance have been met by the applicant.

2) That the Miner County Board of Adjustment is able to make the applicable findings required by Section 505 of the ordinance, which are considered prerequisite to the granting of a variance.


That the Board of Adjustment vote upon approval of such application was five in favor thereof and none opposed thereto.

It is, therefore, ORDERED that said application be approved.

Dated this 5th day of October, 2010.

Patrick Maroney, Chairman

Miner County Board of Adjustment


Susan Connor, Secretary

A hearing was held as advertised to consider the application of Robert Poppen to locate a grained bin closer to the road than zoning regulations allow in the W ½ of the NW ¼ 26-108-56, Grafton Township, Miner County, South Dakota.

Following consideration of oral and written testimony in support of the applications, it was moved by Durant, seconded by Thompson and carried that the Findings that follow be approved.










That the applicant, Robert Poppen has made an application for a variance to locate a grain bin closer to the road than allowed by zoning regulations in the W ½ of the NW 1/4, 26-108-56, Grafton Township in Miner County, South Dakota, and that Robert Poppen is the owner of record thereof.


That the proposed use of said realty is specifically prohibited by the zoning ordinance without applicant first obtaining a variance, for which he has applied and paid the applicable fee.


That upon said application, notice of hearing was given as required by the Miner County Zoning Ordinance by mailing to the adjoining landowners and by publication.


That hearing upon said application was held on October 5, 2010, in the Commissioners’ Room of the Miner County Courthouse.


That applicant appeared in person.


That no one appeared in opposition.


That a presentation in support of said variance and testimony on behalf of said variance was received at the hearing and that no testimony regarding concerns for the granting of the variance was received at the hearing.

NOW, THEREFORE, that application, testimony at the hearing, having been considered, it is the FINDING of the Miner County Board of Adjustment that the application of Robert Poppen for a variance be approved to allow placing a grain bin closer to the road for the following reasons:

1) That the Miner County Board of Adjustment is empowered under Section 505 to grant the variance and that the requirements of the zoning ordinance regarding a variance have been met by the applicant.

2) That the Miner County Board of Adjustment is able to make the applicable findings required by Section 505 of the ordinance, which are considered prerequisite to the granting of a variance.


That the Board of Adjustment vote upon approval of such application was five in favor thereof and none opposed thereto.

It is, therefore, ORDERED that said application be approved.

Dated this 5th day of October, 2010.

Patrick Maroney, Chairman

Miner County Board of Adjustment

Attest: Susan Connor, Secretary

The board adjourned as a Planning Commission and reconvened as a Board of Commissioners.

Motion by Maroney, seconded by Durant and carried to abate the taxes associated with the tax deed property located at Lot 4, Block 29, Carthage City OP.

Highway Superintendent Ron Krempges informed the commission that Darwin Callies has been offered the position of highway worker. Callies will start employment at level 2 on the salary scale. Krempges also reported on mowing of road ditches, gravel crushing activities, bale removal from county ditches and other highway matters.

Commissioners discussed the proposal of MSH Architects for the elevator project. After review and further discussion more proposals for architect services will be sought.

Commissioners reviewed section 4 of the proposed personnel policy. Section 5 will be reviewed at the October 19th meeting.

Claims allowed: Payroll by department: Commissioners $3463.50; Auditor $4908.10; Treasurer $5576.00; State's Attorney $3225.25; Custodian $2333.77; Director of Equalization $4513.48; Register of Deeds $4728.73; Veteran Service Office $697.00; Sheriff $9186.50; Contract Law Enforcement $2949.25; Public Health Office $1291.29; Ambulance $4973.72; WIC $358.30; Extension $2182.50; Weed $675.75; Highway $35,121.40; Dispatch $8673.69; Emergency Management $2027.25.

Other Claims: Miner County Bank $6906.64, social security match, Wellmark, $26,526.93, health insurance match; SD Retirement System $5143.70; retirement match; F.A.S.T. $500.00, grant to after school program; Miner County Treasurer $139.17, cash item-postage; Alliance Communications $1042.29, Alltel $143.81, phone service; A-OX Welding Supply $409.04, rent; Audio Electronic Etc. $159.99, Avera Home Medical Equipment $26.00, Brock White Co $83.88, Butler Machinery Co $721.40, Concrete Materials $3251.70, Dakotagas Propane $51.20, Election Systems & Software $773.79, GCR Tire Centers $86.45, Homestead Building Supply $44.56, Howard City $307.50, James Valley Nursery $1617.49, Jebro, Inc $196,121.75, Kieffer Oil $105.00, McLeod’s Printing & Office Supply $35.46, Mid-American Research $1045.83, Office Peeps, Inc $512.51, Puthoff Repair Sales & Service $21.51, Rusty’s Foodland $223.60, Dale Schwader $29,629.63, David Skoglund $56.30, Stamp Fulfillment Services $307.00, Sturdevant’s Auto Parts $213.43, Tom’s Hardware Hank $18.00, Zep Manufacturing Co $238.20, supplies; Karen Beranek $405.75, Best Western Ramkota Inn $810.00, Don Bowman $79.92, Robert Calmus $51.92, Susan Connor $21.00, Voni Durant $14.80, Debra Eggert $124.44, Jim Krantz $752.78, Ron Krempges $9.00, Patrick Maroney $145.78, Karla Neises $21.00, Safety Benefits $75.00, Rollin Schulz $6.66, Super 8 Hot Springs $139.50, travel; Bob’s Electric $40.00, Dan’s Heating & Cooling $1428.57, G & H Radiator Co $92.83, Howard Auto Clinic $329.84, James Valley Nursery $100.00, SDN Communications $62.50, Sioux Falls Two Way Radio $125.00, repairs; Community Counseling Service $2008.50, drug abuse grant, $2008.50, mental health grant; Domestic Violence Network $112.50, Mitchell Area Safehouse $112.50, Miner County Treasurer $25.00, Domestic abuse pay to others; Richard Ericsson $164.00, Lincoln Co Auditor $280.00, mental illness hearing; Microfilm Imaging Systems $1750.00, Register of Deeds Equipment; Miner County Pioneer $299.02, publishing; Miner County Treasurer $112.31, cash item-postage & supplies; Miner Insurance Agency $927.00, Government Bldg insurance; Mitchell Regional Ambulance $300.00, ALS ambulance service; Natl Association of Counties $400.00, dues; NW Energy & Comm $35.52, gas service; Philip R Parent $527.40, court appointed attorney; Gregory Protsch $900.00, office expense allowance; Rechnagel Construction $59,600.00, contracted maintenance; Servall Towell & Linen $89.96, rent; Sioux Falls Two Way Radio $458.99, equipment; SD Dept of Legislative Audit $8607.50, audit; Xcel Energy $11.48, electric service; Vilas Sales & Service $7586.87, mower.

The meeting adjourned to October 19, 2010. Dated this 5th day of October, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan R. Connor, Miner County Auditor

September 20, 2010

The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in adjourned session, September 20, 2010, in the Miner County Courthouse. Members present: Patrick Maroney, Heath Thompson, and Don Bowman. Absent: Rollin Schulz and Voni Durant. Vice-Chairman Thompson called the meeting to order.

Motion by Bowman, seconded by Maroney and carried to approve the agenda.

The minutes of September 7th were approved.

Poor relief case 10-18 was considered. Motion by Maroney, seconded by Bowman and carried to deny application 10-18 due to lack of information to determine eligibility and residency.

The bid opening for the 1998 Ford Expedition XLT that was advertised for said meeting was held. No bids were received. Therefore, the vehicle will be sold on the next available auction.


For the year January 1, 2011, to December 31, 2011

Tax Levy in Tax Levy in

Dollars $’s/1,000



County Purposes (SDCL 10-12-9) $2,342,410 6.376

(Includes $5,618 to be distributed to the cities.)

It was moved by Maroney, seconded by Bowman, and carried to pass the following resolution.



WHEREAS, (7-21-5 through 13) SDCL provides that the Board of County Commissioners shall each year prepare a Provisional Budget of all contemplated expenditures and revenues of the County and all its institutions and agencies for such fiscal year, and

WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners did prepare a Provisional Budget and cause same to be published by law, and

WHEREAS, due and legal notice has been given to the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners for the consideration of such Provisional Budget and all changes, eliminations,

and additions that have been made thereto;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that such provisional budget as amended

and all its purposes, schedules, appropriations, amounts, estimates, and all matters therein



all its institutions and agencies for calendar year beginning January 1, 2011, and ending

December 31, 2011, and the same is hereby approved and adopted by the Board of

County Commissioners of Miner County, South Dakota, this 20th day of September, 2010.

The Annual Budget so adopted is available for public inspection during normal business

hours at the office of the county auditor, Miner County, South Dakota. The

accompanying taxes are levied by Miner County for the year January 1, 2011, through

December 31, 2011.


Rollin Schulz (ABSENT) Chairman

Heath Thompson Vice Chairman

Don Bowman Commissioner

Patrick R. Maroney Commissioner

Voni Durant (ABSENT) Commissioner

Attest: Susan Connor County Auditor

Motion by Bowman and seconded by Maroney to adopt the following resolution.


WHEREAS, SDCL 7-21-51 allows the board of commissioners to authorize the accumulation of funds for a period longer than one year for capital outlay purposes;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Miner County Board of Commissioners set forth funds from the General Fund for capital outlay accumulation for the construction of a courthouse elevator $90,000 to be completed in 2015.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such funds shall be expended within eighty-four months from the date of this resolution or the funds shall revert to the fund from which they were originally appropriated.

Voting aye: Thompson, Bowman, and Maroney. Voting nay: none.

Resolution approved this 20th day of September, 2010.

Heath Thompson, Vice Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

Motion by Maroney, seconded by Bowman and carried to authorize the auditor to make operating transfers as provided for in the 2010 budget from General Fund to the Road & Bridge Fund, $250,000 and to the Emergency Management Fund, $19,226.

Motion by Maroney, seconded by Bowman and carried to encourage all county employees, Miner County Ambulance personnel and Carthage Ambulance personnel to obtain a flu vaccination at the county’s expense through the County Health Nurse’s office.

Commissioners reviewed section 3 of the proposed employee policy handbook. Changes were noted and will be made available to all personnel before the adoption of the policy.

Highway Superintendent Ron Krempges, States Attorney Greg Protsch and Dave Clark joined the meeting. Clark informed the board of an existing drainage tile located in the north ditch of the SW1/4 of Section 25, Township 106N R56W, Howard Township. Clark is requesting permission allowing him to bore under county road #18 (Canova Oil). He will need to submit an application to the highway superintendent.

Krempges reported on services used through the SDPAA (liability insurance carrier) that are provided as a benefit as an insured. Other road matters were also covered.

Robin J. Miller of Miller, Sellers & Heroux Architects and Brad Stangohr of Ulteig Engineering presented information on the process utilized when considering building projects. Motion by Maroney, seconded by Bowman to hire MSH Architects for the exploration of the elevator project. Discussion on costs for services was reviewed. Maroney requested to withdraw the motion. Withdrawal of the motion was seconded by Bowman. Mr. Miller will prepare a proposal for preliminary architecture costs to be presented at a future meeting.

Gary Drewes of SDPAA, Russ Hendricks of Fishers Rounds & Associates, Curt Neises of Miner Insurance, and Doug Jerlow joined the meeting to present quotes for liability, property and auto insurance coverage. Incomplete applications were submitted to underwriting for Miner Insurance’s proposal. The presentation was postponed until October 19, 2010 to provide further time for premium quotes to be completed.

Claims allowed: Alltel $79.49, Splitrock Properties $363.80, phone service; Robert Calmus $149.78, travel; Dold Implement $230.25, Howard Farmers Coop $57.72, Office Peeps, Inc $105.22, repairs; DS Solutions, Inc $50.00, Howard Farmers Coop Assn $781.96, Lar-Jo’s $234.86, McLeod’s Printing & Office Supply $181.66, Mid-American Research $461.28, Motorola $1712.00, Office Peeps, Inc $320.55, Rusty’s Foodland $193.24, Sturdevant’s Auto Parts $25.26, Tom’s Hardware Hank $50.65, supplies; Interlakes Community Action $394.12, outreach worker; Mitchell Regional Ambulance $300.00, ALS ambulance support; Qwest $89.60, Santel Communications $55.12, 911 charges.

The meeting adjourned to October 5, 2010. Dated this 20th day of September, 2010.

Heath Thompson, Vice-chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

September 7, 2010

The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in regular session, September 7, 2010, in the Miner County Courthouse. Members present: Rollin Schulz, Patrick Maroney, Heath Thompson, Voni Durant and Don Bowman. Absent: none. Chairman Schulz called the meeting to order.

Motion by Durant, seconded by Bowman and carried to approve the agenda as amended. The minutes of August 17th and 25th were approved.

The Auditor’s account with the County Treasurer showed an August 31, 2010 balance of $3,750,496.43 in all state, county, civil, school, and trust accounts.

A hearing was held as advertised to consider the 2011 provisional budget for Miner County. No additional persons were in attendance. Final adoption will be on September 20th.

Miner County Coroner Terry Lee reviewed schooling requirements and equipment costs with the commission.

Correspondence from the F.A.S.T. (after school program) board of directors was considered. Motion by Maroney, seconded by Durant and carried to grant $500 to the F.A.S.T. program in support of after school care for grade school students.

Motion by Bowman, seconded by Durant and carried to authorize the auditor to make an automatic supplement to the Ag Building budget, $12,000, for grant funds received for the geothermal upgrade.

Poor Relief Case 10-17 was presented for consideration. Motion by Maroney, seconded by Thompson and carried to deny application 10-17 as individual exceeds income guidelines.

Highway superintendent Ron Krempges informed the board that he has received the resignation of highway worker Troy Meyer. The commission accepts his resignation and thanks him for his 11 years of service to the residents of Miner County. The SD Dept. of Transportation has informed the county that Nolz Dragline and Construction of Sioux Falls was the low bidder ($349,867.83) for structure and approach grading on the bridge located 2 miles west and .6 miles south of Carthage over Redstone Creek. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Maroney and carried to approve the awarding of the contract BRO 8049(17), PCN 6870, Miner County to Nolz Dragline and Construction.

The auction of the lease of the farmable portion of the SW ¼ of Section 4-106-56, Howard Township, consisting of 150.9 acres, known as the county farm, was held as advertised. Present for the auction were Jason Moe and Dave Miller. The lease was awarded to Jason Moe for $17,500. He chose a three year lease, beginning February 1. 2011.

Brad Stangohr of Ulteig Engineering reviewed procedures for beginning the exploration of the elevator project. Architectural firms, needed upgrades to the building & outdoor lighting were discussed.

Ambulance manager Cora Schwader and ambulance billing manager Helen Sprecher joined the meeting to discuss the increase in frequency that the ambulance has been utilized and the billing associated with the increase. Due to time constraints associated with Sprecher’s duties within the auditor’s office a request was made to reassign the billing position. Motion by Durant, seconded by Bowman and carried to reassign the ambulance billing position from Helen Sprecher to Gibi Page.

Commissioners reviewed sections 1 & 2 of the purposed personnel policy update. No changes to those sections were made.

The County Commissioners would like to congratulate all Miner County 4-Hers on their participation and success at the county & state levels. Miner County is proud of our 4-H participants!

Claims allowed: Payroll by department: Commissioners $3463.50; Auditor $4993.49; Treasurer $5576.00; State's Attorney $3225.25; Custodian $2354.01; Director of Equalization $3994.82; Register of Deeds $4782.77; Veteran Service Office $697.00; Sheriff $9186.50; Contract Law Enforcement $2949.25; Public Health Office $1532.52; Ambulance $4902.11; WIC $113.52; Extension $2182.50; Weed $675.75; Highway $44,887.48; Dispatch $7211.08; Emergency Management $2027.25;

Other Claims: Miner County Bank $7496.46, social security match, Wellmark, $27,095.91, health insurance match; SD Retirement System $5969.42; retirement match; Kay Hageman $18.00, travel; Scott Lively $350.00, poor relief; Alltel $142.55, Alliance $1048.35, phone service; A-OX Welding Supply Co $65.94, Boyer Ford Trucks $82.80, Butler Machinery Co $401.39, Campbell Supply $49.99, Canova Service Center $5.19, Chief $.55, Concrete Materials $13,995.72, Cretex Concrete Products $133.20, Dust-Tex Service $84.84, Gall’s Inc $100.65, Homestead Building Supply $81.53, Howard Farmers Coop Assn $13,163.44, James River Equipment $57.00, Markus Jaun $460.00, Medimpex United, Inc $69.50, Office Peeps, Inc $35.02, Schwaab, Inc $42.68, Scull Studios $20.00, Spencer Quarries, Inc $2502.97, Sturdevant’s Auto Parts $277.52, Synergy Graphics $150.00, Tom’s Hardware Hank $25.64, Ultra, Inc. $1334.00, Universal Services $255.60, Velvet Uniforms $23.75, Wheelco Brake & Supply $94.01, Zens Construction $155.25, supplies; Audio Electronics Etc. $79.99, Bob’s Electric $43.56, Butler Machinery Co $1512.90, Dan’s Heating & Cooling $995.92, First Dist. Assn Local Govts $1500.00, Howard Auto Clinic $653.17, James River Equipment $26.51, Sioux Falls Two Way Radio $619.00, repairs; Chase Drilling Inc $10,500.00, Geo-thermal installation-Ag Bldg; Avera Queen of Peace $65.00, drug testing; Karen Beranek $161.02, Best Western Ramkota Inn $93.00, Dware, Inc $80.00, Gibi Page $54.00, Bob Remacle $52.17, SD LTAP $70.00, travel; Davison County Jail $1105.00, prisoner care; FJM Collections $1580.91, poor liens; Howard City $1815.18, utilities; Miner County Pioneer $531.32, publishing; Miner County Treasurer $995.57, cash item-supplies, travel; National 4-H Supply Service $48.45, 4-H awards; NW Energy & Comm $35.06, gas service; Gregory Protsch $1800.00, office expense allowance; Qwest $89.58, Triotel Communications Inc $175.53, 911 charges; Volunteers of America, Dakotas $200.00, juvenile detention; Xcel Energy $10.02, electric service; Servall Towel & Linen $44.98, rent. SD Dept of Health Lab Service $35.00, blood alcohol testing; Michael Willard $150.00, Gary Jarding $70.00, Randy Wirt $155.00, Monica Trabing $125.00, Pam Moore $17.00, Mike Stiefvater $60.00, Jim Christensen $20.00, Karen Olson $70.00, Donna Rensch $50.00,Clair Lambert $44.00, Kaylene Kuhl $50.00, Cynthia Larson $55.00,Betty Widman $60.00, Dawn Williams $50.00,Barbara Hoff $45.00, 4-H Achievement Day Judges.

The meeting adjourned to Monday, September 20, 2010 (note change of date).

Dated this 7th day of September, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan R. Connor, Miner County Auditor

August 25, 2010

The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in special session, August 25, 2010, in the Miner County Courthouse. Members present: Rollin Schulz, Patrick Maroney, and Heath Thompson. Members absent: Voni Durant and Don Bowman Chairman Schulz called the meeting to order. Motion by Maroney, seconded by Thompson and carried to approve the agenda.

Emergency Management Director Bob Calmus presented a resolution for consideration in declaring the county as a disaster area due to the July 29 flooding. Motion by Thompson and seconded by Maroney to adopt the following resolution.


WHEREAS, Miner County, South Dakota has suffered severe damage to township and county roads due to flooding that occurred on July 29, 2010, and

WHEREAS, the cost of repairing the damage due to that flooding has caused financial hardship on the county and the townships within Miner County,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Miner County Board of Commissioners for, and on behalf of the citizens of Miner County, request the Governor of the State of South Dakota to petition the President of the United States to declare Miner County, South Dakota an emergency/disaster area.

Voting aye: Schulz, Thompson and Maroney. Voting nay: none. Resolution adopted this 25th day of August, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

The meeting adjourned to September 7, 2010. Dated this 25th day of August, 2010.

Rolling D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

August 17, 2010

The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in adjourned session, August 17, 2010, in the Miner County Courthouse. Members present: Rollin Schulz, Patrick Maroney, Heath Thompson, Voni Durant and Don Bowman. Chairman Schulz called the meeting to order.

Motion by Durant, seconded by Thompson and carried to approve the agenda as amended.

The minutes of August 10th were approved.

Maroney reported that a citizen would like to see the courthouse flag lighted and flown continuously. Commissioners will explore options to meet this request.

Community Health Nurse Barb Esser presented the CHN quarterly report.

Highway Superintendent Ron Krempges discussed damage to county roads due to the last flooding and other highway matters.

The following poor relief applications were considered. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Bowman and carried to approve application 10-14, payment of rent for family, $350. Motion by Maroney, seconded by Durant and carried to deny application 10-15 – applicants’ income exceed income guidelines. Motion by Durant, seconded by Thompson and carried to deny application 10-16 made by McKennan Hospital on behalf of applicant – services were scheduled outpatient services which require prior approval from the county.

The following plat was presented by zoning official Kay Hageman. Motion by Thompson and seconded by Maroney to approve the following resolution.


BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Miner County, South Dakota, that the plat of DAWSON CONSERVATION EASEMENT TRACT 1 IN THE SW ¼ OF SECTION 24, T 106 N, R 58 W OF THE 5TH P.M., MINER COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA, which has been submitted for examination pursuant to law, is hereby approved and the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to endorse on such plat a copy of this resolution and certify the same.

Voting aye: Maroney, Thompson, Durant, Bowman and Schulz. Voting nay: none. Resolution approved this 17th day of August, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan R. Connor, Miner County Auditor

Commissioners reviewed the pending update for the employee policy handbook.

Claims allowed: AED Superstore $159.00, Avera Home Medical Equipment $65.00, Butler Machinery Co $4.86, Campbell Supply $16.43, Krug Products, Inc $58.85, Northern Truck Equipment Co $280.28, Rockmount Research & Alloys $833.93, Rusty’s Foodland $26.06, Stamp Fulfillment Services $798.60, Universal Services $120.75, Wheelco Brake & Supply $88.82, supplies; Alltel $79.49, phone service; Audio Electronics Etc. $149.99, Dakota Body Shop $50.00, SDN Communications $50.00, repairs; Don Bowman $34.78, Robert Calmus $232.76, Voni Durant $29.60, Patrick Maroney $60.68, Rollin Schulz $13.32, SD Emergency Management Assn $30.00, travel; deCastro Law Office $213.20, court appointed attorney; Servall Towel & Linen $44.98, rent; SD Assn County Commissioners $187.81, catastrophic legal expense. Howard City $384.35, poor relief utilities.

The meeting adjourned to September 7, 2010. Dated this 17th day of August, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

August 10, 2010

The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in adjourned session August 10, 2010, in the Miner County Courthouse. Members present: Pat Maroney, Voni Durant, & Heath Thompson. Absent: Don Bowman and Rollin Schulz. Vice Chairman Thompson called the meeting to order. Motion by Maroney, seconded by Durant and carried to approve the agenda as amended. The minutes of the July 20th meeting were approved.

The Auditor’s account with the County Treasurer showed a June 30, 2010 balance of $3,897,311.34 in all state, county, civil, school, and trust accounts.

Commissioner Schulz arrived at the meeting and took over as chairman. Custodians Lou & Henry Rentschler presented quotes for a zero turn radius mower as follows: Vilas Sales & Service-Kodiak SE 61” 25 HP Commercial Tri-Force deck with bagging system, $7586.87 & 1 Ram ultra 61” 25 HP Courage Pro with bagging system, $6499.90; Pfeifer’s (Sioux Falls) Kubota ZD326 26 HP Diesel 60” Pro Deck with collection system, $14,810; Ellefson Implement (Mitchell) John Deere Z445 25 HP EZtrak-54” Deck with collection system, $4999, John Deere Z920A 26HP Pro 60” with collection system, $10,060. Motion by Maroney, seconded by Durant and carried to purchase a Kodiak SE 61” 25 HP Kohler Commercial mower from Vilas Sales & Service, $7586.87.

It was moved by Maroney, seconded by Thompson and carried that the 1998 Ford Expedition XLT be declared no longer necessary, useful or suitable for the purpose for which it was acquired and that said

property be advertised and sold by sealed bids on September 21, 2010 at 9:30 in the commissioners’ room of the Miner County Courthouse.

Highway Superintendent Ron Krempges discussed road conditions and progress with FEMA. Spring load limits were also discussed. Krempges suggested that a 6 to 7 Ton/axel with a 80,000 gross weight limit, on county roads be imposed for the spring season. Commissioners will consider this at a future fall meeting.

Brad Stangohr of Ulteig Engineers reviewed the process for engineering services that would be associated with the construction of an elevator and second stairway for the courthouse.

Correspondence was reviewed from Jason Moe concerning the land lease contract expiring in January of 2011. Moe requested that the lease be advertised and auctioned early this fall so that he can plan fall work based on the outcome of the auction. Commissioners set the date for the land lease auction for September 7th at 10:30 in the commission room of the Miner County Courthouse.

Commissioners reviewed poor relief applications. Motion by Maroney, seconded by Durant and carried to approve application 10-11 – payment to the City of Howard for utilities, $384.35 on behalf of applicant. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Durant and carried to deny application 10-12 from Avera McKennan Hospital and Madison Community Hospital due to lack of information available to determine residency & eligibility. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Maroney and carried to deny application 10-13 from Avera McKennan Hospital due to lack of information available to determine residency & eligibility.

Correspondence from FEMA concerning programmatic environmental assessment for road grade raises was reviewed with emergency management director, Bob Calmus. Calmus will review the program and report back to the commission.

Motion by Maroney and seconded by Thompson to approve the following resolution.


WHEREAS, the South Dakota Association of County Commissioners recognizes valuable innovations and improvements in county government at the 2010 SD Counties Annual Convention, and

WHEREAS, the Miner County Network & Phone System Installation has been completed for the benefit of efficiencies & cost savings within the courthouse, and

WHEREAS, Miner County Commissioners desire to submit an application for recognition of the Network & Phone System Installation

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the application will be prepared and sent to SDACC before the August 15th deadline.

Voting aye: Maroney, Thompson, Schulz & Durant. Voting nay: none. Resolution approved this 10th day of August, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan R. Connor, Miner County Auditor

Claims allowed: Payroll by department: Commissioners $3463.50; Auditor $5546.65; Treasurer $5576.00; State's Attorney $3225.25; Custodian $3082.47; Director of Equalization $4430.57; Register of Deeds $5038.54; Veteran Service Office $697.00; Sheriff $9186.50; Contract Law Enforcement $2949.25; Public Health Office $1986.60; Ambulance $5043.19; Extension $2182.50; Weed $775.75; Highway $30,217.50; Dispatch $9261.87; Emergency Management $2027.25; Erin Feldhaus $1048.50, Molly Steeneck $679.50, Colleen Noid $164.00, Cathy Cavigielli $24.00, David Claussen $24.00, Barbara Genzlinger $493.50, Janet Haak $96.00, Kimberly Halverson $216.00, Donna Klinkhammer $600.00, Lanny Klinkhammer $453.50, Holly Litterick $48.00, Rick Olson $332.00, Ashley Callies $988.00, ambulance attendants; Other Claims: Miner County Bank $7138.62, social security match, Wellmark, $26,811.42, health insurance match; SD Retirement System $5283.90; retirement match; Mike Clary $20.00, Robert Eggert $10.00, Nathan Kizer $10.00, Henry Rentschler $10.00, Mike Sebert $30.00, ambulance EVOC drivers; Alliance Communications $1111.70, Alltel $54.23, Splitrock Properties $48.90, phone service; A-OX Welding $53.94, Asphalt Paving & Material Co $32,568.18, Butler Machinery Co $1613.52, Pat Carmon $99.96, Mike Clary $2.64, Dakota Data Shred $44.80, Dawson Construction $125.00, Dust-Tex Service $84.84, Emergency Medical Products $170.28, Barbara Esser $17.37, Ethan Coop Lumber $914.41, Emily Feldhaus $63.43, GCR Tire Centers $1815.72, Homestead Building Supply $994.51, Howard Farmers Coop $13,141.76, Huron Culvert & Tank Co $1427.83, Intoximeters $600.00, Krug Products $118.79, Kyle Signs $469.50, Miner County Pioneer $33.50, Karla Neises $20.00, Office Peeps, Inc $594.12, Rafferty-Robbins Drug $4.82, Rusty’s Foodland $9.06, SDSU Print Lab $196.06, Spencer Quarries $133.88, Stan Houston Equipment $14.15, Sturdevant’s Auto Parts $618.31, Thompson West $32.00, Tom’s Hardware Hank $113.09, Wheelco Brake & Supply $104.12, supplies; Avera Queen of Peace $170.00, highway-physical; Karen Beranek $246.00, Kay Hageman $150.98, Jim Krantz $366.30, Gibi Page $29.97, travel; Bob’s Electric $228.96, Dan’s Heating & Cooling $111.78, Epiphany Mall $90.76, Graham Tire Co-SF North $226.42, Howard Farmers Coop $49.90, Howard Heating & Plumbing $213.10, Midwest Concrete Services $800.13, Ultra, Inc $8560.99, repairs; Kay Genzlinger $100.00, Ag Building Watchman; Larry Holland $375.00, rent; Howard Animal Clinic $150.00, rabies testing; Howard City $1472.05, Xcel Energy $10.46, utilities; Howard Heating & Plumbing $2403.00, dehumidifier; Interlakes Community Action $394.12, outreach worker; Lincoln Co Auditor $144.00, mental illness hearing; Miner County Pioneer $188.29, publishing; Miner County Treasurer $103.32, postage & supplies; Minnehaha Co Regional $2800.00, Volunteers of America, Dakotas, $700.00, Juvenile Detention; Mitchell Clinic $70.00, juvenile care; NW Energy & Comm $36.25, gas service; Santel Communications $55.12, Splitrock Properties $314.90,Triotel Communications $174.60, 911 charges; Servall Towel & Linen $89.96, rent; State Radio Communications $2250.00, teletype; Verizon Conferencing $29.09, State’s Attorney Other Expense.

The meeting adjourned to August 17, 2010. Dated this 10th day of August.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

July 20, 2010

The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in adjourned session July 20, 2010, in the Miner County Courthouse. Members present: Don Bowman, Pat Maroney, Rollin Schulz , Voni Durant, and Heath Thompson. Absent: none. Chairman Schulz called the meeting to order. Motion by Durant, seconded by Thompson and carried to approve the agenda as amended. The minutes of the July 6 meeting were approved with the correction of Maroney not voting on Resolution 10-17.

States Attorney Greg Protsch and Emergency Management Director Robert Calmus joined the meeting to discuss drainage board & weed enforcement issues.

The board adjourned as a Board of Commissioners and reconvened as a Planning Commission acting as a Board of Adjustments. Planning Chairman Maroney called the meeting to order. A hearing was held as advertised to consider the application of Mike Sibson to locate a garage closer to the road than zoning regulations allow in the SW ¼, 33-106-57, Roswell Township, Miner County, South Dakota.

Following consideration of oral & written testimony in support of the application, it was moved by Schulz, seconded by Bowman and carried that the Findings that follow be approved.










That the applicant, Mike Sibson, has made an application for a variance to locate a garage closer to the road than allowed by zoning regulations in the SW ¼ 33-106-57, Roswell Township in Miner County, South Dakota, and that Mike Sibson is the owner of record thereof.


That the proposed use of said realty is specifically prohibited by the zoning ordinance without applicant first obtaining a variance, for which he has applied and paid the applicable fee.


That upon said application, notice of hearing was given as required by the Miner County Zoning Ordinance by mailing to the adjoining landowners and by publication.


That hearing upon said application was held on July 20, 2010, in the Commissioners’ Room of the Miner County Courthouse.


That applicant and Sue Sibson appeared in person.


That no one appeared in opposition.


That a presentation in support of said variance and testimony on behalf of said variance was received at the hearing and that no testimony regarding concerns for the granting of the variance was received at the hearing.

NOW, THEREFORE, that application, testimony at the hearing, having been considered, it is the FINDING of the Miner County Board of Adjustment that the application of Mike Sibson for a variance be approved to allow placing a garage closer to the road for the following reasons:

1) That the Miner County Board of Adjustment is empowered under Section 505 to grant the variance and that the requirements of the zoning ordinance regarding a variance have been met by the applicant.

2) That the Miner County Board of Adjustment is able to make the applicable findings required by Section 505 of the ordinance, which are considered prerequisite to the granting of a variance.


That the Board of Adjustment vote upon approval of such application was five in favor thereof and none opposed thereto.

It is, therefore, ORDERED that said application be approved.

Dated this 20th day of July, 2010.

Patrick Maroney, Chairman

Miner County Board of Adjustment

Attest: Susan Connor, Secretary

The board adjourned as a Planning Commission and reconvened as a Board of Commissioners.

Motion by Thompson, seconded by Maroney and carried to authorize the auditor to make an automatic supplement $2500 to the 2010 Emergency Mgt. budget for grant funds received.

Curt Neises of Miner Insurance made a request to quote the property and liability insurance for the county. Neises will work with the auditor’s office to obtain the information needed to prepare an insurance quote.

Highway Superintendent Ron Krempges reported on highway matters.

The following plat was presented by zoning director Kay Hageman.


It was moved by Durant and seconded by Bowman and motion carried, that the plat described as LOT 1 of WOLF’S 5TH ADDITION IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE1/4) OF SECTION FOURTEEN (14), TOWNSHIP ONE HUNDREAD SIX (106) NORTH, RANGE FIFTY-SIX (56) WEST OF THE 5TH P.M. IN MINER COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA, be approved and accepted by the Board of County Commissioners at its meeting of July 20th, 2010 and the county Auditor is hereby instructed to endorse on such plat a copy of this resolution and to certify the same.

Voting aye: Maroney, Thompson, Bowman, Durant and Schulz. Voting nay: none. Motion adopted this 20th day of July, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

Kingsbury County Commission representatives Jeff Madison and Ryan Schoenfelder presented information concerning the valuation process used by directors of equalization to determine the value on rural and urban homes. Included in the presentation was a resolution to be presented to the South Dakota County Commissioners’ Assoc. for possible legislation. Miner County Equalization Director Kay Hageman was present to explain the process used within Miner County when setting values. The resolution would allow Directors of Equalization to use surrounding counties’ sales to set the value of homes. Commissioners took no action.

Treasurer Debbie Eggert reviewed tax deed property located in Carthage City. Commissioners instructed her to continue with tax deed proceedings.

Commissioners reviewed the provisional budget for 2011. Further discussion will take place at the next meeting, August 10th.

Claims allowed: Alltel $182.26, Splitrock Properties $48.90, telephone; A-OX Welding Supply Co. $53.94, Karen Beranek $218.49, Don Bowman $20.72, Terry Carlson $34.78, Voni Durant $29.60, Debra Eggert $115.44, Glenda Gassman $11.10, John D. Haak $3.70, Wallace Jacobson $4.81, Bruce Nelson $10.36, Dan Page $11.84, Rollin D. Schulz $13.32, travel; Bierschbach Equip & Supply $64.00, Bob’s Electric $28.95, C & R Supply $18.62, Campbell Supply $16.41, Central Business Supply $46.99, Diamond Mowers, Inc $102.54, Dust-Tex Service $123.66, Howard Farmers Coop $20,700.80, Jurgens Printing $57.50, Krug Products Inc $213.83, Office Peeps, Inc $989.90, O’Keefe Implement $33.36, Pheasant Indust.-Garment $95.49, Mark Rowen $20.00, Rusty’s Foodland $259.19, Safety Kleen Corp $321.41, Stan Houston Equipment $458.65, Sturdevant’s Auto Parts $1869.33, Tom’s Hardware Hank $329.70, Ultra, Inc $184.00, Wingen’s Garage $102.00, supplies; Bob’s Electric $240.00, Butler Machinery Co $264.00, Midwest Fire & Safety $102.50, Ken Ruml $280.00, SDN Communications $219.76, Sioux Falls Two Way Radio $157.50, Sturdevants Auto Parts $32.00, Wingen’s Garage $104.00, Jerry Winker $175.00, Winker Stump Grinding Service $150.00, repairs; Gene Carr $156.00, Rose Marie Stee $75.00, 4-H judging; Kelli Colling $25.00, ambulance in service; Domestic Violence Network $27.00, Mitchell Area Safehouse $27.00, Miner County Treasurer $6.00, domestic abuse payment & administrative expense; Hofer’s Ag Air $2819.45, weed enforcement; Howard City $1303.20, Xcel Energy $10.49, utilities; Interlakes Community Action $394.12, outreach worker; Medicare $250.90, ambulance charges; Microfilm Imaging Systems $875.00, digitalizing, Miner County Treasurer $154.79, cash item-postage; Miner Insurance Agency $50.00, surety bond; Qwest $89.62, Santel Communications $55.12, Splitrock Properties $314.90, Triotel communications $191.53, 911 charges; Secretary of State $30.00, notary application; SD Veterans Service Officer Assn $50.00, dues; Thomson West $1229.50, law books.

The meeting adjourned to August 10, 2010. Note date change.

Dated this 20th day of July, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

July 6, 2010

The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in adjourned session July 6, 2010, in the Miner County Courthouse. Members present: Don Bowman, Voni Durant, Pat Maroney, Rollin Schulz and Heath Thompson. Absent: none. Chairman Schulz called the meeting to order.

The Auditor’s account with the County Treasurer showed a June 30, 2010 balance of $4,041,159.58 in all state, county, civil, school, and trust accounts.

Motion by Durant, seconded by Thompson and carried to approve the agenda.

The minutes of the June 15th meeting were approved.

Commissioners inspected the condition of the walls in the community room located in the basement. They instructed the custodian to utilize another dehumidifier to help control the moisture problem.

The board adjourned as a board of commissioners and reconvened as a planning commission serving as the board of adjustments. Planning Commission Chairman Pat Maroney called the meeting to order.

A hearing was held as advertised to consider an application for a variance from the zoning ordinance from Kevin Shumaker to locate trees closer to the road than allowed by zoning regulations in the SW ¼, 34-106-56, Howard Township, Miner County, South Dakota. Present for the hearing was Kevin Shumaker. Zoning Administrator Kay Hageman was absent.

Following consideration of oral & written testimony in support of the applications, it was moved by Schulz, seconded by Bowman and carried that the Findings that follow be approved.










That the applicant, Kevin Shumaker, has made an application for a variance to plant trees closer to the road than allowed by zoning regulations in the SW ¼, 34-106-56, Howard Township in Miner County, South Dakota, and that he is the owner of record thereof.


That the proposed use of said realty is specifically prohibited by the zoning ordinance without applicant first obtaining a variance, for which he has applied and paid the applicable fee.


That upon said application, notice of hearing was given as required by the Miner County Zoning Ordinance by mailing to the adjoining landowners and by publication.


That hearing upon said application was held on July 6, 2010, in the Commissioners’ Room of the Miner County Courthouse.


That applicant, Kevin Shumaker appeared in person.


That a presentation in support of said variance and testimony on behalf of said variance was received at the hearing and that no testimony regarding concerns for the granting of the variance was received at the hearing.

NOW, THEREFORE, that application, testimony at the hearing, and arguments of individuals at the hearing all having been considered, it is the FINDING of the Miner County Board of Adjustment that the application of Kevin Shumaker for a variance be approved to allow planting of trees 60 feet from the center of the road for the following reasons:

1) That the Miner County Board of Adjustment is empowered under Section 506 to grant the variance and that the requirements of the zoning ordinance regarding a variance have been met by the applicant.

2) That the Miner County Board of Adjustment is able to make the applicable findings required by Section 506 of the ordinance, which are considered prerequisite to the granting of a variance.


That the Board of Adjustment vote upon approval of such application was five in favor thereof and none opposed thereto.

It is, therefore, ORDERED that said application be approved.

Dated this 6th day of July, 2010.

Patrick Maroney, Chairman

Miner County Board of Adjustment

Attest: Susan Connor, Secretary

The board adjourned as a planning commission and reconvened as a board of commissioners.

Commissioners reviewed the requested quotes for removal of the crab apple trees and stumps. Quotes received were as follows: Removal of 5 trees & clean-up Ken Ruml’s Tree Service$280; Winker Stump Grinding Service, $350. Removal of Stumps and refilling holes with black dirt Winker Stump Grinding Service, $150. Motion by Bowman, seconded by Maroney and carried to contract with Ken Ruml’s Tree Service for the removal and clean up and with Winker Stump Grinding Service for stump removal. One quote for the replacement of 6 trees was received from James Valley Nursery, $1226.26. This quote included 3 different sizes of trees. Motion by Maroney, seconded by Thompson and carried to contract with James Valley Nursery to plant 6 #25 Malus Spring Snow Crab trees.

Commissioners accepted the resignation of R. Dean Sherman as county coroner. The commissioners would like to thank Dean for his many years of dedicated service to the residents of Miner County.

A motion was made by Durant, seconded by Bowman and carried to appoint Terrance Lee to fulfill the remaining term of coroner left vacant by the resignation of Dean Sherman.

Register of Deeds Karla Neises presented the following plat for consideration. Neises presented due to the absence of zoning official Kay Hageman. Motion by Thompson and seconded by Durant to approve the following resolution.


BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Miner County, South Dakota, that the plat of LOT 1 OF M. SCHWADER FIRST ADDITION IN THE SE ¼ OF THE SE ¼ OF SECTION 13, T 107 N, R 58 W OF THE 5TH P.M., MINER COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA, which has been submitted for examination pursuant to law, is hereby approved and the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to endorse on such plat a copy of this Resolution and certify the same.

Voting aye: Bowman, Thompson, Maroney, Durant and Schulz. Voting nay: none. Resolution adopted this 6th day of July, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan R. Connor, Miner County Auditor

Highway Superintendent Ron Krempges reviewed the progress with FEMA inspecting county roads, road conditions and other highway matters. The commissioners approved the hiring of Terry Carlson as highway worker starting at level 2.

Roger Schnabel of the Department of Legislative Audit held a closing conference with the board in regard to the audit of the county’s financial statements for 2008 and 2009.

Motion by Maroney, seconded by Durant and carried to authorize the auditor to make an automatic supplement to the 2010 emergency management budget for grant funds received, $680.

Commissioner Maroney left the meeting.

Weed Supervisor Bob Calmus and Wally Jacobson representing the weed board informed the commission that the 1982 weed sprayer truck is in need of repair. Commissioners instructed Calmus to seek a replacement through the Federal Surplus Property.

Jim Krantz presented information on behalf of Larry Gauger of the Farm Service Agency concerning a disaster declaration due to the heavy rain, wind, flooding & hail that Miner County has experienced this growing season.

Motion by Durant and seconded by Bowman to adopt the following resolution and to send a copy to Governor Mike Rounds.


WHEREAS, Miner County, South Dakota has suffered severe damage brought on by heavy rain, high winds, flooding, and hail between June 9 and June 29, 2010 causing widespread flooding and saturation, and

WHEREAS, the excessive rains have caused the inability to plant sufficient crops, and

WHEREAS, the excessive rains have caused the inability of crops planted to harvest, and

WHEREAS, no crop production means no feed for livestock and no product to sell, and

WHEREAS, Miner County farmers already carry a heavy financial burden, and

WHEREAS, the economy of local businesses are affected by the agricultural climate, and

WHEREAS, the County Emergency Board made a recommendation that the corn losses are 30%, mixed hay are 30.1%, and Soybeans are 26% of normal in their July 1, 2010 meeting, and

WHEREAS, fencing has been destroyed and pastures losses are 30%

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Miner County Board of Commissioners urge the Miner County FSA Committee and the Governor of the State of South Dakota to take appropriate action to request that state and federal aid is made available to prohibit any further economic injury to Miner County producers.

Voting aye: Bowman, Thompson, Maroney, Durant and Schulz. Voting nay: none.

Resolution adopted this 6th day of July, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

Motion by Thompson, seconded by Durant and carried to enter into the State & Local Agreement with the SD Office of Emergency Management for funds to support the salary and administrative costs related to the operation of the Miner County Emergency Management Organization.

Commissioners considered declaring the 1998 Ford Expedition as surplus property. After discussion, a motion was made by Durant, seconded by Thompson and carried to table the consideration of declaring the vehicle as surplus until the July 20th meeting.

Motion by Thompson, seconded by Bowman and carried to enter into the grant agreement with the State of South Dakota to provide financial assistance to Miner County for the purpose of provision of H1N1 vaccinations.

Claims allowed: Payroll by department: Commissioners $3463.50; Auditor $5210.41; Treasurer $5576.00; State's Attorney $3225.25; Custodian $2677.77; Director of Equalization $4357.91; Register of Deeds $4764.75; Veteran Service Office $697.00; Sheriff $9186.50; Contract Law Enforcement $2949.25; Public Health Office $1589.28; Ambulance $4890.98; Extension $2182.50; Weed $725.75; Highway $31,928.04; Dispatch $7830.20; Emergency Management $2027.25;

Other Claims: Miner County Bank $6655.75, social security match, Wellmark, $26,816.41, health insurance match; SD Retirement System $5178.93; retirement match; Lanny Klinkhammer $9.00, travel; Alltel $223.41, Alliance Communications $1057.94, telephone; Don Bowman $31.08, Robert Calmus $159.72, Mike Clary $21.00, Voni Durant $14.80, Patrick Maroney $161.32, Rollin Schulz $19.98, Dean Sherman $17.02, travel; Butler Machinery Co $251.88, Robert Calmus $37.98, Cattle Fax $24.00, Chief $109.98, Clarke Machine $11.45, Susan Connor $24.80, Cretex Concrete Products $504.00, DETCO $836.63, Emergency Medical Products $356.06, Gall’s Inc $78.23, Homestead Building Supply $25.92, Howard Golf Course $101.60, Krug Products Inc $30.89, Office Peeps, Inc $2.21, Pioneer Designs $275.00, SDN Technologies $1996.27; Dean Sherman $20.00, Universal Services $129.60, supplies; Community Counseling Service $4017.00, Drug Abuse & Mental Health Centers grant; Dan’s Heating & Cooling $231.56, Randall Feldhaus $37.00, Howard Auto Clinic $548.69, SDN Technologies $520.00, repairs; DeCastro Law Office $712.30, Lammers, Kleibacker & Brown $290.00, court appointed attorney; Howard City $4000.00, mosquito control; Miner County Pioneer $404.35, publishing; Miner County Treasurer $103.22, cash item-postage & supplies; NW Energy & Comm $114.86, gas service; Gregory Protsch $900.00, office expense allowance; Servall Towel & Linen $112.84, rent; SD Assn County Commissioners $100.00, welfare manuals; SD Dept of Health Lab Service $35.00, blood alcohol testing; Walgreens $11.99, prisoner medical expense; SD Assn of Co Commissioners $1882.71, county share – Catastrophic Legal Expense Relief.

The meeting adjourned to July 20, 2010. Dated this 6th day of July, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

June 15, 2010

The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in adjourned session June 15, 2010, in the Miner County Courthouse. Members present: Don Bowman, Pat Maroney, Rollin Schulz , and Heath Thompson. Absent: Voni Durant. Chairman Schulz called the meeting to order.

Motion by Thompson, seconded by Bowman and carried to approve the agenda.

The minutes of the June 1st & 10th meeting were approved.

Poor Relief applications 10-08, 10-09 & 10-10 were presented for consideration. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Maroney and carried to deny applications 10-08, 10-09 & 10-10 due to lack of information to determine residency and eligibility.

Commissioners inspected the condition of the older trees on the south lawn of the courthouse. Motion by Maroney, seconded by Bowman and carried to inquire for quotes for complete removal of the existing older trees and a quote for replacements.

A hearing was held to consider issuance of a malt beverage license to operate outside of a municipality for the 2010-2011 licensing period. Comment was made as to the delay in receiving the application from the applicant. In the future, applications must be received by the stated deadline or applicant will be charged with the publication costs. It was moved by Maroney, seconded by Thompson, and carried to approve the retail on-off sale malt beverage license application for Harms Oil Company (Jake’s Corner) for Tract A of Bessman’s First Addition in the NW ¼ of Sec 12-106-55, Clearwater Township.

Treasurer Debbie Eggert reported on the tax deed process she has in progress.

Highway superintendent Ron Krempges reported on condition of roads, FEMA representatives reviewing roads, and other highway issues. A request has been made by Bruce Lentsch to use the oil road east of Howard as a landing strip until the airport grass runway firms up. Commissioners instructed Krempges to contact States Attorney Protsch as to the legality of this type of agreement.

Director of Equalization Hageman requested that the sheriff’s blazer that is being replaced be transferred to the director’s department for use. Commissioners will consider this request at the next meeting.

Claims allowed: SD Dept of Revenue $1687.41, Predatory Animal Control, Howard Band & Chorus $7.00, A-OX Welding Supply Communications $92.16, C & R Supply $168.00, Campbell Supply $99.67, Chief $121.77, Mike Clary $75.00, Custom Cage $1230.00, Dust-Tex Service $82.44, Election Systems & Software $1030.95, Homestead Building Supply $22.32, Howard Cold Storage $88.39, Howard Farmers Union $19,672.21,Inland Truck Parts $1088.85, Lanny Klinkhammer $30.00, Kolorworks $168.96, Liberty Flag & Specialty Co $91.90, McLeod’s Printing & Office Supply $156.80, Minn Crime Prevention Assn $4.60, Office Peeps, Inc $241.44, Postmaster $436.00, Rafferty-Robbins Drug $23.95, Rusty’s Foodland $216.03, SD Federal Property Agency $1023.00, Sturdevant’s Auto Parts $323.06, Titan Machinery $96.79, Tom’s Hardware Hank $113.52, Uline $36.03, Wheelco Brake & Supply $333.22, Zep Manufacturing Co. $290.76, supplies; Alliance Communications $1090.74, Splitrock Properties $48.90, phone service; Queen of Peace $170.00, highway physical; James Valley Nursery $113.75, evergreen insect control; Arnum Blunt $34.78, John D. Haak $3.70, Jim Krantz $361.12, Dan Page $11.84, Ramada Mitchell $109.43, Louise Rentschler $52.74, Ultra, Inc $20.00, travel; Lynn Calmus $45.00, blood alcohol testing; Pam Carmichael $56.45, Extension Horse Clinic; Davison County Jail $585.00, prisoner care; Factor 360 $300.00, web site; Homestead Building Supply $2733.72, Howard Auto Clinic $197.57, Blueberry Systems, Inc $900.00, Howard Farmers Coop $83.63, Howard Heating & Plumbing $307.86, Inland Truck Parts Co $1761.00, Office Peeps, Inc $100.73, repairs; Howard City $1002.99, Xcel Energy $12.02, utilities; Interlakes Community Action $394.12, outreach worker; Miller Consulting $2500.00, severe weather/tornado exercise; Miner County Treasurer $142.46, cash item-postage & supplies; Qwest $90.00, Santel Communications $55.12, Splitrock Properties $327.42, Triotel Communications $167.53, 911 charges; Servall Towell & Linen $56.42, rent; Stryker Sales Corp $8073.00, ambulance equipment.

The meeting adjourned to July 6, 2010.

Dated this 15th day of June, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

June 10, 2010

The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in special session June 10, 2010, in the Miner County Courthouse. Members present: Don Bowman, Pat Maroney, Heath Thompson and Rollin Schulz. Absent: Voni Durant. Chairman Schulz called the meeting to order.

The board conducted the official canvass of the primary election held June 8, 2010. There were no changes to the results. The results were transmitted to the Secretary of State’s office.

Claims allowed: Primary Election workers & polling places, $4524.96; Murdo Ford-Mercury $24,929.00, sheriff vehicle; Howard Bank & Chorus $7.00, supplies.

The meeting adjourned to June15, 2010.

Dated this 10th day of June, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

June 1, 2010

The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in adjourned session June 1, 2010, in the Miner County Courthouse. Members present: Don Bowman, Voni Durant, Pat Maroney, Rollin Schulz and Heath Thompson. Absent: none. Chairman Schulz called the meeting to order.

The Auditor’s account with the County Treasurer showed a May 31, 2010 balance of $4,312,702.57 in all state, county, civil, school, and trust accounts.

Motion by Durant, seconded by Maroney and carried to approve the agenda.

The minutes of the May 18th meeting were approved with a change reflecting Heath Thompson as chairing the meeting.

A hearing was held to consider issuance of a malt beverage license to operate outside of a municipality for the 2010-2011 licensing period. It was moved by Maroney, seconded by Bowman, and carried to approve the retail on-off sale malt beverage license application for Sandy Scheuren (Coonhunter Inn) for Lot 1 of Lot 3 SW ¼ Section 34-105-57, Rock Creek Township.

Motion by Maroney, seconded by Bowman and carried to enter into the H.A.V.A. sub agreement from the State of South Dakota for financial assistance associated with the implementation of the Federal H.A.V.A. requirements. County funds of $284.11 (including $5.00 for interest earned) shall be reserved for H.A.V.A. purchases thus securing $5,303.03 in Federal funds held by the State of SD.

Commissioners reviewed a proposal by Microfilm Imaging Systems, Inc. to scan all existing commissioners’ minutes (1880 to present) for preservation and search ability. Motion by Maroney, seconded by Durant and carried to contract with Microfilm Imaging Systems to scan all existing commissioners’ minutes to preserve the historical value and to provide information through the searching function of the scanned images.

Motion by Durant and seconded by Thompson to adopted the following resolution.


The Miner County Board of County Commissioners, having adopted and signed a Joint Cooperative Agreement on the 28th day of March, 1972, creating the First Planning and Development District, Model Rural Development Program, do hereby agree to renew their participation in the Joint Cooperative Agreement for Fiscal Year 2011 (October 1, 2010-September 30, 2011). To Support the Joint Cooperative Agreement and the activities of the District staff, the Miner County Board of County Commissioners will provide $6,672.40 to the First District Association of Local Governments during the aforementioned Fiscal Year 2011 period.

Voting aye: Schulz, Durant, Maroney, Thompson and Bowman. Voting nay: none.

Adopted this 1st day of June, 2010

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Commission

Attest: Susan Connor

Miner County Auditor

Eugene Larsen reviewed issues with the assessment of his property and the amount of tax dollars due on said property. Director of Equalization Kay Hageman informed the board that this property will be reviewed after an inspection of the property this week. Larsen requested that the valuation be lowered and that his taxes due be adjusted. Commissioners informed him that the appeals process must be followed during equalization in April and that no adjustment can be made to the taxes owed.

Highway Superintendent Krempges reported that he has received notification from Phillip Swanson that he will retire on June 18, 2010. The commission accepted the resignation and thanked Swanson for his service to Miner County. The position will be advertised and filled as soon as possible. Krempges also reported on acquisition of right of ways for the current bridge project and other highway matters.

The board adjourned as a board of commissioners and reconvened as a planning commission acting as the board of adjustments. Planning commission chairman Maroney assumed the chair. A hearing was held as advertised to consider the application of a conditional use permit from Mike Hvam to relocate a 20’ x 12’ granary from the E. 1100’ of S 1600” of the W 1550’ of SE ¼ 3-107-58 to Lots 7-8-9-10-11 Block 1, Fedora Village, OP. Present for the hearing included the applicant Mike Hvam, zoning director Kay Hageman, Gibi Page, Robert Peterson, Vicky Vining and Larry Kieffer. Hageman voiced concern as to the condition of the granary and to the area in which Hvam designated placement of the structure. Hvam indicated that he has cleared an area for the building and has begun to work on sprucing up his property. Those in attendance voiced concern as to the condition of the building and questioned whether the size would be suitable for the stated use. After receiving & considering all information in support of granting and that opposing approval of the application, a motion was made by Schulz to deny the application. Chairman Maroney reminded the board that a positive motion must be presented for consideration. Schulz withdrew his motion. Motion by Schulz and seconded by Durant to approve the conditional use with the stipulation that the building be sided before moving into Fedora. Voting aye: Thompson. Voting nay: Bowman, Schulz and Durant. Motion failed. The conditional use permit is therefore denied. The board adjourned as a planning commission and reconvened as a board of commissioners.

Miner County Treasurer Debra Eggert presented information on property that was available for tax deed proceedings. Commissioners instructed Eggert to begin proceedings on those properties designated by the commission. Eggert also presented information on the number of citizens requesting assistance on the lower level of the courthouse and those who had difficulty accessing the treasurer’s office on second floor. Commissioners thanked her for the information that will be considered if or when the project will proceed.

Emergency Management Director Bob Calmus reported on projects that qualify through the FEMA disaster declaration.

Commissioners agreed to move the August 3rd meeting to August 10th due to Miner County Achievement Days being held August 2 – August 4th.

Claims allowed: Payroll by department: Commissioners $3463.50; Auditor $5394.44; Treasurer $5576.00; State's Attorney $3225.25; Custodian $2434.95; Director of Equalization $3660.76; Register of Deeds $4865.62; Veteran Service Office $697.00; Sheriff $9186.50; Contract Law Enforcement $2949.25; Public Health Office $1589.28; Ambulance $4792.24; Extension $2182.50; Weed $675.75; Highway $28,326.63 (includes Arnum Blunt @$13.27/hr); Dispatch $7124.96 (includes Mary Moe @$13.75); Emergency Management $2027.25; Other Claims: Miner County Bank $6256.24, social security match, Wellmark, $26,816.41, health insurance match; SD Retirement System $4988.59; retirement match; AED Superstore $189.90, East River Nursery $291.38, Election Systems & Software $240.38, Good Samaritan Society $12.00, Kay Hageman $307.95, Higher Grounds $20.00, Leader Printing $71.45, LexisNexis Matthew Bender $261.52, Mid-American Research $247.14, Office Peeps, Inc $39.25, Procellular $19.99, Wingen’s Garage $414.40, Thompson West $176.50, supplies; Alltel $142.81, phone service; Valera Anderson $251.60, Karen Beranek $125.50, Best Western Ramkota Inn $812.97, Kari Jo Carlson $5.18, Pat Carmon $141.44, Michael Connor $6.66, Denise Gassman $10.36, Deanne Krantz $26.00, Dr. Dave Malters $34.78, Patrick Maroney $44.40, Rollin Schulz $13.32, Helen Sprecher $26.00, travel; Dakota Backup $55.37, SDN Technologies $320.00, repairs; Ericsson & Giles $637.50, court appointed attorney; Miner County Pioneer $148.89, publishing; Miner County Treasurer $147.91-cash item (postage & supplies), Mitchell Clinic $70.00, jail medical; NW Energy & Comm $304.35, gas service’ Gregory Protsch $900.00, office expense allowance, Qwest $90.00, 911 charges; Servall Towel & Linen $33.54, rent.

The meeting adjourned to June 10, 2010.

Dated this 1st day of June, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

May 18, 2010

The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in adjourned session May 18, 2010, in the Miner County Courthouse. Members present: Don Bowman, Voni Durant, and Heath Thompson. Absent: Pat Maroney and Rollin Schulz. Vice-chairman Thompson called the meeting to order.

Motion by Durant, seconded by Bowman and carried to approve the agenda.

The minutes of the May 4th meeting were approved.

Motion by Durant, seconded by Bowman and carried to make an adjustment to the amount approved on Poor Relief 10-07, an additional $738.29 to Madison Community Hospital.

Motion by Bowman, seconded by Durant and carried to approve the 2010-11 WIC contract with the South Dakota Department of Health.

Correspondence from Conventry Health Care Inc. on health insurance coverage was presented. Commissioners would like to review the plan further along with a quote at the time of the current health care plan (Wellmark Blue Cross, Blue Shield) renewal.

Community Health Care Nurse Barb Esser presented the quarterly CHN report.

Highway Superintendent Ron Krempges reported on the applications received for the highway position. The commission approved the hiring of Arnum Blunt starting at level 3. The bridge repair has been completed on the bridge damaged during the spring flooding.

Commissioners considered the correspondence from Bennett County Commission concerning a resolution to support the request for increasing the 911 surcharge from $.75 to $1.50. Commissioners chose not to support the resolution presented by Bennett County.

Claims allowed: Alltel $79.94, Splitrock Properties $48.90, phone service; A-OX Welding Supply $48.22, Butler Machinery Co $610.24, Robert Calmus $53.36, Canova Service Center $415.77, Crimestar Corp $600.00, DakotaGas Propane $300.00, Diamond Mowers, Inc $770.76, Dust-Tex Service $82.44, Debra Eggert $37.09, First Dist. Assn of Local Governments $100.00, Homestead Building Supply $341.72, Howard Cold Storage $59.50, Howard Farmers Coop $6376.31, James River Equipment Co $302.00, McLeod’s Printing & Office Supply $448.00, Menards $474.05, Mid-American Research $200.78, Office Peeps, Inc $631.55, Pheasant Industries $644.90, Quill Corp $70.73, Rafferty-Robbins Drug $9.98, Cora Schwader $336.78, SD Federal Property Agency $224.00, Sturdevant’s Auto Parts $238.28, Superior Lamp Inc $294.36, Tom’s Hardware Hank $319.72, Henrietta Truh $108.00, supplies; A-Ox Welding Supply Co $53.94, Servall Towel & Linen $56.42, rent; Karen Beranek $261.01, Don Bowman $62.16, Susan Connor $167.44, Voni Durant $29.60, Debra Eggert $52.00, Lanny Klinkhammer $170.82, Jim Krantz $350.73, Karla Neises $172.44, River Lodge $65.00, SD Assn County Highway Supts $30.00, travel; Bob’s Electric $680.00, Homeland Security-Fedora Weather Siren; Hollaway Construction $5847.87, contracted maintenance; Howard City $817.97, utilities; Interlakes Community Action $394.12, outreach worker; Miner County Pioneer $43.23, publishing; Santel Communications $55.12, Splitrock Properties $327.42, Triotel Communications $175.53, 911 charges; SDN Technologies $1572.98, Sturdevant’s Auto Parts $199.60, repairs.

The meeting adjourned to June 1, 2010.

Dated this 18th day of May, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor


May 4, 2010

The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in adjourned session May 4, 2010, in the Miner County Courthouse. Members present: Don Bowman, Voni Durant, Pat Maroney, Rollin Schulz and Heath Thompson. Absent: none. Chairman Schulz called the meeting to order.

The Auditor’s account with the County Treasurer showed an April 30, 2010 balance of $5,012,829.96 in all state, county, civil, school, and trust accounts.

Motion by Durant, seconded by Maroney and carried to approve the agenda as amended.

The minutes of the April 22nd meeting were approved.

Poor relief case 10-07 was presented for consideration. Motion by Bowman, seconded by Thompson and carried to make payment in full at the designated rates for medical services rendered associated with poor relief applicant 10-07 as follows: Sanford Medical Center $4,273.21 and Madison Community Hospital $3,211.65.

Elva Lefdal presented information concerning animal control issues and the contract of Second Chance Rescue Center with Miner County. She presented concerns on how issues are resolved with animal complaints against breeders. Deputy Sheriff Rob Eggert commented on procedures used on complaints received in Miner County and stated that Second Change Rescue Center is called when assistance is necessary. Commissioners thanked Lefdal for the information and will take it under consideration in future contracts.

Maroney left the meeting.

Kelly Barnhart of the Miner County Youth Football program presented a request for funds to support the program. Motion by Durant and seconded by Thompson to approve the following resolution.


WHEREAS, insufficient appropriation was made in the 2010 adopted budget for Recreation to discharge just obligations of said appropriations; and

WHEREAS, SDCL 7-21-32.2 provides that transfers may be made by resolution of the board from the contingency appropriation established pursuant to SDCL 7-21-6.1 to other appropriations;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the appropriation be transferred from contingency to Recreation, $1000.

Voting aye: Thompson, Maroney, Bowman, Durant and Schulz. Voting nay: none.

Resolution approved this 4th day of May, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

Motion by Bowman, seconded by Durant and carried to grant $1000 to the Howard Youth Football Program.

Commissioners will review the proposed updated personnel policy at the May 18th meeting.

Claims allowed: Payroll by department: Commissioners $3463.50; Auditor $5364.74; Treasurer $5576.00; State's Attorney $3225.25; Custodian $1753.70; Director of Equalization $3926.83; Register of Deeds $5938.60; Veteran Service Office $697.00; Sheriff $9227.93; Contract Law Enforcement $2949.25; Public Health Office $2007.89; Ambulance $4820.44; Extension $2232.50; Weed $675.75; Highway $29,460.88; Dispatch $10,172.97 (includes Sara Rentschler @$13.75/hr); Emergency Management $2027.25; Erin Feldhaus $912.00, Dennis Williams $58.50, Molly Steeneck $378.00, Colleen Noid $92.00, Cathy Cavigielli $364.00, David Claussen $498.00, Barbara Genzlinger $276.00, Janet Haak $96.00, Kimberly Halverson $24.00, Donna Klinkhammer $540.00, Lanny Klinkhammer $324.00, Holly Litterick $120.00, Rick Olson $312.00, Ashley Callies $1213.50, quarterly ambulance attendents;

Other Claims: Miner County Bank $7048.95, social security match, Wellmark, $26,526.93, health insurance match; SD Retirement System $5081.76; retirement match; Ron Krempges $9.00, travel; Howard Golf Course $74.46, Pandemic planning; AED Superstore $678.00, Corner Pantry $22.16, Emergency Medical Products $227.51, Hard Drive Central $35.00, James River Equipment Co. $14.18, Kimball Midwest $33.57, Lake County International $18.48, Mid-American Research $1187.31, Miner County Pioneer $125.00, Office Peeps, Inc $315.40, Rusty’s Foodland $200.13, Cora Schwader $53.23, Synergy Graphics $75.00, Tee’s Plus $259.74, Ultra, Inc $176.00, supplies; Alliance Communications $1037.37, Alltel $50.58, phone service; Al’s Service $244.05, Dakota Body Shop $369.25, Howard Auto Clinic $131.40, James Valley Nursery $103.14, Sioux Falls Two Way Radio $62.99, Westside Repair $45.00, repairs; Emergency Training Assoc. $187.50, ambulance in service education; Ericsson & Giles, Inc $61.50, Lammers, Kleibacker & Brown $898.69, Philip R Parent $319.80, court appointed attorney; Lanny Klinkhammer $35.00, Cora Schwader $97.32, travel; Miner County Conservation Dist $7000.00, grant; Miner County Pioneer $300.00, publishing; Roxane Osborn $27.20, transcripts; Greg Protsch $900.00, office expense allowance; SD Dept of Public Safety $12.00, ambulance license; SD Dept of Health Lab $70.00, blood alcohols; SD Dept of Transportation $125.14, contracted maintenance; Thomson West $222.00, law books; Xcel Energy $9.50, electric service.

The meeting adjourned to May 18, 2010. Dated this 4th day of May, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor


April 22, 2010

The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in adjourned session April 22, 2010, in the Miner County Courthouse. Members present: Don Bowman, Voni Durant, Pat Maroney, Rollin Schulz and Heath Thompson. Absent: none. Chairman Schulz called the meeting to order.

Motion by Maroney, seconded by Bowman and carried to approve the agenda as amended.

The minutes of the April 13th meeting were approved.

Extension Educator Jim Krantz presented the quotes for the geothermal unit project at the 4-H exhibit hall. Three quotes were received: Kaiser Well Drilling, $7653.08, Steffl Drilling & Pump $10,400 and Chase Drilling $10,710. The Kaiser Well Drilling quote was rejected by the board as it did not include the full scope of work required for the project and the Steffl Drilling & Pump was rejected as the quotes were disclosed prior to receiving their proposal. Motion by Maroney, seconded by Durant and carried to award the contract for the drilling of geothermal wells to Chase Drilling.

Motion by Bowman, seconded by Maroney and carried to sign the letter of understanding from First District Association of Local Governments for grant services associated with the 4-H exhibit hall project.

Commissioners reviewed the agreement from the South Dakota Department of Agriculture Division of Wildland Fire Suppression. Motion by Maroney, seconded by Thompson and carried to authorize the chairman to sign the County Rangeland Fire Protection Agreement and that Miner County Commission chairperson, Rollin Schulz, and Miner County Emergency Management director, Bob Calmus be designated representatives authorized to request assistance.

The board adjourned as a board of commissioners and reconvened as a board of equalization. Director of Equalization Kay Hageman joined the meeting. Having no further equalization business it was motioned by Maroney and seconded by Durant to end equalization for 2010. Motion carried.

The board reconvened as a board of commissioners.

Highway superintendent Ron Krempges discussed spring load limits on county roads. Krempges & commissioners are concerned about the deterioration of roads during the spring thaw and are considering implementing lower load limits during the spring of 2011.

The total unreserved, undesignated fund balance of the General Fund as of March 31, 2010 is $995,645.77 which represents a 34.93% fund balance percentage based on the 2010 total General Fund budget.

Claims allowed: Howard Community Club $2500.00, bleachers; Alltel $172.87, phone service; Black Book $58.00, Boyer Ford Trucks $73.32, Campbell Supply $497.90, Kimball Midwest $100.72, Karla Neises $30.00, Puthoff Repair Sales & Service $375.00, Rafferty-Robbins Drug $11.17, Sheehan Mack Sales & Equipment $417.50, supplies; Robert Calmus $59.84, Holiday Inn City Centre $350.00, SD Assn of County Officials $195.00, travel; Canova-Epiphany Senior Citizens $108.00, grant; Davison County Jail $1040.00, prisoner care; Minnehaha County Treasurer $1019.02 SE Regional Area Joint Powers Agreement Juvenile Detention; deCastro Law Office $392.87, court appointed attorney; Hattervig Electric $431.13, SDN Technologies $520.00, Canova Service Center $70.54, repairs; Howard American Legion $180.00, Servall Towel & Linen $56.42, rent; Lincoln County Auditor $202.00, mental illness hearing; Miner County Treasurer $147.48, cash item-supplies; NW Energy & Comm $1084.34, gas service; Qwest $90.00, 911 charges.

The meeting adjourned to May 4, 2010.

Dated this 22nd day of April, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor


April 13, 2010
The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in adjourned session April 13, 2010, in the Miner County Courthouse. Members present: Don Bowman, Voni Durant, Pat Maroney, Rollin Schulz and Heath Thompson. Absent: none. Chairman Schulz called the meeting to order. The Auditor’s account with the County Treasurer showed a March 31, 2010 balance of $3,545,772.30 in all state, county, civil, school, and trust accounts. Motion by Durant, seconded by Thompson and carried to approve the agenda as amended. The minutes of the March 16th and April 8th meetings were approved.
Commissioners accepted the resignation of Greg Callies as an extension board member and expressed their gratitude for his years of service. Motion by Bowman, seconded by Maroney and carried to appoint Connie Eliason to the extension board to fulfill the remaining portion of Callies’ term.
The county has been notified by the SD State Energy Office that Miner County has been chosen as a recipient of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant. The grant ($17,590) is for installation of a geothermal heating & cooling unit in the 4-H exhibit hall. Motion by Durant, seconded by Bowman and carried to authorize Chairman Schulz to sign the grant agreement.
The board adjourned as a board of commissioner and reconvened as planning commission serving as the board of adjustments. A hearing was held to consider an application for a variance from the zoning ordinance from Gary Hueners to locate a grain bin closer to the road than allowed by zoning regulations on the SE ¼ 25-106-55, Clearwater Township, Miner County, South Dakota. Present for the hearing were Zoning Administrator Kay Hageman, Gary & Curt Hueners. Following consideration of oral testimony in support of the application, it was moved by Schulz, seconded by Thompson and carried the Findings that follow be approved.
 That the applicant, Gary Hueners, has made an application for a variance to locate a grain bin closer to the road than allowed by zoning regulations in the SE ¼ 25-106-55, Clearwater Township in Miner County, South Dakota, and that Curtis Hueners is the owner of record thereof. 
 That the proposed use of said realty is specifically prohibited by the zoning ordinance without applicant first obtaining a variance, for which he has applied and paid the applicable fee. 
 That upon said application, notice of hearing was given as required by the Miner County Zoning Ordinance by mailing to the adjoining landowners and by publication. 
 That hearing upon said application was held on April 13, 2010, in the Commissioners’ Room of the Miner County Courthouse. V That applicant and owner appeared in person. 
 That a presentation in support of said variance and testimony on behalf of said variance was received at the hearing and that no testimony regarding concerns for the granting of the variance was received at the hearing.
NOW, THEREFORE, that application, testimony at the hearing, having been considered, it is the FINDING of the Miner County Board of Adjustment that the application of Gary Hueners for a variance be approved to allow placing the grain bin closer to the road for the following reasons: 1) That the Miner County Board of Adjustment is empowered under Section 505 to grant the variance and that the requirements of the zoning ordinance regarding a variance have been met by the applicant. 2) That the Miner County Board of Adjustment is able to make the applicable findings required by Section 505 of the ordinance, which are considered prerequisite to the granting of a variance. VII That the Board of Adjustment vote upon approval of such application was five in favor thereof and none opposed thereto. It is, therefore, ORDERED that said application be approved. Dated this 13th day of April, 2010.
Patrick Maroney, Chairman Miner County Board of Adjustment
Attest:Susan Connor, Secretary
 The board adjourned as a board of adjustments and reconvened as a board of commissioners.
Motion by Durant, seconded by Bowman and carried to approve the prisoner housing agreement with Minnehaha County at the rate of $74.35/day/prisoner.
Zoning Director Kay Hageman presented the following plat for consideration. Motion by Durant, seconded by Bowman and carried to approve the plat of LOT A1 OF S. DUERKSEN’S FIRST ADDITION IN NW ¼ SECTION 28-107N R 55W OF THE 5TH P.M., MINER COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA, prepared by Steven D. Rames, a duly licensed Land Surveyor in and for the State of South Dakota.
The following are listed as storm watchers for Miner County: Bob Calmus, Jerry Hodges, John Mengenhausen, Ron Krempges, Ken Ruml, Lanny Klinkhammer, Ron Miller, Mike Genzlinger, Larry Barrick, Matt Bornitz, Russ & Sue Dillion, Voni Durant, Reginald & Kathy Faber, David Hattervig, Norman Madison, Randy Lager, Grant Stevens and Alan Windedahl.
Highway Superintendent Ron Krempges informed the board that he has received a letter of resignation from Gene Feldhaus. Krempges will advertise to fill the position. Bridge damage due to the spring flooding, signage requirements, and progress on the office updates were reviewed. Motion by Maroney and seconded by Durant that the following resolution be approved.
WHEREAS, Miner County desires the construction and improvement of traffic control signing, and
WHEREAS, Miner County is obligated and hereby agrees to provide proper maintenance as required by the Federal Highway Act as amended and supplemented thereto for the project after construction is completed and to regulate or cause to be regulated the installation of utility facilities within the limits of the right-of-way of the proposed project in accordance with State and Federal requirements.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the South Dakota Department of Transportation be and hereby is authorized and requested to program for construction, in accordance with the “Secondary Road Plan” and the State’s “Standard Specifications for Roads and Bridges,” the project described. Estimated Cost of Project Including Engineering, $400,000, STP Funds $0, Local Funds $0. Proposed year of construction: 2017. Voting aye: Schulz, Bowman, Thompson, Maroney and Durant. Voting nay: none. Resolution adopted this 13th day of April, 2010.
Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman Miner County Board of Commissioners
Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor
Treasurer Debbie Eggert presented the list of taxes to be declared uncollectible buildings on leased site. Distress warrants were issued to Lanny Klinkhammer Miner County Sheriff and returned to the treasurer as uncollectible. Motion by Bowman and seconded by Thompson to adopt the following resolution.
WHEREAS, SDCL 10-22 requires the Board of Commissioners to examine the Delinquent Buildings on Leased Site, and
WHEREAS, the County Treasurer has presented said Building on Leased Site Delinquent Tax List, and the same has been examined pursuant to law, and
WHEREAS, a distress warrant has been issued and returned unsatisfied and it appears that the following listed taxes are presently uncollectible: Cheryl Smilth Bldg on leased site, Lot 10, Oines Trailer Park Howard City Acre Property, SE ¼ 3-106-56 2007 Tax $106.22 2008 Tax $110.60 Leo Bickett Bldg on leased site, Lot 2, Oines Trailer Park Howard City Acre Property, SE ¼ 3-106-56 2008 Tax $ 26.25 Roberto Gonzalez Bldg on leased site, Lot 4, Oines Trailer Park Howard City Acre Property, SE ¼ 3-106-56 2008 Tax $ 57.52 Jacky Nordland Bldg on lease site, Lot 7, Oines Trailer Park Howard City Acre Property, SE ¼ 3-106-56 2008 Tax $139.54
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Miner County Commissioners that the above listed taxes are presently declared uncollectible within the meaning of SDCL 10-22-30. Dated this 13th day of April, 2010.
Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman Miner County Board of Commissioners
Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor
Weed Control Superintendent Robert Calmus joined the meeting for the opening of Weed Control Chemicals as advertised for a one-year supply. The following bid was submitted by Howard Farmers Coop: 4lb 24D Amine in 110 gallon mini bulk containers $11.68/gallon; 4 lb 24D Amine in 2 ½ gallon containers $11.95/per gallon; Tordon in 2 ½ gallon containers $78.95/gallon; Outpost in 2 ½ gallon containers $51.30/gallon; Glyphosate in 2 ½ gallon containers $14.50/gallon; Redeem in 1 or 2 ½ gallon containers $109.47/gallon; Plateau in 1 gallon containers $173.31/gallon; Milestone in 1 gallon & 2 ½ gallon containers $343.50/gallon. Motion by Maroney, seconded by Durant and carried to award the bid for Weed Control Chemicals to Howard Farmers Coop.
Larry Gauger presented information concerning the availability of bleachers to be utilized at the 4-H grounds that are listed on a private auction. Motion by Maroney, seconded by Durant and carried to authorize the purchase of the 2 sets of bleachers with a maximum bid of $2,500.
The board adjourned as a Board of Commissioners and reconvened as a Board of Equalization. Members took their oaths. Director of Equalization Kay Hageman was also present. Clerical corrections: Parcel #4654 Carolyn Gannon, remove from owner occupied to building on leased site Lot 9 Oines Trailer Park Parcel #3593 Carolyn Gannon change to owner occupied Lot 2 Blk 12 Howard City OP Parcel #3265 Debra Corbin change to owner occupied Lots 3, 7, 4 Blk 6 Carthage City OP Motion by Durant, seconded by Thompson and carried to authorize the director to make the clerical corrections listed above. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Durant and carried to authorize the Director of Equalization to make changes on the assessment rolls to reflect the qualifying applications for the exemption on assessments of dwellings of the disabled veterans. Motion by Maroney, seconded by Bowman and carried to authorize the Director of Equalization to make changes on the assessment rolls to reflect the qualifying applications for the freeze on assessments of dwellings of the disabled and senior citizens. The annual applications for tax exempt status, as previously published in the legal newspaper were reviewed. The board recessed as a board of Equalization until April 22, 2010.
Claims allowed: Payroll by department: Commissioners $3463.50; Auditor $5179.11; Treasurer $5576.00; State's Attorney $3225.25; Custodian $1477.16; Director of Equalization $3664.31; Register of Deeds $4784.56; Veteran Service Office $697.00; Sheriff $9186.50; Contract Law Enforcement $2949.25; Public Health Office $1589.28; Ambulance $4993.70; Extension $2207.50; Weed $675.75; Highway $43,403.24; Dispatch $8037.51; Emergency Management $2027.25. Other Claims: Miner County Bank $7360.91, social security match, Wellmark, $27,483.49, health insurance match; SD Retirement System $5837.34; retirement match; SD Dept of Revenue $1545.00, county health nurse payment; Joe Erpenbach $18.00, Phillip Swanson $9.00, Troy Meyer $9.00, Grant Stevens $18.00, Gene Feldhaus $9.00, Don Eppe $9.00, Harvey Schrank $18.00, Ed Meyer $9.00, travel; Alltel $223.00, Alliance Communications $1028.24, Splitrock Properties $48.90, phone service; A-OX Welding Supply Co $53.94, Servall Towell & Linen $101.40, rent; Avera Home Medical Equipment $26.00, Boyer Ford Trucks $782.78, Brock White Co $33.45, Canova Service Center $176.47, Central Business Supply $115.74, Dakota Data Shred $40.00, Dakotagas Propane $330.00, Dust-Tex Service $82.41, Election Systems & Software $155.97, Homestead Building Supply $242.40, Hope Haven Inc $268.70, Howard Farmers Coop Assn $7430.31, Huron Culvert & Tank Co $23,425.29, Kimball Midwest $107.31, Lawson Products Inc $178.00, Little Falls Machine, Inc $165.83, Lyle Signs $1105.08, McLeod’s Printing & Office Supply $207.40, Northern States Supply Inc $358.00, Office Peeps, Inc $1062.11, O’Keefe Imp $58.25, Rafferty-Robbins Drug $7.15, Rockmount Research & Alloys $645.51, Rusty’s Foodland $210.84, Safety Kleen Corp $320.64, SD Law Review $35.00, Spencer Quarries, Inc $228.54, Stan Houston Equipment $61.95, Sturdevant’s Auto Parts $469.32, Team Lab Chemical Corp $5324.50, Tom’s Hardware Hank $16.66, VanGuard Appraisals $1945.00, Wheelco Brake & Supply $1192.88, Wingen’s Garage $50.57, supplies; Queen of Peace $50.00, SD Dept of Health $35.00, alcohol & drug testing; Karen Beranek $173.16, Best Western Ramkota Inn $84.00, Matt Connor $6.29, Ron Krempges $18.00, Rita Nelson $10.36, Colleen Noid $104.90, travel; Boyer Ford Trucks $756.50, Cummins Central Power $826.77, Dakota Body Shop $360.00, Hard Drive Central $329.69, Howard Auto Clinic $113.70, Mobile Electronic Service $100.00, Sioux Falls Two Way Radio $389.37, SD Dept of Transportation $226.86, Vilas Sales & Service $65.99, repairs; Kelli Colling $130.00, ambulance in-service education; Community Counseling Service $4017.00, drug abuse & mental health grant; Linda Eldeen $20.37, witness; Howard City $1309.38, NW Energy & Comm $1953.85, Xcel $13.26, utilities; Interlakes Community Action $394.12, outreach worker; Miner County Pioneer $394.07, publishing; Domestic Violence Network $45.00, Mitchell Area Safehouse $45.00, domestic abuse fees, $1200.00, domestic abuse grant; Miner County Treasurer $10.00, domestic abuse administrative expense; Greg Protsch $900.00, office expense allowance; Rural Learning Center $12,000.00, urban/rural development grant; Santel Communications $55.12, Splitrock Properties $327.42, Triotel Communications $177.53, 911 charges; SD Assn of Co Commissioners $731.65, Catastrophic Legal Expense; SD Public Assurance Alliance $87.00, road & bridge insurance.
The commissioner meeting was adjourned to April 22, 2010.
Rollin Schulz, Chairman Miner County Board of Commissioners
Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor
April 8, 2010
       The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in special session at 3:00, April 8, 2010 in the commission room of the Miner County Courthouse. Members present: Rollin Schulz, Heath Thompson and Don Bowman. Absent: Pat Maroney and Voni Durant. Chairman Schulz called the meeting to order. Present for the meeting were Emergency Management Director Bob Calmus, Farm Service agents Larry Gauger and Theresa Abrahamson. Commissioners reviewed information on estimates of damage occurring on county and township roads located within Miner County. Due to the amount of water & ice moving through, significant damage was caused to culverts, bridges and roads. It was moved by Thompson and seconded by Bowman to approve the following resolution.
       WHEREAS, Miner County. South Dakota has suffered severe damage to township and county roads due to flooding that has occurred during this spring, and
       WHEREAS, the cost of repairing the damage due to the spring flooding has caused financial hardship on the county and the townships within Miner County
       THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Miner County Board of Commissioners for, and on behalf of the citizens of Miner County, request the Governor of the State of South Dakota to petition the President of the United States to declare Miner County, South Dakota an emergency/disaster area. Voting aye: Schulz, Thompson and Bowman. Voting nay: none. Resolution adopted this 8th day of April, 2010.
Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman Miner County Board of Commissioners
Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor
March 16, 2010

The Miner County Commission met in adjourned session March 16, 2010, in the Commission Room of the Miner County Courthouse. Members present were Don Bowman, Heath Thompson, Voni Durant, and Rollin Schulz. Absent: Pat Maroney. Chairman Schulz called the meeting to order.

Motion by Bowman, seconded by Durant and carried to approve the agenda as amended. The minutes of the March 2nd meeting were approved.

A hearing was held to consider the transfer of malt beverage license from D & D Ward to Harms Oil Company to operate outside of a municipality for the 2009-2010 licensing period. It was moved by Durant, seconded by Thompson, and carried to approve the transfer of the retail on-off sale malt beverage license application of D & D Ward (Jake’s) for Tract A of Bessman’s First Addition NW ¼ Section 12-106-55 Clearwater Township.

Poor relief applications 10-02, 10-03, 10-04, 10-05, & 10-06 were considered. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Durant and carried to deny the hospitals’ applications 10-02, 10-03, 10-04, 10-05, & 10-06 due to lack of information available to determine residency and eligibility.

Highway Superintendent Krempges and a representative from Concrete Materials were present for the opening of the highway supply bids as advertised. The following bids were received for the hot bituminous patch material:


























Asphalt Paving & Materials Co







Huron, SD

Bowes Construction










Brookings, SD

Concrete Materials













Sioux Falls, SD

Motion by Thompson, seconded by Durant and carried to award the bid for Class E & Class G to Concrete Materials. Motion by Bowman, seconded by Durant and carried to award the bid for Class D to Asphalt Paving & Materials Co. No bids were received for bridge construction & repair.

Krempges reported on the flooding conditions on county roads and ice jams around bridges.

Larry Gauger reported on disaster declaration issues related to the current and past weather conditions. Commissioners and FSA county committee will continue to monitor these conditions.

Tami Moore of the Miner County Soil Conservation District presented the district’s annual report.

Director of Equalizaton Kay Hageman reviewed information that she presented at the meeting of the townships held on March 11th. Hageman covered the ag productivity valuation process.

Sheriff Lanny Klinkhammer joined the meeting to discuss the purchase of a new vehicle to replace the Contract Law Chevy Blazer. Klinkhammer requested to purchase a Ford ½ ton 4 x 4 crew cab short box pickup off the specifications from the State of South Dakota bid. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Bowman and carried to purchase the 2010 Ford F150 E85, 4 x 4 crew cab shot box pickup, $25,229, from Murdo Ford, state contract #15771.

Motion by Bowman, seconded by Thompson and carried to authorize the auditor to make an operating transfer as provided for in the 2010 budget from General Fund to the Road & Bridge Fund, $250,000.

Claims allowed: Al’s Service $110.89, Audio Electronics Etc $50.00, Dakota Fire Equipment $458.00, Election Systems & Software $3264.00, Howard Farmers Coop Assn $39.05, Howard Heating & Plumbing $259.32, Office Peeps, Inc $51.66, Sioux Falls Two Way Radio $36.37, repairs; A-OX Welding Supply Co $53.94, Butler Machinery Co $19,800.00, Servall Towel & Linen $56.42, rent; Queen of Peace Hospital $50.00, Lynne Calmus $45.00, alcohol & drug testing; Karen Beranek $157.84, Don Bowman $39.59, Days Inn Brookings $93.00, Voni Durant $29.60, Jim Krantz $350.02, Rita Nelson $30.34, Rollin Schulz $13.32, SD Asphalt Conference $100.00, SD Assn Assessing Officers $100.00, SD Assn of Co

Weed & Pest Bds $75.00, travel; Audio Electronics Etc $94.99, Brock White Co $571.41, Butler Machinery Co $264.00, Construction Products $51.10, Dakotagas Propane $427.90, Dust-Tex Service $82.40, Gillund Enterprises $168.96, Homestead Building Supply $30.91, Howard Farmers Coop Assn $10,340.43, Howard Physical Therapy $97.50, Miner County Pioneer $30.00, Office Peeps, Inc $626.03, Rusty’s Foodland $86.70, SD Assn of Co Weed & Pest Bd $50.00, SD Federal Property Agency $65.00, Sturdevant’s Auto Parts $273.44, Superior Lamp Inc $1489.20, Tom’s Hardware Hank $14.63, Wheelco Brake & Supply $179.48, supplies; Howard City $1640.83, Xcel Energy $49.49, utilities; Interlakes Community Action $394.12, outreach worker; Lincoln Co Auditor $18.00, mental illness hearing; Miner County Treasurer $289.51, cash item postage & supplies; Philip Parent $486.40, court appointed attorney; Qwest $90.10, Santel Communuications $55.12, Splitrock Properties $327.42, Triotel Communications $171.53, 911 charges; SD Assn of Co Weed & Pest Bd $150.00, dues; Splitrock Properties $48.90, telephone

The meeting adjourned to April 13, 2010. Dated this 16th day of March, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman, Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan R. Connor, Miner County Auditor


March 2, 2010


The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in adjourned session March 2, 2010, in the Miner County Courthouse. Members present: Don Bowman, Voni Durant, Pat Maroney, Rollin Schulz and Heath Thompson. Absent: none. Chairman Schulz called the meeting to order.

The Auditor’s account with the County Treasurer showed a February 28, 2010 balance of $3,451,107.33 in all state, county, civil, school, and trust accounts.

Motion by Durant, seconded by Bowman and carried to approve the agenda as amended.

The minutes of the February 16th meeting were approved.

Treasurer Debbie Eggert discussed tax certificates associated with property in Canova. The commission is not interested in taking tax deed to this property.

Motion by Durant, seconded by Bowman and carried to set the fee for voter registration lists at $50 to match the fees charged by the Secretary of State’s Office.

Motion by Maroney, seconded by Thompson and carried to authorize the auditor to make an automatic supplement to the emergency management fund for Homeland Security grant funds received, $4390.00.

Auditor Susan Connor presented the 2009 annual report.

Highway superintendent Ron Kempges reported on the implementation of load limits.

Motion by Maroney, seconded by Durant and carried to authorize the Chairman, Rollin Schulz and Vice-Chairman, Heath Thompson to sign agreements with the SD Dept of Transportation.

Motion by Bowman, seconded by Thompson and carried to rent ($19,800 for 1000 hours) a Cat 420 Backhoe loader from Butler Machinery off of the bid advertised and awarded by Brookings County.

AFLAC representative Nancy Claussen presented information concerning the AFLAC pre-taxing for Miner County employees. Motion by Maroney seconded by Bowman to set the AFLAC Section 125 pretaxing payroll accounts for AFLAC premiums to be offered to those employees who work 20 or more hours per week.

Carmyn Asencio, representative of Senator Tim Johnson’s office gave on overview of issues in Congress.

Sheriff Lanny Klinkhammer reviewed his request for a new ½ ton 4x4 extended cab short box pickup to replace the current 2004 Blazer. More options will be reviewed at the next meeting.

Motion by Durant seconded by Bowman and carried to enter executive session at 11:49.

Commissioners returned to regular session at 11:55.

Commissioners reviewed the personnel policy. Motion by Durant seconded by Maroney and carried to classify the director of equalization and highway superintendent for benefit purposes the same as elected officials.

Claims allowed: Alliance Communications $952.02, phone service; A-OX Welding Supply Co $52.39, Servall Towel & Linen $56.42, rent; Audio Electronics Etc. $305.00, Dakota Backup $86.54, G & H Radiator Co $131.00, Howard Farmers Coop Assn $99.45, James River Equipment Co $34.50, repairs; Karen Beranek $128.76, Don Bowman $20.72, Voni Durant $29.60, Rollin Schulz $13.32, travel; Brock White Co $11,379.38, road material; Butler Machinery Co $503.30, Dakotagas Propane $219.60, Dust-Tex Service $201.40, Fedex $9.69, G & H Radiator Co $12.00, Homestead Building Supply $26.22, Howard Farmers Coop Assn $11,683.39, James River Equipment Co $79.00, Kimball Midwest $25.94, Krug Products Inc $17.01, Mid-American Research $221.56, Office Peeps, Inc $1325.16, Pulford’s Auto Parts $91.02, Rafferty-Robbins Drug $15.99, Rhomar Industries $1169.82, Rusty’s Foodland $94.47, Spencer Quarries, Inc $952.43, State Steel $10.94, Sturdevant’s Auto Parts $622.60, Tom’s Hardware Hank $91.07, Wheelco Brake & Supply $79.90, Zabel Steel $16.17, supplies; Carthage Senior Citizens $54.00, grant; Davison County Jail $1625.00, prisoner care; Howard City $1140.79, Xcel Energy $31.92, utilities; Midstates Organized $100.00, dues; Miner County Treasurer $180.30, cash item-postage; Qwest $89.74, Santel Communications $55.12, Triotel Communications $178.41, 911 charges; SD Assn County Commissioners $1303.00, poor relief catastrophic fund; SD Dept of Health Lab Service $169.00, blood alcohols; Splitrock Properties $376.32, 911 charges; Tinan, Smith & Bucher, $4676.28 court appointed attorney.

The meeting adjourned to March 16, 2010.

Dated this 2nd day of March 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

February 16, 2010


The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in adjourned session February 16, 2010, in the Miner County Courthouse. Members present: Pat Maroney, Don Bowman, Heath Thompson, Voni Durant and Rollin Schulz. Absent: none. Chairman Schulz called the meeting to order.

Motion by Maroney, seconded by Thompson and carried to approve the agenda as amended. The minutes of February 2nd were approved.

Maroney informed the commission as to the resolutions passed by the Southeast Central County Commissioners and Officials concerning SB 126 and SB155.

Treasurer Debbie Eggert presented the updated Investment Policy for consideration.

Motion by Bowman, seconded by Durant to adopt the following Investment Policy for Miner County.





This policy applies to the investment of all funds of Miner County, South Dakota. Except for funds held in trust or special funds that are otherwise specifically provided for, Miner County will consolidate the balances from all funds to maximize investment earnings and meet the liquidity requirements of Miner County subject to the primary objective of providing security of principal. Investment income will be allocated to the various funds based on their respective participation of capital in the overall portfolio in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.


Pursuant to SDCL 4-5-8 it is the policy of Miner County to invest idle public funds in a manner to meet the daily cash flow demands of the Miner County with the primary objectives, in priority order, being: a) Safety of Principal b) Liquidity and c) Return on Investments.

A) Safety of Principal

Safety of principal is the foremost objective of the investment program. Investments shall be undertaken in a manner that seeks to ensure the preservation of capital in the overall portfolio. The objective will be to mitigate the following risks.

1. Credit Risk

The Miner County Treasurer will minimize credit risk, which is the risk of loss due to the failure of the investment issuer or backer, by limiting the portfolio to the types of investments listed in section 5. Authorized and Suitable Investments of this policy and diversifying the investment portfolio to diminish the impact of potential losses from any one type of investment or from any one individual issuer are of utmost importance.

2. Custodial Credit Risk

Miner County will minimize Custodial Credit Risk for deposits, which is the risk that in the event of the failure of a depository financial institution the deposits or collateral securities that are in the possession of an outside party would not be able to be recovered, as addressed in section 6, Collateralization.

B) Liquidity

The investment portfolio shall remain sufficiently liquid to meet all operating requirements that may be reasonably anticipated.

C) Return

The investment portfolio shall be designed with the objective of attaining a market rate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles, taking into account the investment risk constraints and liquidity needs. Return on investment is of secondary importance compared to the safety and liquidity objectives described above. The core of the portfolio is limited to relatively low risk investments in anticipation of earning a fair return relative to the risk being assumed.


Authority to manage the investment program is granted to the Miner County Treasurer who shall refrain from personal business activity that could impair her ability to make impartial decisions. The Miner County Treasurer, acting in accordance with written procedures and this investment policy and exercising due diligence, shall be relieved of personal responsibility for an individual investment's credit risk or market price changes, provided deviations from expectations are reported in a timely fashion and the liquidity and the sale of investments are carried out in accordance with the terms of this policy.

Investments shall be made with judgment and care, under circumstances then prevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion, and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income to be derived.

In case of extended leave of absence, the Governing Board shall appoint a replacement Officer.


The Governing Board authorizes the placement of cash resources in the following financial institutions:

· Miner County Bank, PO Box 129, Howard SD 57349

· Miner County Bank, PO Box 226, Canova SD 57321

· Farmers & Merchants State Bank, PO Box 126, Carthage SD 57323


· South Dakota Public Funds Investment Trust (FIT), 214 E Capitol Ave Pierre SD 57501


Miner County is empowered by statute to invest in the following instruments:=

· Interest bearing checking accounts

· Savings accounts

· Certificates of Deposit (CDs)*

Certificates of Deposit (CDs) purchased through CDARS® (Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service) (SDCL 4-5-6.1)*

· Local Government Investment Pool (SD FIT)

However, as of the date of the approval of this policy, the Miner County Treasurer is enabled by approval of the Miner County Commission to invest in all of the above options except the CDARS program.

*When investing in Certificates of Deposit (CDs) public funds will be invested at the highest rate of interest possible after attempting to secure two (2) quotes.

The above listed authorized deposits will be kept in banks in South Dakota as required by SDCL 7-20-1 (counties).


In accordance with the SDCL 4-6A and 51A-10-9 Qualified Public Depositories will furnish collateral in the sum equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the public deposit accounts that exceed deposit insurance. The financial institution shall submit a copy of their collateralization report to the Miner County Treasurer.

SDCL 4-6A-3 requires that collateral be segregated by each depository in such manner as approved by the South Dakota Public Deposit Protection Commission. Collateral may not be held in any safety deposit vault owned or controlled either directly or indirectly by the pledging financial institution but must be deposited for safekeeping in a financial institution that is a member of the Federal Reserve.


The Miner County Treasurer shall prepare an investment report not less than quarterly, that provides a clear picture of the status of the current investments.


The interest earned from investments shall be credited to the respective fund, which include any fund with an end-of-the-month balance of $10,000 or more, and excluding Agency funds.

(SDCL 4-5-9)

Approved by the Miner County Commissioners this 16th day of February, 2010.

Rollin D Schulz

Chairman, Miner County Commissioners

ATTEST: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

Highway Superintendent Ron Krempges, Chad Johnson of Concrete Materials, and Tom Sterzinger of Sterzinger Gravel Crushing joined the meeting for the opening of annual highway bids.

Bids per ton for gravel crushing in the Schwader pit were received as follows: T.F. Luke & Sons, Inc. $2.46, Michael Johnson Construction $2.00, Rechnagel Construction $1.49 and Sterzinger Crushing Inc. $1.86. It was moved by Maroney, seconded by Durant and carried to award the bid for gravel crushing in 2010 to Rechnagel Construction.

The following bids are for a one-year period from April 1, 2010, through March 31, 2011.

Submitting bids for cutback asphalt and emulsion oil were Jebro Inc. MC 3000 $575.19/ton; Flint Hills MC 3000 $588.36/ton. It was moved by Durant, seconded by Bowman, and carried to award the bid for cutback asphalt and emulsion oil to Jebro Inc.

The following firms submitted bids per ton for hot bituminous patch material: Commercial Asphalt-Mitchell plant Class D Type 1 $56.00, Spencer Plant Class D Type 1 $56.00, Class D Type 2 $56.00; Asphalt Paving & Materials-Huron Plant Class D Type 1 $66.00. Additionally, bids were submitted for the following products which were not included in the bid specifications Concrete Materials – Sioux Falls plant Class G Type 1 $44.00, Class G Type 2 $44.00; Bowes Construction Class E Type 1 $58.50, Class E Type 2 $63.00; and Asphalt Paving & Materials Class D recycled $57, Class E Virgin $67.50, Class E recycled $61.50, Class Q2 recycled $48.25, Class Q2 Virgin $55.00. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Maroney and carried to reject all bids and readvertise for Class D, Class E, and Class G with the bids to be opened on March 16, 2010.

Bids per ton on 7/16” quartzite chips were received as follows: Concrete Materials. $8.50/ton, trucking $.14/ton/mile; Spencer Quarries $9.00/ton, trucking $.12/ton/mile. It was moved by Maroney, seconded by Thompson and carried to award the bid for quartzite chips to Spencer Quarries.

No bids were received for bridge construction & repair. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Bowman and carried to readvertise for bids to be opened on March 16, 2010.

It was moved by Durant, seconded by Thompson and carried to purchase metal culverts, guard rail, steel piling, bridge decking, steel sheet piling, and creosote treated #1 Douglas Fir lumber, during the period from February 1, 2010, through January 31, 2011, off of the bid awarded by Beadle County to Huron Culvert and Tank.

Motion by Thompson, seconded by Bowman to approve the following resolution.


WHEREAS, Title 23, Section 151, United States Code and Title 23, Part 650, Subpart C, Code of Federal Regulations, requires initial inspection of all bridges and reinspection at intervals not to exceed two years with the exception of reinforced concrete box culverts that meet specific criteria. These culverts are reinspected at intervals not to exceed four years.

THEREFORE, Miner County is desirous of participating in the Bridge Inspection Program using Bridge Replacement funds.

The County requests SDDOT to hire Ulteig Consulting Engineers for the inspection work. SDDOT will secure federal approvals, make payments to the Consulting Engineer for inspection services rendered, and bill the County for 20% of the cost. The County will be responsible for the required 20% matching funds.

Dated this 16th day of February, 2010, at Howard, South Dakota.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

Motion by Maroney and seconded by Durant to adopt the following resolution.


WHEREAS, excessive loads can be detrimental to our highways, and

WHEREAS, the Miner County Board of Commissioners desires to protect existing Miner County Highways, ultimately saving tax dollars, and

WHEREAS, the Miner County Board of Commissioners desires the enforcement of weight limitations on Miner County Roads, as set forth and posted by the Miner County Highway Superintendent.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the limits on Miner County Highways shall be set with South Dakota weight limitations, with the exception of 425th Avenue (County Road #17) between 220th Street and 233rd Street (SD Hwy 34) and 421st Avenue (County Road #21) between 233rd Street (SD HWY 34) and 244th Street will be set as 80,000 pounds gross weight for any vehicle or combination of vehicles.

Seasonal spring thaw weight limitations will preside over such weight limitations when signs are in place and displayed.

That the South Dakota Highway Patrol be and hereby is authorized and requested to enforce weight limitations on Miner County Roads.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the penalty for the violation of the load restrictions shall be set forth in SDCL 32-22-55.

Voting aye: Schulz, Thompson, Maroney, Durant and Bowman. Voting nay: none.

Resolution adopted this 16th day of February, 2010, at Howard, South Dakota.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

Motion by Bowman and seconded by Thompson to approve the following resolution.


WHEREAS, seasonal climatic changes can be detrimental to our highways, and

WHEREAS, the Miner County Board of Commissioners desires to protect existing Miner County Highways, ultimately saving tax dollars, and

WHEREAS, the Miner County Board of Commissioners desire the enforcement of weight limitations on Miner County roads as set forth and posted by the Miner County Highway Superintendent.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the limits on Miner County Highways shall be set at 7 tons per axel on all posted roads, during spring thaw period and when weight limit signs are in place. That the South Dakota Highway Patrol be and hereby is authorized and requested to enforce weight limitations on Miner County roads.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the penalty for the violation of the load restrictions shall be set forth in SDCL 32-22-55

Voting aye: Schulz, Thompson, Maroney, Durant, and Bowman. Voting nay: none.

Resolution adopted this 16th day of February, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

Motion by Maroney, seconded by Durant and carried to authorize the chairman to sign a letter requesting assistance with weight limit enforcement.

Krempges reported that the South Dakota DOT research and development program would inspect and research the condition of all county roads as a service for fee. The Miner County commission is not interested in these services.

Notices of farming the road right of ways, altering the ditch, and removal of obstructions from the right of ways will be sent to all land owners in Miner County with the individual property assessment notices.

Motion by Durant, seconded by Thompson and carried to enter into executive session at 11:44 to discuss personnel matters. Return to regular session 11:55.

Commissioners reviewed correspondence from the Beadle County Commission concerning SB 184 (Water Development Districts). The commissioners took no action for the requested support of SB 184.

Motion by Maroney, seconded by Durant and carried to recess until 1:30.

Commissioners resumed the meeting at 1:30. Present for the meeting included Todd Kays of 1st District of Local Governments and several employees and department heads. The employee policy was reviewed with those in attendance. Motion by Thompson and seconded by Maroney to enter into executive session for employee matters. Returned to regular session at 4:45. The updated personnel policy will be ready for adoption at the March 2, 2010 meeting.

Claims allowed: Alliance Communications $952.02, phone service; A-OX Welding Supply Co $52.39, Servall Towel & Linen $56.42, rent; Audio Electronics Etc. $305.00, Dakota Backup $86.54, G & H Radiator Co $131.00, Howard Farmers Coop Assn $99.45, James River Equipment Co $34.50, repairs; Karen Beranek $128.76, Don Bowman $20.72, Voni Durant $29.60, Rollin Schulz $13.32, travel; Brock White Co $11,379.38, road material; Butler Machinery Co $503.30, Dakotagas Propane $219.60, Dust-Tex Service $201.40, Fedex $9.69, G & H Radiator Co $12.00, Homestead Building Supply $26.22, Howard Farmers Coop Assn $11,683.39, James River Equipment Co $79.00, Kimball Midwest $25.94, Krug Products Inc $17.01, Mid-American Research $221.56, Office Peeps, Inc $1325.16, Pulford’s Auto Parts $91.02, Rafferty-Robbins Drug $15.99, Rhomar Industries $1169.82, Rusty’s Foodland $94.47, Spencer Quarries, Inc $952.43, State Steel $10.94, Sturdevant’s Auto Parts $622.60, Tom’s Hardware Hank $91.07, Wheelco Brake & Supply $79.90, Zabel Steel $16.17, supplies; Carthage Senior Citizens $54.00, grant; Davison County Jail $1625.00, prisoner care; Howard City $1140.79, Xcel Energy $31.92, utilities; Midstates Organized $100.00, dues; Miner County Treasurer $180.30, cash item-postage; Qwest $89.74, Santel Communications $55.12, Triotel Communications $178.41, 911 charges; SD Assn County Commissioners $1303.00, poor relief catastrophic fund; SD Dept of Health Lab Service $169.00, blood alcohols; Splitrock Properties $376.32, 911 charges; Tinan, Smith & Bucher, $4676.28 court appointed attorney.

Meeting adjourned to March 2, 2010.

Dated this 16th day of February, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

February 2, 2010

The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in adjourned session February 2, 2010, in the Miner County Courthouse. Members present: Don Bowman, Voni Durant, Pat Maroney, Rollin Schulz and Heath Thompson. Absent: none. Chairman Schulz called the meeting to order.

The Auditor’s account with the County Treasurer showed a January 31, 2010 balance of $3,707,402.05 in all state, county, civil, school, and trust accounts.

Motion by Thompson, seconded by Maroney and carried to approve the agenda as amended.

The minutes of the January 19th meeting were approved.

Motion by Durant, seconded by Thompson and carried to grant $100 to the Fedora 125th celebration.

Commissioners, 911 coordinator Cora Schwader, and Sheriff Klinkhammer reviewed pending legislation that would affect the operation of Miner County’s Dispatch Center.

Motion by Durant, seconded by Bowman and carried to grant the request of CHN Barb Esser for a level raise for CHN clerical assistant Gibi Page, level 4 to level 5.

Motion by Maroney, seconded by Durant and carried to enter into executive session (10:30) to discuss the appeal of poor relief applicant 10-01.

Returned to regular session 11:00. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Durant and carried unanimously to deny the appeal of applicant 10-01.

Commissioner Schulz left the meeting and vice chairman Thompson presided. States Attorney Greg Protsch presented for consideration the Stipulation & Agreement for transferring ownership of Miner County Bridge number 49-045-230, located between Section 26 and Section 35, Township 105 North, Range 58, West of the 5th P.M., in Beaver Township, Miner County, South Dakota. Motion by Maroney, seconded by Durant and carried to declare bridge number 49-045-230 as surplus as it being no longer necessary, useful or suitable for the purpose for which it was acquired and to sign the bill of sale and stipulation and agreement conveying ownership of the bridge to Moe Land and Cattle Co., Inc.

Commissioners Schulz joined the meeting and took the chair. Motion by Thompson and seconded by Maroney to adopt resolutions 10-06 and 10-07 in support of Senate bills 126 & 155.


Resolution Supporting Senate Bill 126

WHEREAS, the SD 911 Coordination Boards’ 2009 administrative rules are detrimental to the function of Miner County’s PSAP,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Miner County Commission supports Senate Bill 126

Voting aye: Thompson, Maroney, Durant, Bowman and Schulz. Voting nay: none. Resolution adopted this 2nd day of February, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

Resolution 10-07

Resolution Supporting Senate Bill 155

WHEREAS, the SD 911 Coordination Boards’ 2009 administrative rules are detrimental to the function of Miner County’s PSAP,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Miner County Commission supports Senate Bill 155

Voting aye: Thompson, Maroney, Durant, Bowman and Schulz. Voting nay: none. Resolution adopted this 2nd day of February, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

Claims allowed: Payroll by department: Commissioners $3463.50; Auditor $5325.12 (includes Helen Sprecher @ $14.85/hr); Treasurer $5576.00; State's Attorney $3225.25; Custodian $2358.15; Director of Equalization $3598.55; Register of Deeds $4796.91; Veteran Service Office $697.00; Sheriff $9186.50; Contract Law Enforcement $2949.25; Public Health Office $1579.53; Ambulance $4798.16; Extension $2207.50; Weed $675.75; Highway $29,471.97, Dispatch $7612.74; Emergency Management $2027.25; Erin Feldhaus $1100.00, Angela Beyer $60.00, Molly Steeneck $550.75, Colleen Noid $311.00, Cathy Cavigielli $335.00, David Claussen $100.00, Barbara Genzlinger $360.00, Janet Haak $168.00, Donna Klinkhammer $552.00, Lanny Klinkhammer $438.00, Holy Litterick $144.00, Rick Olson $324.00, Ashley Callies $1108.00, Qrtly Ambulance Attendants;

Other Claims: Miner County Bank $6738.90, social security match, Wellmark, $21,148.05, health insurance match; SD Retirement System $5060.72; retirement match; Jim Krantz $189.00, travel; Wellmark $827.56, reimbursement; Jerry Adler $30.00, Rob Eggert $20.00, Nathan Kizer $10.00, ambulance EVOC drivers; Alltel $225.31, phone service; Al’s Service $93.33, Computer Software Assn $2210.00, Driveline Service $30.00, Howard Auto Clinic $694.27, Prostrollo Auto Mall $276.91, Sioux Falls Two Way Radio $389.00, SD Dept of Transportation $1595.34, Ultra, Inc $656.00, repairs; Don Bowman $20.72, Dakota 911 Conference $240.00, Voni Durant $29.60, Gibi Page $25.90, Rollin Schulz $13.32, travel; Boyer Ford Trucks $481.32, Brock White Co $1305.78, Butler Machinery Co $48.08, Mike Clary $26.50, Driveline Service Inc $429.99, Kimball Midwest $178.50, Lanny Klinkhammer $99.20, Malloy Electric Bearing Supply $5.43, Michael Todd & Co $150.80, Miner County Pioneer $58.50, postage; Office Peeps, Inc $273.91, SDN Technologies $221.48, Ken Smithey $187.03, SDSU 4-H Office $191.25, Stamp Fulfillment Services $255.60, Tom’s Hardware Hank $41.66, Ultra, Inc. $250.00, Wheelco Brake & Supply $152.50, supplies; Miner County Treasurer $64.99, postage; Lynne Calmus $90.00, Amy Neises $45.00, blood alcohol testing; Canova Summer Youth Recreation $1200.00, Children’s Care Corner $6000.00, Howard Senior Citizens $120.00, Miner County Recreation Assn $1200.00, grants; Davison County Jail $1170.00, prisoner care; deCastro Law Office $604.11, Ericsson & Giles, Inc $2023.52, Lammers, Kleibacker & Brown $524.80, Philip Parent $388.00, court appointed attorney; Miner County Pioneer $201.21, publishing; NW Energy & Comm $3196.52, gas service; Gregory Protsch $900.00, office expense allowance; Qwest $90.10, 911 charges; Servall Towel & Linen $56.42, SD Emergency Management Assn $30.00 , Tri-State Emergency Mgt Assn $10.00, dues; State Radio Communications $2250.00, teletype; Howard Community Club $55.00, pandemic flu booth; Mobile Electronic Service $4390.00, sheriff equipment; Accruit $98,124.00, 140H Cat Motor grader purchase.

The meeting adjourned to February 16, 2010.

Dated this 2nd day of February, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan R. Connor, Miner County Auditor



January 19, 2010

The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in adjourned session January 19, 2010, in the Miner County Courthouse. Members present: Pat Maroney, Don Bowman, Heath Thompson, Voni Durant and Rollin Schulz. Absent: none. Chairman Schulz called the meeting to order.

Motion by Durant, seconded by Bowman and carried to approve the agenda as amended. The minutes of January 5th were approved.

Motion by Maroney, seconded by Durant and carried to enter into the prisoner housing agreement with Charles Mix County at the rate of $45/day/prisoner.

Poor Relief case 10-01 was considered. Motion by Durant, seconded by Bowman and carried to deny the application due to no legal statute requiring counties to pay for such services.

Todd Kays and Luke Muller of 1st District of Local Governments presented the annual report for the district.

Highway superintendent Ron Krempges presented information on the buy out plan for the current lease of the 140H motor grader with North Central Rental & Leasing. Motion by Maroney, seconded by Durant and carried to buy out the lease of the 140H motor grader, $98,124.00 plus the 24 month extended warranty on the power train and hydraulics, $9930.

Jerry Adler representing the Miner County Recreation Association and Duane Miller representing the Canova Summer Youth Recreation presented their requests for recreation funds from the county. Motion by Durant, seconded by Thompson and carried to grant the following: Miner County Recreation Assoc. $1200 and Canova Summer Youth Recreation $1200.

Adler also reported on mosquito control services provided by the City of Howard and supported by Miner County.

Auditor Susan Connor requested a salary increase for deputy auditor Helen Sprecher. Motion by Maroney, seconded by Thompson and carried to grant the increase from level 6 to level 8.

Motion by Bowman and seconded by Maroney that due to the completion of the networking project in fiscal year 2010 the following resolution be adopted.


WHEREAS, insufficient appropriation was made in the 2010 adopted budget for Auditor, Treasurer, Director of Equalization, Register of Deeds, Weed and Emergency Management to discharge just obligations of said appropriations; and

WHEREAS, SDCL 7-21-32.2 provides that transfers may be made by resolution of the board from the contingency appropriation established pursuant to SDCL 7-21-6.1 to other appropriations;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the appropriation be transferred from contingency $13,744.90 to Auditor, $2748.98, Treasurer, $2748.98, Director of Equalization, $2748.98; Register of Deeds, $2748.98; Weed, $1374.49; and Emergency Management, $1374.49.

Voting aye: Durant, Maroney, Bowman, Thompson and Schulz. Voting nay: none.

Resolution approved this 19th day of January, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

Commissioners examined the health insurance renewal with Wellmark Blue Cross & Blue Shield of South Dakota. Different plan options were considered including the offering of a HRA plan. A motion was made by Thompson, seconded by Durant and carried to renew plans as follows: JQG/T9A, $1500 deductible and JPZ/T8P, $750 deductible with county paying benefits according to the JQG/T9A plan. The county will pay 65% of the employee’s share of premium.

Claims allowed: SD Dept of Revenue $1545.00, county nurse payment; A-Ox Welding Supply $65.32, Boyer Ford Trucks $274.37, Butler Machinery Co $438.24, Mike Clary $80.52, Cummins Central Power $125.16, Dakota Data Shred $40.00, Dakotagas Propane $360.75, Dust-Tex Service $41.20, Emergency Medical Products $262.55, Gillund Enterprises $197.76, Homestead Building Supply $41.79, Howard Cold Storage $15.56, Howard Farmers Coop $1822.97, Howard Physical Therapy $243.75, James River Equipment Co $127.75, Kreisers Inc $94.00, Light and Siren $191.32, Mid-American Research $959.13, Northern Truck Equipment Co $140.74, Office Peeps $642.75, ProCellular $69.98, Quill Corp $135.96, Rafferty-Robbins Drug $104.84, Rusty’s Foodland $70.29, SD Federal Property Agency $57.25, Sturdevant’s Auto Parts $48.81, Tom’s Hardware Hank $38.93, Van’s Auto Electric $110.00, Wheelco Brake & Supply $38.01, supplies; Boyer Ford Trucks $382.50, Dakota Backup $145.58, Graham Tire Co $44.51, repairs; CLIA Laboratory Program $150.00, ambulance license; Glacial Lakes & Prairies $288.00, membership, Howard City $1196.43, Xcel Energy $30.13, utilities; Interlakes Community Action $8000.00, transit bus, $394.12, outreach worker, Denny Mentele $300.00, Servall Towel & Linen $56.42, rent; Miner County Pioneer $97.50, health services equipment grant; Miner County Treasurer $105.28, cash item-supplies; Minnehaha County Regional $1620.00, juvenile care; National Sheriff’s Assn $50.00, SD Assn Assessing Officers $55.00, Vermillion Watershed RC&D $300.00, dues; Santel Communications $55.12, Splitrock Properties $327.42, Triotel Communications $179.53, 911 charges; SDN Technologies $13,744.90, office networking; SD Assn Co Weed & Pest Boards $205.00, travel; Splitrock Properties $48.90, telephone, Verizon Conferencing $58.77, States Attorney expense.

The meeting adjourned to February 2, 2010.

Dated this 19th day of January, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan R. Connor, Miner County Auditor

January 5, 2010

The Miner County Board of Commissioners held their reorganization meeting January 5, 2010, in the Miner County Courthouse. Members present: Heath Thompson, Pat Maroney, LaVonne Durant, Donald Bowman and Rollin Schulz. Members absent: none.

County Auditor Susan Connor called the meeting to order. It was moved by Maroney, seconded by Durant and carried to approve the agenda as amended. It was moved by Bowman, seconded by Durant and carried to elect Rollin Schulz as Chairman. Schulz took the chair.

It was moved by Durant, seconded by Maroney and carried to elect Heath Thompson as Vice-chairman.

The minutes of the December 15th and December 30th meetings were approved.

The Auditor's Account with the County Treasurer showed a December 31, 2009, balance of $3,572,038.71in all state, county, civil, school, and trust accounts.

The Miner County Pioneer was designated as official county newspaper, the Miner County Courthouse, Canova Community Hall, and Carthage Community Room as mortgage sale sites and the Miner County Bank at Howard, Miner County Bank at Canova, Farmers and Merchants State Bank at Carthage, and the SD Public Funds Investment Trust as official depositories for the county for 2010.

The following appointments were made Valera Anderson, Barb Genzlinger, and Kari Jo Carlson to 3 year terms on the Ambulance Board. Members and the year their term expires are as follows:

Jeannette Kommes (medical) 1-1-11 Jerry Johnson (City) 1-1-11

Lanny Klinkhammer (Law Enforcement) 1-1-11 Mike Connor (NE area) 1-1-12

Denise Gassman (SW area) 1-1-12 Valera Anderson (NW area) 1-1-13

Barb Genzlinger (EMT) 1-1-13 Kari Jo Carlson (SE area) 1-1-13

The roster for 2010 for the Miner County Search and Rescue Team is as follows: Orville Barringer, Julie Calmus, Richard Calmus, Lynn Chirstopherson, Tim Clarke, Augie Dold, Joe Erpenbach, Larry Gauger, Pat Grassel, John Haak, David Hamilton, David Hattervig, Heather Hiltunen, Marlene Hofer, Mary Holland, Gary Hueners, Karen Hueners, Steve Jacobson, Leo Kommes, Wanda Laible, Randy Schwader, Kent Thompson, Beverly Voeltz, Earl Voeltz, Donald Weidler, Margaret Wipf, Larry Haak, Janet Haak, Holly Litterick, Ronald Miller, Henry Rentschler, Dwayne Roby, Kenneth Ruml.

The roster for 2010 for the Miner County Ambulance Service volunteer attendants and drivers is as follows: Angela Beyer, Ashley Callies, Cathy Cavigielli, Dave Claussen, Erin Feldhaus, Barb Genzlinger, Janet Haak, Donna Klinkhammer, Lanny Klinkhammer, Holly Litterick, Rick Olson, Kimberly Halverson, Dennis Williams, Molly Steeneck, and Colleen Noid.. Ambulance drivers: Jerry Adler, Mike Clary, Rob Eggert, Pat Grassel, Steve Jacobson, Nathan Kizer, John Mengenhausen, Henry Rentschler, Ken Ruml, Mike Sebert, and Jerry Sprecher.

Mary Clark was appointed to a five-year term on the Extension Board. Members and the year their terms expire are as follows:

Greg Callies 1-1-11 Rita Nelson 1-1-13

Matt Connor 1-1-14 Mary Clark 1-1-15

The following commissioners' appointments were made for 2010:

Entire board-Drainage, Zoning, and Emergency Management Boards

Weed Board-Durant Dispatch Board/Law Enforcement-Thompson

Community Action Board-Maroney Legislative Representative-Maroney

Ambulance Board-Durant Farm-Thompson & Schulz

First District Board-Maroney Courthouse-Schulz & Thompson

Extension Board-Bowman Highway-Schulz & Bowman

Juvenile Detention Board-Durant Vermillion Watershed Dist.-Schulz

It was moved by Thompson and seconded by Bowman to approve the following resolution.


WHEREAS, SDCL 12-15-11 provides that the Board of Commissioners shall by annual resolution at the first regular commission meeting establish the rate of compensation to be paid the judges and clerks of a necessary election;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the rate of compensation for judges and clerks for any county-wide election in 2010 be established at $150.00 for a general election, $150.00 for a primary or special election, and $25.00 for attendance of election schools.

Voting aye: Thompson, Bowman, Maroney, Durant and Schulz. Nay: none.

Resolution approved this 5th day of January, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

It was moved by Maroney and seconded by Thompson to pass the following resolution.


WHEREAS, SDCL 7-7-25 states that the Board of County Commissioners, by resolution, may authorize county officials to attend educational conferences, meetings, and conventions held and conducted within or without the state of South Dakota pertaining to the betterment and advancement of county government;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the county commissioners, highway superintendent, auditor, treasurer, register of deeds, state's attorney, sheriff, assessing officer, coroner, emergency management director and veterans service officer be authorized to attend conferences, meetings, and conventions called for the purpose set forth in SDCL 7-7-25 and that the mileage and necessary expenses to attend such be allowed. This resolution shall be in force for fiscal year 2010.

Voting aye: Thompson, Bowman, Maroney, Durant and Schulz. Nay: none.

Resolution approved this 5th day of January, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor


It was moved by Durant and seconded by Bowman to reappoint Terry Lee as Miner County Veterans Service Officer for a period of four years, through the first Monday in January 2014, in accordance with SDCL 33-16-24.

It was moved by Durant and seconded by Bowman to pass the following resolution.



BE IT RESOLVED that the following wage scale for Miner County employees be in effect for fiscal year 2010 (annual salary unless otherwise specified).

Commissioners-Chairman $8,943

Vice-chairman 8,490

Commissioners 8,043


Appointed boards 25.00/ meeting


Auditor, Susan Connor 41,790

Treasurer Debra Eggert, Register of Deeds

Karla Neises, Director of Equalization Kay Hageman 39,885

State's Attorney Gregory Protsch 38,703

Sheriff Lanny Klinkhammer 45,519

Deputy Sheriff Robert Eggert 38,316

Deputy Sheriff Mike Clary 31,290

Part-time law enforcement 14.33/hr.

911 Coordinator Cora Schwader 33,843

plus a $1.00 per hour bonus for providing dispatcher training

Guards-Jenny Grendler, Staci Eggert, Amy Klinkhammer, Nikkole Clary, 13.63/hr.



Level 1- 13.26/hr.

Level 2- Sara Rentschler, Mary Moe 13.49/hr.

Level 3-Randy, Schwader, Joey Ruml 13.75/hr.

Level 4-Sharon Kommes, Gibi Page, Janet Haak, Jerald Sprecher,

Jenny Grendler 13.97/hr

Level 5- 14.19/hr.

Level 6- 14.41/hr

Level 7- 14.63/hr

Level 8- 14.85/hr

plus a $1.00 per hour bonus for providing dispatcher training

Full-time clerical:

Level 1 24,135

Level 2 24,534

Level 3- 24,972

Level 4- 25,371

Level 5- 25,773

Level 6- Maria Feldhaus, Diane Rentz 26,190

Level 7- 26,610

Level 8- Pat Carmon 27,027

Part-time clerical:

Level 1- 13.26/hr.

Level 2- Bob Remacle 13.49/hr.

Level 3-, 13.75/hr.

Level 4-, Gibi Page 13.97/hr.

Level 5- Cindy Foster 14.19/hr.

Level 6- Helen Sprecher, Deanne Krantz 14.41/hr

Level 7- 14.63/hr

Level 8- 14.85/hr

Temporary clerical 13.26/hr.

Custodian-Louise Rentschler, Henry Rentschler 13.49/hr.

Emergency Management Director-Robert Calmus 24,327

Veterans Service Officer-Terry Lee 8,364

Ambulance Manager-Cora Schwader 8,187

Ambulance EMT-Kelli Colling, Jay Goldammer 22,713

Weed Supervisor-Robert Calmus 8,109

Highway Department:

Superintendent-Ron Krempges 45,219

Level 8- Joe Erpenbach, Eugene Feldhaus 14.85/hr.

Level 7- Harvey Schrank, Phillip Swanson, Troy Meyer Donald Eppe, Edwin Meyer 14.35/hr.

Level 6-, 13.93/hr.

Level 5- Grant Stevens 13.72/hr.

Level 4- 13.49/hr.

Level 3- 13.27/hr.

Level 2- 13.05/hr.

Level 1 12.26/hr.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that longevity pay based on $25.00 per year of employment be paid in November for 2010.

Motion by Thompson, seconded by Maroney and carried to approve the contract with the SD Department of Social Services for office space and reimbursement method for stated office space.

Commissioners reviewed correspondence from the South Dakota Association of County Commissioners relating to the claim filed with the Catastrophic Legal Expense Reimbursement Program (CLERP) for expenses incurred during the Whiskey Flow arson case.

Brad Stangohr of Ulteig Engineers presented information on engineering services offered by the firm.

Highway Superintendent Ron Krempges reported on highway issues.

Community Health Nurse Barb Esser presented the quarterly report for the past 2 quarters of 2009. The numbers of influenza & H1N1 vaccinations disbursed was highlighted in during the report.

Zoning Administrator Kay Hageman presented the following plat for approval.

It was moved by Bowman and seconded by Durant to approve the following resolution.


BE IT RESOLVED by the County Commissioners of Miner County, South Dakota, that the plat of LOT A of C. LAMBERT FIRST ADDITION IN THE NW ¼ OF SECTION 20, T 105 N, R 58 W OF THE 5TH P.M., MINER COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA, which has been submitted for examination pursuant to law, is hereby approved and the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to endorse on such plat a copy of this Resolution and certify the same.

Voting aye: Bowman, Durant, Maroney, Thompson and Schulz. Voting nay: none. Resolution adopted this 5th day of January, 2010.


Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan R. Connor, Miner County Auditor

Claims allowed: Payroll by department: Commissioners $3362.50; Auditor $4681.84; Treasurer $5429.75 (includes Pat Carmon @$2184.00/mo); State's Attorney $3131.25; Custodian $2784.04; Director of Equalization $3655.59; Register of Deeds $5155.61; Veteran Service Office $676.50; Sheriff $8936.00; Contract Law Enforcement $2867.25; Public Health Office $1931.67; Ambulance $4936.89; Extension $2114.25; Weed $656.25; Highway $25,684.69 (includes Grant Stevens @$13.27/hr, Diane Rentz @$2114.25/mo); Dispatch $9366.30; Emergency Management $1968.75.

Other Claims: Miner County Bank $6148.65, social security match, Wellmark $20,920.47, health insurance match; SD Retirement System $4874.90; retirement match; Avera McKennan Hospital $5386.37, poor medical care; Kay Hageman $27.00, Mike Clary $12.00, Gibi Page $9.00, travel.

Claims allowed: Alliance Communications $1140.47, Alltel $48.63, phone service; A-OX Welding Supply $150.00, Butler Machinery Co $559.26, Rusty’s Foodland $97.58, Tom’s Hardware $2.59, supplies; A-OX Welding Supply $52.39, rent; Butler Machinery $60.00, Dware, Inc $1250.00, Howard Auto Clinic $11.99, repairs; Catastrophic Legal Expense-county share $583.20; Voni Durant $29.60, Pat Maroney $51.80, travel; Minn Crime Prevention Assn $45.00, SD Assn of County Officials $726.86, SD Assn County Commissioners $903.76, SD Assn County Highway Supts $195.00, SD Sheriff Assn $436.52, dues; Gregory Protsch $900.00, office expense allowance

The meeting adjourned to January 19, 2010. Dated this 5th day of January, 2010.

Rollin D. Schulz, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest: Susan R. Connor, Miner County Auditor

Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Miner County Commissioners
PO Box 86
Howard, SD 57349
Phone:  (605) 772-4671
Fax:       (605) 772-4203


Physical Address: 

Miner County Courthouse
Park Ave. & Main St
401 N. Main St.
Howard, SD 57349
(Courthouse Basement)