April 7, 2015
The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in regular session April 7, 2015, in the Miner County Courthouse. Members present: Garrett Gassman, Roger Wentland, Voni Durant, Tom Reisch and Alex Protsch. Absent: none. Chairman Wentland called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
The Auditor’s account with the County Treasurer showed a March 31, 2015 balance of $4,578,049.01 in all state, county, civil, school, and trust accounts.
Motion by Durant, seconded by Gassman and carried to approve the agenda. The minutes of the March 17th meeting were approved.
Commissioners acknowledge receipt of the following correspondence: SD Dept of Revenue compliance audits; and US Dept. of Interior long eared bat designated as a threatened species.
State’s Attorney Greg Protsch joined the meeting. Motion by Durant, seconded by Protsch and carried to enter into executive session to discuss possible litigation (SDCL 1-25-2 (3) 9:30. Returned to regular session 9:40.
State’s Attorney Protsch reviewed the procedure for hearing equalization appeals.
Garrett Gassman presented a request for the commission to activate the burn ban ordinance 06-01. After discussion it was moved by Durant and seconded by Gassman to adopt the following resolution.
WHEREAS, due to extreme drought conditions prevalent in Miner County and due to recent high
winds, a fire danger emergency now exists within Miner County, South Dakota, now
Fire Danger Emergency is hereby declared and until this resolution be otherwise rescinded by the Miner
County Board of Commissioners, all open burning as defined in Ordinance 06-01, is hereby prohibited
within the boundaries of Miner County, South Dakota, exclusive of any incorporated municipality within the County, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution is declared to be necessary for the immediate
preservation of the public safety in accordance with the provisions of SDCL 7 -18A-8 and is effective
immediately and shall continue in force and affect until rescinded by the Miner County Board of
Voting aye: Wentland, Reisch, Durant, and Gassman. Voting nay: Protsch.
Resolution approved this 7th day of April, 2015.
Roger Wentland, Chairman
Miner County Board of Commissioners
Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor
A request has been made by the Howard Postal office to rent the county’s floor finishing equipment. Commissioners will allow the rental of the equipment if the county’s custodian operates the equipment (not on county time).
Highway superintendent Ron Krempges reviewed road conditions, equipment repairs, and equipment that will be available to be declared surplus and offered for sale on Wieman’s August 5th public auction. Representatives with the SD DOT will be attending a future meeting to explain the changes to highway funding due to the new laws passed by the 2015 legislature.
Deputy Mike Clary addressed the commission concerning his recent pay raise and the methodology used to calculate that raise.
Director of Equalization Tami Severson met with the commission as required by SDCL 10-3-14 for conference in reference to the performance of the director’s duties. Discussion was held as to developing a schedule for reassessment of all property within the county. The director will obtain data on costs for hiring a company to reassess various types and locations of property and will bring that data to a future board meeting. Severson also reported that 1st District of Local Governments is making good progress in the development of data for use within the GIS project.
Auditor Connor reported the IPads that had been declared surplus by the SD Secretary of State’s office have all been disbursed. Connor requested that commission consider allocating dollars in the 2016 budget to purchase IPads for each commissioner so that agenda and other information could be relayed via electronic methods.
Claims allowed: Road & Bridge $34,246.30, Wellmark $32,716.53, Reliance $1,394.12, Retirement $5,059.86, OASI $7,616.17, Commissioners $3,940.00, Auditor $6,260.50, Treasurer $6,269.25, States Attorney $3,673.25, Govt Building $2,520.00, Director of Equalization $6,416.73, Register of Deeds $5,408.98, Vet Service $793.75, Sheriff $10,445.63, Contract Law $3,476.00, Welfare $503.13, Co Nurse $1,897.52, Ambulance $7,612.68, WIC $84.90, Extension $1,169.64, Weed $819.75, Dispatch $9,690.17, Emergency Mgt $2,406.50;
Century Link $99.67, Santel $55.12, Triotel $179.53 911 charges; SD Dept of Health Lab Service $35.00 blood alcohol testing; ICAP $603.08 community action payment; SD Dept. of Transportation $851.18 contracted maintenance; DeCastro Law Office $1,017.00, Philip Parent $224.00, Tinan, Smith & Bucher $384.17 court appointed attys; Avera Queen of Peace $137.80 drug testing; SD Assn Computer Equip. Serv. $10.00, SD Assn of Weed Supervisors $50.00 dues; Ultra $9,867.00 equipment; HFCA $5,498.28, Sturdevant’s $27.54, Wingen’s Garage $1,818.66 fuel; Northwestern $1,972.22 gas service; Mitchell Clinic $119.00 jail fees; Lexis Nexis $129.00 law books; SD Assn of Co Commissioners $1,048.30 legal expense relief fund; Lincoln Co Auditor $175.50, Yankton County $113.75 mental illness hearing expense; Miner Co Pioneer $311.62 publishing; Aramark $107.80 rent; Cummins Central Power $356.91, Dakota Fire Equipment $537.50, Dakotagas Propane $80.50, HFCA $328.00, Office Peeps $354.20, Revier Pressure Washers $48.00, SDN Communications $6,509.00, Sioux Falls Two Way Radio $75.00, Ultra $2,836.51, Vanguard Appraisals $1,700.00 repairs; Dakotagas Propane $630.00 road materials; Greg Protsch $900.00 state’s atty off. exp. allowance; Avera Home Medical Equipment $39.00, Dakota Data Shred $57.50, Dawson Construction $206.93, Dust-Tex Service $172.47, Hanson County $103.92, Homestead $54.88, Howard Cold Storage $80.32, Interlakes Sports Center $132.37, James River Equipment $351.44, Liberty Flag & Specialty $63.71, Mid-American Research $121.36, Mighty Auto Parts $282.74, Miner Co Pioneer $42.65, Office Peeps $1,018.38, Pharmchem $50.00, Puthoff Repair $59.43, Revier Pressure Washers $137.50, Rusty’s $352.54, SD Federal Property Agency $220.70, Sioux Falls Two Way Radio $15.99, Sturdevant’s $168.95, Titan Machinery $114.80, Tom’s Hardware $66.60, Ultra $986.10, Wheelco $191.25 supplies; Alliance $698.56, AT&T $79.40, Century Link $11.98, Mike Clary $30.00, Rob Eggert $30.00, Lanny Klinkhammer $30.00, Verizon Wireless $69.06, Colleen Zobel $30.00 telephone; Best Western Ramkota $666.93, Jeremy Beyer $9.00, Darwin Callies $9.00, Logan Calmus $9.00, Kari Jo Carlson $5.18, Terry Carlson $9.00, Cedar Shore Resort $333.80, Clubhouse Hotel & Suites $83.00, Michael Connor $7.03, Voni Durant $29.60, Donald Eppe $9.00, Joe Erpenbach $9.00, Denise Gassman $11.10, Garrett Gassman $15.54, Barbara Genzlinger $3.33, Tom Glanzer $9.00, Ron Krempges $45.00, Brenda Mead $24.00, Gibi Page $109.34, Alex Protsch $44.40, Grant Stevens $9.00, Tom Reisch $115.44, Cora Schwader $48.84, SDAAO $250.00, Roger Wentland $144.44 travel; City of Howard $1,640.99 utilities; Winker Stump Grinding Service $1,122.00 other professional service.
The meeting adjourned to April 21, 2015. Dated this 7th day of April, 2015.
Roger Wentland, Chairman
Miner County Board of Commissioners
Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor