June 20, 2017

June 20, 2017

           The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in regular session June 20, 2017 in the Miner County Courthouse.  Members present:  Roger Wentland, Tom Reisch, Garrett Gassman, Voni Durant and Alex Protsch.  Absent:  None.  Chairman Wentland called the meeting to order.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Motion by Gassman, seconded by Durant and carried to approve the agenda as amended.

            The minutes of the June 6th meeting were approved.

            The board acknowledged receipt of the following correspondence:  SD Dept. of Transportation Public Meetings tentative 2018-2021 STIP plans. 

            Chairman Wentland reported on a visit to the county owned farm ground with John Reisch and Tom Reisch.  They viewed the erosion taking place along a drainage ditch within the quarter.  John Reisch said he would obtain cost estimates for placing a tile within the area of erosion.  As of this meeting no cost estimate had been received.  Concern was voiced as to making such improvements to the land in the middle of a contract period and the total cost of the improvement. 

            Register of Deeds Karla Neises attended the meeting to request an increase to her salary for the 2018 budget year.  The board indicated that they would like to review the current salary survey prior to considering an increase to the salaries of the elected officials.  This matter will be placed on the July 5th agenda. 

            Custodian Colleen Arens reported on issues with several trees located in the tree belt north of the courthouse.  She is in communication with the State Arborist concerning the matter. 

            Highway Superintendent Ron Krempges reported on progress with chip sealing of Kingsbury County roads, mowing and the gathering of information to complete the 5 year plan for 2018 County Hwy & Bridge Improvement Plan. 

            Krempges requested the commission consider increasing the hourly wage of all highway workers.  Commission Chairman Wentland excused himself from this discussion and turned the meeting over to Vice-Chair Alex Protsch.    Protsch stated he had reviewed the current salary survey which indicated that the Miner County highway workers are at the top of the pay scale when considering their annual earnings.  Gassman stated he would not be in favor of raising the hourly rate unless the guaranteed 10 hours of overtime was removed.  Durant and Reisch agreed that they would not support an increase to the hourly rate for highway workers.  Wentland resumed the chair.

            The board acknowledge receipt of SD Governor Dennis Daugaard’s email granting administrative leave to all state employees and closing state offices on July 3rd.  It was moved by Durant, seconded by Gassman and carried to close county offices on July 3rd and grant administrative leave to full time county employees.

            It was moved by Reisch and seconded by Protsch to adopt the following resolution.


            BE IT RESOLVED that the Miner County Board of County Commissioners, having adopted and signed a Joint Cooperative Agreement on the 28th day of March, 1972, creating the First Planning and Development District, Model Rural Development Program, do hereby agree to renew their participation in the Joint Cooperative Agreement for Fiscal Year 2018 (October 1, 2017-September 30, 2018).  To support the Joint Cooperative Agreement and the activities of the District staff, the Miner County Board of County Commissioners will provide $8,114.92 to the First District Association of Local Governments during the aforementioned Fiscal Year 2018 period.

            Voting aye:  Reisch, Gassman, Protsch, Durant and Wentland.  Voting nay:  none.  Resolution adopted this 20th day of June, 2017.

                                                            Roger Wentland, Chairman

                                                            Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest:  Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor


            Gassman passed along a request from the Canova C.A.R.E. Center Board for county assistance with the removal of debris from the elimination of a portion of the city owned C.A.R.E. center building.  The board granted the request with the conditional that Krempges could arrange the equipment and time for his workers to assist with the project.   He will be in contact with the C.A.R.E. Center representatives to set up a time line for debris removal. 

            Several budget requests were received and will be considered during the budget process.

            CLAIMS ALLOWED: Century Link $108.25, Santel $55.12 911 CHARGES; SD Dept. of Health Lab Service $35.00 ALCOHOL TESTING; Central Electric Coop $79.65 ELECTRICITY; Ultra $2,120.00 EQUIPMENT; Bob Calmus $66.60, HFCA $636.53, Wingen’s Garage $167.75 FUEL; Miner Co Conservation District $7,000.00 GRANT; LaCroix Law Office $237.23, Lewis & Clark Behavioral Health $160.00, Yankton County $118.75 MENTAL ILLNESS HEARING EXPENSE; John Eulberg $295.00 MOWING; SD BIT $27.00 NETWORK ACCESS FEES; Lake Co Sheriff $450.00 PRISONER CARE; Aramark $128.08 RENT; Bob’s Electric $139.01, James Valley Landscape $79.00, Marshall & Swift $1,839.95, Office Peeps $85.50, Ultra $10,155.99, Wahltek $2,006.00 REPAIRS; Concrete Materials $637.78, Stan Houston $4,200.00, Tom’s Hardware $579.47 ROAD MATERIALS; Rick Senner $25.00 MEMORIAL DAY SPEAKER; Appraisers Laser $491.18, Avera Home Medical Equipment $65.00, Boyer Trucks $140.78, Bright Arrow Technologies $200.00, Cardmember Services $23.08, Dust-Tex $114.98, GCR Tire Centers $4,944.67, Huron Welding $36.69, Krug Products $73.87, Miner Co Pioneer $43.95, Postmaster $46.00, Public Safety Center $147.52, Rockmount Research & Alloys $219.03, Rusty’s $9.98, Titan Machinery $176.50, Tom’s Hardware $46.53, Ultra $225.00, Wheelco $23.77 SUPPLIES; Patricia Hartsel, RPR $37.40 TRANSCRIPTS; Logan Calmus $58.80, Cardmember Services $39.00, Pat Carmon $42.84, Days Inn Brookings $522.00, SDAAO $600.00, Water Resources $55.00 TRAVEL.

            The meeting adjourned until the July 5th (Wednesday) meeting.  Dated this 20th day of June, 2017.

                                                            Roger Wentland, Chairman

                                                            Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest:  Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor


Contact Info

Please see department pages for direct contact information.

Physical Address: 

Miner County Courthouse

Park Ave. & Main St

401 N. Main St.

Howard, SD 57349


Office Hours: 

7:30am-12:00pm & 12:30pm-4:00pm

Monday - Friday

(Sheriff/Dispatch Office Open 24/7)