January 19, 2021

January 19, 2021

The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in regular session January 19, 2021 in the Miner County Courthouse.  Members present: Roger Wentland, Garrett Gassman, Tom Reisch, Kathy Faber and Alex Protsch.  Absent: none.  Chairman Protsch called the meeting to order. 

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Motion by Wentland, seconded by Gassman and carried to approve the agenda.  The minutes of the January 5th meeting were approved.  No person appeared for Public Comment and no conflict of interest was declared. 

The following correspondence was received:  Beadle Co. State’s Attorney Michael Moore-Victim Witness Advocate Program; November and December Moisture Reports; Miner County Veteran Service Officer December 2020 Report; Miner County Sheriff’s December report and a Thank You from City of Carthage for the Highway Departments assistance with the city’s rubble site. 

It was moved by Wentland, seconded by Reisch and carried to authorize the auditor to pay the following claims:  Alliance $150.00 911 CHARGES; ICAP $1,191.67 COMMUNITY ACTION PAYMENT; Maria Feldhaus $120.00 DUES; Ulteig $3,066.00 ENGINEERING; Canova Service Center $18.74 FINANCE CHARGE; Cardmember Services $90.66, HFCA $3,074.02, Wingen’s Garage $32.18 FUEL; Glacial Lakes & Prairies $300.00 GRANT; Co Employee $453.35 INSURANCE REIMBURSEMENT; Rusty’s $4.25 PANDEMIC SUPPLIES; Lake Co Sheriff’s Office $75.00 PRISONER CARE; Office Ally $35.00 PROCESSING FEE; Aramark $137.33, Microfilm Imaging Systems $385.00 RENT; Howard Auto Clinic $267.73, HFCA $47.82, Iverson $935.19, S&S Contracting $90.31, Tyler Technologies $3,715.45, Ultra $1,162.25 REPAIRS; Butler Machinery $691.50, Cardmember Services $371.51, Dakota Data Shred $16.00, Dawson Constructions $23.66, Home Service Water Conditioning $28.60, Kimball Midwest $243.62, Rockmount Research $1,325.55, Rusty’s $14.04, State 4-H Office $160.00, Sturdevant’s $164.07, Tom’s Hardware $45.04, Transource $63.92, Ultra $78.00, Brittany Yanish $255.59 SUPPLIES; Verizon $69.89 TELEPHONE; Kathy Faber $33.60, Garrett Gassman $17.64 TRAVEL.

Zoning Administrator Tami Severson and Emergency Management Director Kent Terwilliger reviewed the information received during the FEMA Floodplain Mapping Flood Risk Review meeting.  Miner County does not currently have flood maps.  FEMA had started updating those maps to set floodplain development standards throughout our region.  Preliminary new flood maps have been created for Miner County and may be viewed at:  Miner County, cities and townships will have 60 days from January 6th to send any additional data that should be considered.  At the end of the 60 days, FEMA will proceed with creating the final maps.  Land located within the flood plain may be affected in future development and may require the purchase of flood insurance.

Emergency Management Director Kent Terwilliger informed the board of the needed repairs to the repeater in Carthage.  Terwilliger will transport the repeater to a vendor in Sioux Falls for repairs. 

It was moved by Wentland, seconded by Faber and carried to authorize Chairman Protsch to sign the 2021 Memo of Understanding for 4-H Youth Advisor services with South Dakota State University.

Director of Equalization Tami Severson presented the 2021 GIS Services Contract between Miner County and First District of Local Governments.  It was moved by Gassman, seconded by Wentland and carried to approve the GIS contract with First District of Local Governments for 2021.   

It was moved by Reisch, seconded by Gassman and carried to table until February 2nd meeting the City of Howard’s Agreement for General Law Enforcement Services.  This action will allow the State’s Attorney time to review the agreement. 

Highway Superintendent Ron Krempges informed the commission of the opening of 435th Avenue (Canova Oil) and the bridge work has been completed.  Additional site work will be completed this spring.

It was moved by Gassman, seconded by Reisch and carried to accept the quote for a new pup trailer from Northern Truck & Equipment $47,689.00. 

It was moved by Wentland, seconded by Gassman and carried to approve Miner County’s application to the Volkswagen Truck Emissions Program and authorize Krempges to sign the required paperwork. 

Krempges reported he had contacted Klinkhammer Plumbing, Dan’s Heating and Cooling and S & S Contracting requesting quotes for a radiant tube heater and installation.  One quote was received from S & S Contracting for $3713.00.  The board awarded the project to S & S Contracting. 

It was moved by Wentland and seconded by Faber to adopt the following resolution.



WHEREAS, seasonal climatic changes can be detrimental to our highways, and

WHEREAS, the Miner County Board of County Commissioners desires to protect existing Miner County Highways, ultimately saving tax dollars, and

        WHEREAS, the Miner County Board of County Commissioners desire the enforcement of weight limitations on Miner County roads as set forth and posted by the Miner County Highway Superintendent

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the limits on Miner County Highways shall be set at 7 ton per axle/40-ton gross vehicle weight, with the exception of county road 17 (425th Ave.) from Carthage south to SD Hwy #34 and county road 22 (242nd St.) from Canova east to US Hwy #81 shall be 40-ton gross vehicle weight, during spring thaw period and when weight limit signs are in place and that the South Dakota Highway Patrol be and hereby is authorized and requested to enforce weight limitations on Miner County roads.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the penalty for the violation of the load restrictions shall be set forth in SDCL 32-22.55.

Voting aye:  Gassman, Reisch, Wentland, Faber and Protsch.  Voting nay:  none. 

Resolution adopted this 19th day of January, 2021 at Howard, South Dakota.                                                       

                                                            Alex Protsch, Chairman

                                                            Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest:  Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

It was moved by Reisch and seconded by Wentland to approve the following resolution.


WHEREAS, excessive loads can be detrimental to our highways, and

WHEREAS, the Miner County Board of Commissioners desires to protect existing Miner County Highways, ultimately saving tax dollars and,

WHEREAS, the Miner County Board of Commissioners desire the enforcement of weight limitations on Miner County Roads as set forth and posted by the Miner County Highway Superintendent

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the limits on Miner County Highways shall be set with South Dakota weight limitations with the exception of 425th Avenue (County Road #17) between 220th Street and 233rd Street (SD Hwy #34) and 421st Avenue (County Road #21) between 233rd street (SD Hwy #34) and 244th Street will be set as 80,000 pounds gross weight for any vehicle or combination of vehicles.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that seasonal spring thaw weight limitations will preside over such weight limitations when signs are in place and displayed and that the SD Highway Patrol be and hereby is authorized and requested to enforce weight limitations on Miner County roads and that the penalty for the violation of the load restrictions shall be set forth in SDCL 32-22-55.

Voting aye:  Gassman, Reisch, Wentland, Faber and Protsch.  Voting nay:  none.  Resolution adopted this 19th day of January, 2021.

                                                                                    Alex Protsch, Chairman

                                                                                    Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest:  Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor

Motion by Gassman, seconded by Wentland and carried to authorize the SD Highway Patrol to enforce weight limitations on Miner County roads. 

Director of 911 & Dispatch Services Cora Schwader met with the board to make several requests.  Schwader made a request for level increases for 911 dispatchers.  It was moved by Gassman, seconded by Faber and carried unanimously to grant the following level increases:  Deb Gibson to Level 4 ($18.30); Jennifer Bolden, Stacey McCoy, and Joni Jacobsen to Level 5 ($18.52); Randy Schwader to Level 7 ($18.96) effective 1/19/21.

Schwader also made a request to offer one fulltime (40 hrs/week) position within the dispatch office.  Several attempts have been made to hire part-time dispatch personnel with no success.  Schwader feels this option would solve some of the staffing issues within her department.  Commissioners had several concerns including additional costs due to benefits (dental, vision, life and health insurance and retirement), funding and keeping the county within the small group insurance category.  The board instructed the auditor to gather additional information so the matter may be discussed further at the February 2nd meeting.  She also made a request for a representative from the dispatch &/or sheriff’s office be included when making decisions on the courthouse remodel project. 

Having no further business, the meeting adjourned until February 2, 2021.  Dated this 19th day of January, 2021.

                                                                        Alex Protsch, Chairman

                                                                        Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest:  Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor



Contact Info

Please see department pages for direct contact information.

Physical Address: 

Miner County Courthouse

Park Ave. & Main St

401 N. Main St.

Howard, SD 57349


Office Hours: 

7:30am-12:00pm & 12:30pm-4:00pm

Monday - Friday

(Sheriff/Dispatch Office Open 24/7)