February 3rd, 2015

February 3, 2015


                The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in regular session February 3, 2015, in the Miner County Courthouse.  Members present:  Garrett Gassman, Roger Wentland, Voni Durant, Tom Reisch and Alex Protsch.  Absent:  none.  Chairman Wentland called the meeting to order.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

                The Auditor’s account with the County Treasurer showed a January 31, 2015 balance of $4,410,281.34 in all state, county, civil, school, and trust accounts.

Motion by Durant, seconded by Gassman and carried to approve the agenda as amended.

The minutes of the January 20th meeting were amended to include “The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.”

Commissioners acknowledge receipt of the following correspondence:  Sheriff’s Office & Dispatch Service November, December and 2014 Total Reports; and a letter from Garland Goff requesting information associated with the SD Rural Attorney Recruitment Program.

Vacation Policy for Miner County employees was reviewed along with data from other SD counties’ policies.  Commissioners will review the data and discuss updating the amount of vacation hours earned based on years of service at the February 17th meeting. 

Emergency management director Calmus submitted a proposed “County Mutual Aid Agreement” for consideration by the board.  This agreement will be further discussed and considered for adoption at its February 17th meeting.

Motion by Gassman, seconded by Durant and carried to abate taxes associated with the following properties that were acquired by tax deed:

Lots 6-7 & 8, Block 12 OP Canova Village

Lots 4 & 5, Block 12 OP Canova Village


Motion by Gassman, seconded by Reisch and carried to declare the following properties as surplus and transfer ownership to the Town of Canova by quit claim deed:

Lots 6-7 & 8, Block 12 OP Canova Village

Lots 4 & 5, Block 12 OP Canova Village


                Director of Equalization Tami Severson presented the following plat for consideration.  Motion by Gassman and seconded by Protsch that the following resolution be approved.


                BE IT RESOLVED that the Plat of TRACT 1 OF LEWIS ADDITION IN GOVERNMENT LOT 1 of SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 108 NORTH, RANGE 58 WEST OF THE 5TH P.M., MINER COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA, as described above and drawn heron, appears to conform to the system of roads, existing plats, and section lines of Miner County and that adequate provisions has been made for access to adjacent unplatted lands and that all provisions of Miner County Subdivision Regulations have been complied with.  Furthermore, all taxes and special assessments upon the Tract or subdivision have been paid and that the plat and the survey thereof have been lawfully executed.  Said plat is approved and accepted and the Chairman is hereby instructed to endorse on such plat this resolution and to certify the same.

                Adopted this 3rd day of February, 2015.

                                                                Roger Wentland, Chairman

                                                                Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest:  Susan R. Connor, Miner County Auditor

                Motion by Durant, seconded by Gassman and carried to purchase joint sealant through the City of Watertown’s 2015 street materials bid that was awarded to Brock White Co. LLC. 

Claims allowed: Road & Bridge $31,342.51, Wellmark $32,456.80, Reliance $1,301.13, Retirement $4,968.76, OASI $7,675.32, Commissioners $3,940.00, Auditor $6,260.50, Treasurer $6,269.25, States Attorney $3,673.25, Govt Building $3,117.26 , Director of Equalization $6,069.39, Register of Deeds $5,602.23, Vet Service $793.75, Sheriff $10,240.75, Contract Law $3,476.00, Welfare $420.00, Co Nurse $2,517.50, Ambulance $9,146.02, WIC $33.96, Extension $816.19, Weed $819.75, Dispatch $11,258.21, Emergency Mgt $2,406.50; 

Century Link $99.67 911 charges; SD Dept of Transportation $1,968.62 contracted maintenance; Darcy Albert $48.72, SD State Property Management $612.00, SDN Communications $2,039.75 equipment below capitalization; Butler Machinery $841.36, Bob Calmus $29.78 fuel; Northwestern Energy $2,523.58 gas service; Glacial Lakes & Prairies $300.00 industrial development grant; Davison Co Jail $860.00 prisoner care; Mitchell Clinic $32.00, Walgreens $165.46 other jail fees; Miner Co Treasurer $572.93 postage; Miner County Pioneer $231.27 publishing; Aramark $53.90 rent; SDN Communications $420.00, Ultra $40.00, Van’s Auto Electric $225.00 repairs; Canova-Epiphany Senior Citizens $414.00 senior citizens grant; Gregory Protsch $900.00 state’s atty office expense allowance; Miner Co Treasurer $2.00 state’s atty other expense; Accruit $100.00, Avera Home Medical Equipment $52.00, Bierschbach $194.00, Boyer Ford Trucks $465.54, Butler Machinery $1,581.82, Bob Calmus $50.00, Central Business Supply $23.98, Hillyard $451.35, Homestead $120.29, Kimball Midwest $201.36, Matheson Tri Gas $85.86, Miner Co Treasurer $15.00, Office Peeps $9.82, Rafferty-Robbins $13.98, RDO Equipment $473.69, SD Dept of Ag $25.00, Sirchie $60.90, Superior Lamp $1,017.29, Thomson Reuters $180.00, Tom’s Hardware $75.31, Ultra $200.00, Wheelco Brake & Supply $1,901.17 supplies; Alliance $822.91, AT&T $79.30, Century Link $7.61, Mike Clary $30.00, Rob Eggert $30.00, Lanny Klinkhammer $30.00, Colleen Zobel $30.00 telephone; Bob Calmus $19.98, Susan Connor $62.90, Voni Durant $29.60, Garrett Gassman $20.72, Tom Reisch $7.40 travel; City of Howard $1,790.38 utilities.

                The meeting adjourned to February 17th.  Dated this 3rd day of February, 2015.

                                                                Roger Wentland, Chairman

                                                                Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest:  Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor



Contact Info

Please see department pages for direct contact information.

Physical Address: 

Miner County Courthouse

Park Ave. & Main St

401 N. Main St.

Howard, SD 57349


Office Hours: 

7:30am-12:00pm & 12:30pm-4:00pm

Monday - Friday

(Sheriff/Dispatch Office Open 24/7)