January 2, 2018

January 2, 2018


            The Miner County Board of Commissioners held their reorganization meeting January 2, 2018, in the Miner County Courthouse.  Members present: Alex Protsch, Garrett Gassman, Tom Reisch, and Roger Wentland.   Members absent:  Lavonne Durant.   

County Auditor Susan Connor called the meeting to order.   The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 

The auditor’s account with the county treasurer showed a December 31, 2017 balance of $6,105,022.24 in all state, county, civil, school and trust accounts.

It was moved by Gassman seconded by Reisch and carried to elect Roger Wentland as Chairman.  Wentland took the chair.

Motion by Protsch to elect Tom Reisch as Vice-Chairman-Reisch declined the nomination.  Motion by Protsch, seconded by Reisch and carried to elect Garrett Gassman as Vice-Chairman.

It was moved by Protsch seconded by Gassman and carried to approve the agenda. 

It was moved by Gassman seconded by Reisch and carried to approve the following claims for payment:  Claims allowed: Road & Bridge $33,095.32, Wellmark $34,009.63, MetLife $1,560.69, Retirement $5,533.61, OASI $8,037.44, Commissioners $4,140.00, Auditor $6,646.62, Treasurer $5,969.25, States Attorney $3,859.25, Govt Building $3,328.00, Director of Equalization $6,534.53, Register of Deeds $6,528.75, Vet Service $834.00, Sheriff $10,796.86, Contract Law $3,846.00, Welfare $551.70, Co Nurse $1,246.91, Ambulance $8,620.55, WIC $113.81, Extension $1,430.06, Weed $1,303.27 Dispatch $12,404.37, Emergency Mgt $2,203.63 DEC PAYROLL; Mitchell Regional Ambulance $300.00 ALS INTERCEPT; CLIA Lab Program $150.00 CERTIFICATE FEE; Maria Feldhaus $120.00, IAAO $125.00, SD Assn Assessing Officers $150.00, SD Assn of Co Officials $692.23, SD Assn of Co Commissioners $1,308.00, SDSU 4-H Office $160.00, Tri-State Emergency Mgt Assn $20.00 DUES; First District Assn of Local Govts $7,000.00 GIS SERVICES; Miner Co Pioneer $260.26 PUBLISHING; Barry Callies $1,273.45 RENT; Bob’s Electric $89.67, First District Assn of Local Govts $3,500.00 REPAIRS; Greg Protsch $900.00 STATE’S ATTY OFFICE EXPENSE ALLOWANCE; Homestead Building Supply $183.96, SD Dept of Health $90.00, Ultra $68.00 SUPPLIES; Colleen Arens $30.00, AT&T $86.16, Mike Clary $30.00, Rob Eggert $30.00, Lanny Klinkhammer $30.00 TELEPHONE; Assn of SD Co Weed & Pest Boards $265.00, Maria Feldhaus $411.80 TRAVEL; City of Howard $1,775.68 UTILITIES.

            The board acknowledge receipt of the following correspondence:  East Dakota Water Development District December meeting minutes. 

The Miner County Pioneer was designated as official county newspaper, the Miner County Courthouse, Canova Community Hall, and Carthage Community Room as mortgage sale sites and the River’s Edge Bank at Howard, River’s Edge Bank at Canova, Farmers State Bank at Carthage, and the SD Public Funds Investment Trust as official depositories for the county for 2018.

            The following appointments were made Jodi Becker (1 year EMT & 2 years Medical), and Mike Connor & Denise Gassman to 3 year terms on the Ambulance Board.  Members and the year their term expires are as follows 

Kari Jo Carlson (SE area)        1-1-19  Gibi Page (NW area)                                       1-1-19

Jody Becker  (EMT)               1-1-19  Lanny Klinkhammer (Law Enforcement)       1-1-20

Jody Becker  (Medical)           1-1-20  Jerry Johnson (City)                                        1-1-20

Mike Connor (NE area)          1-1-21  Denise Gassman (SW area)                             1-1-21


Weed board members, their year their terms expire and area represented are as follows:

Dan Page (NW Area)  1-1-20                          Wally Jacobson (NE Area)                 1-1-20

John Haak (SE Area)  1-1-21                          Robert Peterson (SW Area)                1-1-21

            The following appointments were made to the 4-H Promotion & Expansion Committee-Agricultural Representatives:  Holly Litterick & Joseph Calmus.  The 2018 4-H Promotion & Expansion Committee includes:  4-H Teens Maggie Connor & Katelyn Feldhaus; 4-H Adults Holly Litterick & Joseph Calmus; Non 4-H Teens Mia Glanzer & Emma Neises; Non 4-H Adults Evan Meyer & Angie Neises. 

The following commissioners' appointments were made for 2018:

Entire board-Zoning, and Emergency Management Boards

Weed Board-Durant                                       Dispatch Board/Law Enforcement-Protsch &Reisch

Community Action Board-Protsch                             Legislative Representative-Gassman

Ambulance Board-Durant                                          Farm-Protsch & Wentland

First District Board-Gassman                                     Courthouse-Wentland & Protsch       

Highway-Wentland & Reisch                                     Juvenile Detention Board-Durant                  

Vermillion Watershed Dist.-Wentland          

The following persons serve as weather spotters:  Mike Clary, Rob Eggert, Kevin Feldhaus, Dave Hodges, Aaron Jeffries, Nathan Kizer, Ron Krempges, Chad Podhradsky, Mike Sebert, Nathan Ruml, Joe Calmus, Dave Esser, Mike Genzlinger, Sam Gosmire, Josh Tobin, Matt Bornitz, Reginald Faber, David Hattervig, Dick Henn, Randy Lager, Zack Maznio, Norm Madison, Tim Nelson, Grant Stevens, Travis Steven, Doyle Crane, Mike Hvam, Lee Lewis, Gary Nutter, Dan Page, Gibi Page. 

The following persons serve as Ambulance Attendants:    Jody Becker Ashley Callies, Cathy Cavigielli, Aaron Jeffrey, Lanny Klinkhammer, Amber Kramer, Colleen Noid, Moriah Noid.    Ambulance drivers:   Mike Clary, Rob Eggert, Josh Esser, Kevin Feldhaus, Amie Kidd, Nathan Kizer, Ron Krempges, Evan Meyer, Henry Rentschler, Ken Ruml and Mike Sebert.

The following serve as EOC Volunteers:  John Mengenhausen, Connie Eliason, Rick Olson and Teresa Abrahamson. 

It was moved by Gassman and seconded by Reisch to approve the following resolution.


            WHEREAS, SDCL 12-15-11 provides that the Board of Commissioners shall by annual resolution at the first regular commission meeting establish the rate of compensation to be paid the judges and clerks of a necessary election;

            THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the rate of compensation for judges and clerks for any county-wide election in 2018 be established at $175.00 for a general election, $175.00 for a primary[SC1]  or special election, and $25.00 for attendance of election schools.

            Voting aye: Gassman, Protsch, Reisch, and Wentland.  Nay: none.

Resolution approved this 2nd day of January, 2018.

                                                            Roger Wentland, Chairman               

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest:  Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

            It was moved by Protsch and seconded by Reisch to pass the following resolution.


            WHEREAS, SDCL 7-7-25 states that the Board of County Commissioners, by resolution, may authorize county officials to attend educational conferences, meetings, and conventions held and conducted within the state of South Dakota pertaining to the betterment and advancement of county government;

            THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the county commissioners, highway superintendent, auditor, treasurer, register of deeds, state's attorney, sheriff, assessing officer, coroner, and veterans service officer be authorized to attend conferences, meetings, and conventions (within SD) called for the purpose set forth in SDCL 7-7-25 and that the mileage and necessary expenses to attend such be allowed.  This resolution shall be in force for fiscal year 2018.  

Voting aye: Protsch, Gassman, Reisch, and Wentland.  Nay: none. 

Resolution approved this 2nd day of January, 2018.

Roger Wentland, Chairman

Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest:  Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor


It was moved by Gassman and seconded by Reisch to pass the following resolution.




            BE IT RESOLVED that the following wage scale for Miner County employees be in effect for fiscal year 2018 (annual salary unless otherwise specified).


Commissioners-Chairman                                                                 $10,956

Vice-chairman                                                                                    10,464

Commissioners                                                                                    9,915



Appointed boards                                                                              25.00/ meeting


Auditor, Susan Connor                                                                       49,221


Treasurer Pat Carmon                                                                         44,643


Register of Deeds Karla Neises,                                                         47,322                                                            

Director of Equalization Tami Severson                                             44,643


State's Attorney Gregory Protsch                                                       47,700


Sheriff Lanny Klinkhammer                                                               53,181


Deputy Sheriff Robert Eggert                                                                        46,941


Deputy Sheriff Mike Clary                                                                 42,564


Part-time law enforcement                                                                  18.61/hr.


911 Coordinator Cora Schwader                                                        41,268

            plus a $1.00 per hour bonus for providing dispatcher training


Guards-                                                                                              17.20/hr.



Level 1-                                                                                   16.83/hr.

Level 2-           Deborah Gibson                                              17.06/hr.

Level 3-                                                                                   17.32/hr.

Level 4-Jennifer Bolden, Joey Klinkhammer,

              Stacey McCoy, Justina Dawson, Joni Jacobsen       17.54/hr.

Level 5-                                                                                   17.76/hr.

Level 6-Randall Schwader                                                     17.98/hr.

Level 7-                                                                                   18.20/hr.

Level 8-                                                                                   18.42/hr.

plus a $1.00 per hour bonus for providing dispatcher training


Full-time clerical:

Level 1-Brittany Lunstra                                                                    30,630

Level 2- Jessica Charles, Amie Kidd                                                  31,050

Level 3-Darcy Albert                                                                          31,522

Level 4-                                                                                               31,923

Level 5-Rebecca Mommaerts                                                             32,325

Level 6-                                                                                               32,724

Level 7-                                                                                               33,123

Level 8-                                                                                               33,525


Part-time clerical:

Level 1-                                                                                               16.83/hr.

Level 2-                                                                                               17.06/hr.

Level 3-                                                                                               17.32/hr.

Level 4-                                                                                               17.54/hr.

Level 5-                                                                                               17.76/hr.

Level 6-Cindy Foster                                                                          17.98/hr.

Level 7-                                                                                               18.20/hr.

Level 8-Gibi Page                                                                               18.42/hr.


Temporary clerical                                                                              16.83/hr.


Custodian-Colleen Arens                                                                    17.19/hr.


Emergency Management Director-Robert Calmus                             27,144


Veterans Service Officer-Terry Lee                                                    10,308


Ambulance Manager-Cora Schwader                                                 10,089


Welfare Director-Gibi Page                                                                18.94/hr.


Ambulance EMT-

Molly Steeneck, Erin Feldhaus                                                           27,984

Kelli Smith                                                                                          29,184

Ambulance Volunteers

            Weekday-24 hr shift                                                               $48/day

            Weekend-24 hr shift                                                               $78/day

            Holiday-24 hr shift                                                                 $100/day

            3rd Attendant                                                                           $20/run


Weed Supervisor-Robert Calmus                                                       14,604


Highway Department:

Superintendent-Ron Krempges                                                          58,770

Level 8- Grant Stevens, Terry Carlson                                               18.42hr.

Level 7-Donald Eppe, Darwin Callies                                                17.92/hr.

Level 6-Jeremy Beyer                                                                         17.50/hr.

Level 5-Logan Calmus                                                                        17.29/hr.

Level 4-                                                                                              17.06/hr.

Level 3-                                                                                               16.84/hr.

Level 2-                                                                                               16.62/hr.

Level 1-Isaiah Glanzer, Eric Smith                                                     15.83/hr.


            BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that longevity pay based on $25.00 per year of employment be paid in November for 2018.

            Voting aye:  Protsch, Reisch, Gassman, Wentland.  Voting nay:  none.  Resolution adopted this 2nd day of January, 2018.

                                  Roger Wentland, Chairman

                                  Miner County Board of Commissioners


Attest:  Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor


            It was moved by Protsch, seconded by Gassman and carried to set the 2018 holidays as follows:  All County offices (excluding 911 call center employees) New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, President’s Day, Good Friday (1 p.m. to 5 p.m.), Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Native American Day, Veterans’ Day, Thanksgiving, Friday after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve 12 PM- 5 PM Christmas Day; 911 call center employees all shifts unless otherwise noted New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, President’s Day, Good Friday (5 PM to 1 PM), Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Native American Day, Veterans’ Day, Thanksgiving, Friday after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve (5 PM-1AM shift), Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve (5 PM-1 AM shift).

            It was moved by Gassman, seconded by Reisch and carried to approve the rates charged for dispatching and 911 services which were used to prepare the 2018 budget. 

            The following clothing allowances were set:  law enforcement $200/yr/employee for law enforcement clothing and highway workers $175/yr./employee for highly visibility clothing.   

            It was moved by Gassman, seconded by Protsch and carried to appoint Terrance Lee to a 4 year term (through the first Monday of January, 2022) as Miner County’s Veterans Service Officer. 

            It was moved by Protsch, seconded by Gassman and carried to approve the Memo of Understanding with SDSU Extension for providing 4-H and Youth Development educational programs within Miner County for the 2018 year. 

Treasurer Pat Carmon presented as required by SDCL 10-22-31 a list of delinquent buildings on leased site.  She will now proceed with statute requirements for collection.

            Highway Superintendent Ron Krempges reviewed highway equipment repairs along with other highway matters. 

            Miner County Sheriff Lanny Klinkhammer joined the meeting to request the purchase of a vehicle for his department.  This was included in the 2018 budget.  It was moved by Protsch, seconded by Gassman and carried to approve the purchase off state bid a Dodge Durango Special Service Truck Utility All Wheel Drive $28,553 with options of Bluetooth capability & light, spot light, post mounted 6” (black housing) $1285.00. 

The meeting adjourned to January 17th.  Dated this 2nd day of January 2018.

                                                                              Roger Wentland, Chairman

                                                                              Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest:  Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

Contact Info

Please see department pages for direct contact information.

Physical Address: 

Miner County Courthouse

Park Ave. & Main St

401 N. Main St.

Howard, SD 57349


Office Hours: 

7:30am-12:00pm & 12:30pm-4:00pm

Monday - Friday

(Sheriff/Dispatch Office Open 24/7)