Thursday, June 9, 2016

June 9, 2016

                The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in regular session June 9, 2016 in the Miner County Courthouse, held on Thursday due to the Primary Election on Tuesday.  Members present:  Roger Wentland, Tom Reisch, Garrett Gassman, Voni Durant, and Alex Protsch. Absent:  none.   Chairman Wentland called the meeting to order.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Motion by Durant, seconded by Reisch and carried to approve the agenda as amended.

                The Board conducted the official canvass of the results of the primary election held on Tuesday, June 7, 2016.  There were no changes in the results.  The Certificate and Canvass were signed and transmitted to the Secretary of State’s office.

                The minutes of the May 17th meeting were approved.

                Commissioners acknowledge receipt of the following correspondence:  Miner County Moisture Report; FEMA Flood Risk Awareness Kick Off Meeting for Miner County; June Calendar for the Miner Co. 4-H Grounds; and Miner County 911 & Sheriff’s office March & April reports. 

                The Partner Agreement for Per Diem to house youth in both the Secure and Non-Secure sections of the Minnehaha County Regional Juvenile Detention Center (JDC) as well as the Shelter Care being operated by Lutheran Social Services was considered.  Over twenty years ago several counties came together to build an expansion onto JDC to meet the needs for detention and shelter care.  At the time each partner’s cost was based on estimates of what counties thought they would need in the future.  Now actual usage of the programs are being used to determine the cost share of the participating counties.  This agreement is for the period of time from June 1, 2016 until December 31, 2016.  Daily rate for JDC is $200 per bed, per day.  The rate for Shelter Care will be $185.52.  Miner County’s one time share of the total $135,000 startup costs incurred for LSS to open the Shelter Care is $255.28.  It was moved by Durant, seconded by Protsch to approve the 2016 Partner Agreement with Minnehaha County for Secure & Non-Secure detention at JDC and Shelter Care by Lutheran Social Services.  Voting aye:  Durant, Protsch, Gassman, Reisch and Wentland.  Voting nay:  none.

                Miner County received a Notice of Annexation from the City of Howard. Resolution #1302 would extend the boundaries of the City of Howard by annexing Outlot A in the Plat of Greenleaf 2nd Addition in the NW 1.4 section 11, T106N, R56W of the 5th P.M., Miner County, South Dakota.  No objections were voiced by the members of the Miner County Board of Commissioners.

                It was moved by Gassman, seconded by Reisch to approve the following resolution.




Be it resolved that the Miner County Board of County commissioners, having adopted and signed a Joint Cooperative Agreement on the 28th day of March, 1972, creating the First Planning and Development District, Model Rural Development Program, do hereby agree to renew their participation in the Joint Cooperative Agreement for Fiscal Year 2017 (October 1, 2016 – September 30, 2017).  To support the Joint Cooperative Agreement and the activities of the District staff, the Miner County Board of County Commissioners will provide $7,878.56 to the First District Association of Local Governments during the aforementioned Fiscal Year 2017 period.

                Voting aye:  Durant, Protsch, Reisch, Gassman and Wentland.  Voting nay:  none.  Resolution adopted this 9th day of June, 2016. 

                                                                                                                Roger Wentland, Chairman

                                                                                                                Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest:  Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

                Welfare Director Gibi Page presented the following cases for consideration.  It was moved by Reisch, seconded by Durant and carried to deny Poor Relief Case 16-01 for the non-emergency services that were not preapproved by the board of county commissioners because no application was filed. (SDCL 28-13-33).  It was moved by Durant, seconded by Gassman and carried to deny Poor Relief Cases 16-02, 16-03, 16-04, 16-05, 16-06, 16-07, 16-08 and 16-09 due to lack of information available to determine income & residency eligibility. (SDCL 28-13-1)

                Treasurer-elect Pat Carmon reviewed budget and her transition process with the board.  Carmon was instructed to begin the hiring process for a deputy treasurer ensuring that an individual could be in place by January 1, 2017. 

                The board reviewed the correspondence from Dan’s Heating & Cooling in reference to the geothermal unit replacement at the 4-H Exhibit Hall. 

                It was moved by Durant, seconded by Gassman and carried to enter (10:19 a.m.) into executive session to discuss legal matters.   Director of Equalization Tami Severson was also present.   The board returned to regular session at 10:28. 

                It was moved by Protsch and seconded by Durant to enter into the fee and representation agreement with James D. Taylor for legal services associated with Judy Shaw Foundation, Inc. vs Miner County Board of Equalization.   Voting aye:  Protsch, Durant, Reisch, Gassman & Wentland.  Nay:  none.

CLAIMS ALLOWED: Road & Bridge $53,077.49, Wellmark $36,873.96, Reliance $1,703.00, Retirement $6,285.80, OASI $8,975.89, Commissioners $4,058.75, Auditor $6,305.82, Treasurer $6,441.75, States Attorney $3,783.50, Govt Building $2,604.80, Director of Equalization $6,490.21, Register of Deeds $5,747.12, Vet Service $817.75, Sheriff $10,598.00, Contract Law $3,777.50, Welfare $576.96, Co Nurse $925.77, Ambulance $7,838.91, WIC $63.08, Extension $1606.79, Weed $1,161.50, Dispatch $9,247.78, Emergency Mgt $2,157.00; 

Alliance $300.00, Santel $55.12, Triotel $177.53 911 CHARGES; Horizon Health Care $45.00, SD Dept of Health Lab Service $35.00 ALCOHOL TESTING; ICAP $609.08 COMMUNITY ACTION PAYMENT; SD Dept. of Transportation $3,633.51 CONTRACTED MAINTENANCE; Rod Anderson $175.00, Kay Becker $175.00, Sharon Bowman $175.00, Mary A. Clark $175.00, Deb K Dawson $175.00, Beverly R. Donahue $175.00, Connie Eliason $175.00, Ronda Gassman $175.00, Melody Gross $175.00, Debra Haak $175.00, Kay Hageman $175.00, Larry Holland $175.00, Jane Hoyer $175.00, Jean Johnson $175.00, Deanne Krantz $175.00, Cindy L Lewis $175.00, Holly Litterick $50.00, Norbert Moldan $150.00, Linda Parry $175.00, Paul Pater $175.00, Denise L. Pederson $175.00, Ashley Schwader $175.00, Lea Selken $175.00, Joan Spader $175.00, Betty Wettlaufer $175.00  ELECTION SALARIES; Central Electric Coop $80.00, Xcel Energy $11.77 ELECTRIC SERVICE; HFCA $7,840.60, Sturdevant’s $81.49 FUEL; NorthWestern Energy $208.16 GAS SERVICE; Canova Legion Post 61 $25.00 MEMORIAL DAY SPEAKER; Denise Cody $37.50, Den Herder Law Office $180.46, Marv Ekeren $37.50, Lucy Lewno $321.92, Lincoln Co Auditor $18.00 MENTAL ILLNESS HEARING EXPENSE; Todd Spader $660.00 MOWING; SD Bureau of Info. & Tech. $24.00 NETWORK SERVICES; Miner Co Treasurer $76.17 POSTAGE; Lake Co Sheriff’s Office $65.00 PRISONER CARE; Miner Co Pioneer $166.80 PUBLISHING; Auca Chicago Lockbox $74.02, Canova C.A.R.E. Center $40.00, City of Carthage $50.00, Fedora Fire Dept. $50.00, Microfilm Imaging System $405.00 RENT; Cummins Central Power $397.05, Howard Auto Clinic $389.75, Howard Heating & Plumbing $5,157.00, James River Equipment $1,055.40, Midwest Glass $508.65, Office Peeps $166.17, Safe N Secure $1,223.98, Ultra $141.60, Van’s Auto Electric $200.00, Wahltek $1,911.00 REPAIRS; Bierschbach Equip $20.75, Tom’s Hardware $8.99 ROAD MATERIALS; Bright Arrow Technologies $200.00, Campbell Supply $38.39, Clarke Machine $19.90, Dawson Construction $90.41, Dust-Tex $106.99, Emergency Medical Products $194.02, Fast Measure $32.50, Fastenal Company $96.99, GCR Tire $585.17, HFCA $12,827.40, Homestead $17.28, James River Equipment $2,481.39, M.D. Products $217.60, Miner Co Treasurer $60.68, Nartec $42.04, Office Peeps $823.48, Postmaster $440.00, Rusty’s $89.97, Salem Tractor Parts $385.00, Stan Houston Equipment $71.55, Sturdevant’s $369.74, Thomson Reuters-West $360.00, Titan Machinery $854.15, Tom’s Hardware $79.21 SUPPLIES; Alliance $832.71, AT&T $117.17, Century Link $109.21, Verizon $70.31 TELEPHONE; Darcy Albert $77.00, Rod Anderson $33.60, Kay Becker $29.40, Sharon Bowman $12.18, Mary A. Clark $2.52, Mike Clary $96.00, Susan Connor $76.52, Beverly R. Donahue $15.12, Miranda Donahue $40.48, Debbie Eggert $11.00, Denise Gassman $11.76, Ronda Gassman $18.48, Barbara Genzlinger $7.56, Debra Haak $18.90, Jane Hoyer $29.40, Jean Johnson $10.92, Amie Kidd $144.68, Deanne Krantz $11.76, Cindy L Lewis $27.72, Holly Litterick $3.36, Gibi Page $13.44, Ramkota Hotel Pierre $273.00, Ashley Schwader $10.92, Lea Selken $21.00, Tami Severson $421.48, Betty Wettlaufer $15.54 TRAVEL; City of Howard $1,358.49 UTILITIES.

                The board adjourned until June 21, 2016.  Dated this 9th day of June, 2016.

                                                                                                                Roger Wentland, Chairman

                                                                                                                Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest:  Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor



Contact Info

Please see department pages for direct contact information.

Physical Address: 

Miner County Courthouse

Park Ave. & Main St

401 N. Main St.

Howard, SD 57349


Office Hours: 

7:30am-12:00pm & 12:30pm-4:00pm

Monday - Friday

(Sheriff/Dispatch Office Open 24/7)