April 2, 2013
The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in special session April 2, 2013, in the Miner County Courthouse. Members present: Roger Wentland, Don Bowman, Pat Maroney and Voni Durant. Absent: none. Chairman Wentland called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Motion by Bowman, seconded by Maroney and carried to approve the agenda.
Commissioners discussed the process for appointing an individual to serve as commissioner due to the resignation of Heath Thompson. This appointment will end on January 15, 2015. The remaining 2 years of this position will be up for election in the 2014 election cycle.
Motion by Maroney, seconded by Durant and carried to advertise for candidates who would like to be considered for appointment to the Miner County Board of Commissioners and that such letters of interest shall be filed with the county auditor on or before 5:00 p.m. on April 15th.
The board will hold the following special meetings: April 16th at 9:00 a.m. to review letters of interest and April 29th at 9:00 a.m. to interview candidates and make the appointment.
Claims allowed: Philip R. Parent $104.40 court-appointed attorneys; SD Assn of Co Weed & Pest $150.00 dues; Northwestern Energy $987.05 gas service; SDSU 4-H Office $150.00 insurance; Shepherd Reporting Service $27.50 mental illness hearing exp; Miner County Treasurer $20.00 motor vehicle supplies; Gregory Protsch $900.00 office expense allowance; Audio Electronics $120.00, SDN Communications $7,208.00, Vanguard Appraisals $1,945.00 office repairs; Miner County Treasurer $66.34 postage; Davison Co Jail $2,494.00 prisoner care; Miner County Pioneer $272.12 publishing; Emergency Medical Products $162.81, Homestead Building Supplies $7.96, Howard Cold Storage $57.54, Miner County Pioneer $41.85, Miner County Treasurer $186.86, SD Assn of Co Weed & Pest $69.25 supplies; Alliance Communications $819.24, AT&T $128.70, Mike Clary $30.00, Rob Eggert $30.00, Lanny Klinkhammer $30.00 telephone; Best Western Ramkota $444.95, Kari Jo Carlson $15.54, Michael Connor $17.76, Barbara Esser $14.80, Denise Gassman $20.72, Barbara Genzlinger $5.92, John Haak $4.07, Wallace Jacobson $4.81, Gibi Page $131.82, SD Assn of Co Officials $350.00, Tami Severson $51.06 travel; Graham Tire Co $247.98 vehicle repairs.
The meeting adjourned to April 9, 2013. Dated this 2nd day of April, 2013.
Roger Wentland, Chairman
Miner County Auditor
Attest: Susan R. Connor, Miner County Auditor