October 4, 2022
The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on October 4, 2022 in the Miner County Courthouse Commission room. Members present: Alex Protsch, Tom Reisch, Kari Jo Carlson, Kathy Faber and Joe Bechen. Absent: none. The flag pledge was recited. Motion by Faber, seconded by Bechen and carried to approve the agenda.
The minutes from the September 20th meeting were approved.
The auditor’s account with the county treasurer showed an October 1, 2022 balance of $5,023,887.10 in all state, county, civil, school and trust accounts.
The board acknowledge receipt of the following correspondence: SD Dept. of Agriculture & Ntrl Resources Revised Nutrient Mgt Plan for Shannon Hutterian Brethren.
No person appeared for public comment.
Report of meetings attended by commissioners: Carlson attended the Miner County wide emergency management exercise; Faber attended the quarterly Miner County Weed Board meeting.
Motion by Bechen, seconded by Faber and carried to rescind the following motion adopted on May 3rd: a motion to adopt a 70/30 cost-share for the small structure program projects in the townships in Miner County.
It was moved by Bechen, seconded by Faber and carried to adopt an 80/20 cost-share for the small structure program projects for townships in Miner County.
Discussion pursued on placing the burn ban into effect. Several commissioners stated the fire chiefs within the county did not see that it would be necessary at the present time. The board instructed the matter to be placed on the October 18th agenda.
It was moved by Reisch, seconded by Carlson and carried to approve the following claims for payment: Road & Bridge $41,919.45, Wellmark $51,059.19, Delta Dental $1,608.21, Kansas City Life $475.75, Retirement $6,937.35, OASI $9,974.40, Commissioners $4,519.75, Auditor $7,971.50, Treasurer $7,188.75, States Attorney $5,708.75, Govt Building $4094.81, Director of Equalization $9,123.09, Register of Deeds $7,767.22, Vet Service $911.00, Tax Deed Property HHCC $700.00, Sheriff $11,560.00, Contract Law $4,641.49, Welfare $479.55, Co Nurse $1,426.50, Ambulance $8,701.44, WIC $97.00, Extension $1,426.50, Weed $1,307.50, Dispatch $16,621.31, Emergency Mgt $2,428.50 SEPT PAYROLL; Governor’s Inn $189.00 TRAVEL; Northwestern $10.65 UTILITIES; Triotel $171.53 911 CHARGES; SD Office of Child & Family Services $1,674.00 CO NURSE PMT TO STATE; Lammers, Kleibacker & Dawson $4,108.85 COURT APPT ATTYS; Emergency Safety Education $135.00 IN SERVICE EDUCATION; Madison Community Hospital $75.00 PRISONER MEDICAL CARE; Miner County Pioneer $342.56 PUBLISHING; Dust-Tex $199.63 RENT; Bender’s Sewer & Drain $23,160.00, Howard Auto Clinic $1,173.45, James Valley Landscape Solutions $779.40, Mitchell Plumbing & Heating $15,100.00, Overhead Door Co $9,061.26, Prostrollo Auto Mall $1,732.48, Ultra $1,531.25, Vander Haag’s $176.00 REPAIRS; Homestead Building Supply $43.96, Knife River South Dakota $860.30 ROAD MATERIALS; Kristian Ellendorf $900.00 STATE’S ATTY OFFICE EXP ALLOWANCE; Relx Inc $149.00 SUBSCRIPTIONS; Dakota Data Shred $17.00, Dakota Fluid Power $59.74, Dust-Tex $372.84, Connie Eliason $20.00, McLeod’s $142.11, Tim Reisch $200.00, Rockmount Research $606.49, Rusty’s $96.88, Tami Severson $20.00, Kent Terwilliger $32.99, Ultra $81.30, Vander Haag’s $804.21 SUPPLIES; Alliance $944.91, AT&T $326.97, Susan Connor $30.00, Lori Kiehl $30.00, Tami Severson $30.00, Verizon $94.20 TELEPHONE; GeoTek Engineering $2,008.00 TESTING SERVICES; Crossroads Hotel $231.00, Dan Page $16.83, SD LTAP $125.00 TRAVEL; City of Howard $4,002.39, Northwestern Energy $45.96, Xcel $9.26 UTILITIES.
The auction of the lease of the farmable portion of the SW ¼ of Section 4-106-56, Howard Township, consisting of 150.9 acres, known as the county farm, was held as advertised. Present for the auction were Director of Equalization Tami Severson, Sheriff Rob Eggert, Kristi Schwader, Jason Feldhaus with Reisch Farms, Travis Voeltz, Jerry Calmus and Dave Miller. The board awarded the lease to Travis Voeltz for $31,000. Voeltz chose a two-year lease, beginning February 1, 2023.
Motion by Bechen, seconded by Carlson and carried to enter into executive session (SDCL 1-25-2 (1)) at 9:43. The board returned to regular session at 9:49. Sheriff Eggert made a request to hire an additional officer and to increase Deputy Hahn’s rate of pay during Eggert’s medical leave. It was moved by Bechen, seconded by Carlson and carried to increase Hahn’s rate to $25/hr beginning the first day of Eggert’s medical leave and ending on Eggert’s return to work following receipt of the doctor’s release form.
It was moved by Carlson, seconded by Reisch and carried to hire Mike Clary at $21/hour for temporary law enforcement while Eggert is on medical leave. The rate of pay was determined due to Clary’s past service, knowledge of the department, community relations and experience.
It was moved by Carlson and seconded by Faber to adopt the following resolution.
WHEREAS, SDCL 7-21-22 provides that the Board of Commissioners, in the event of the failure to provide by the final budget a sufficient appropriation to enable the county to conduct the indispensable functions of government, may make, approve, and adopt a supplemental budget providing therein for an appropriation for such purposes; and
WHEREAS, notice has been given of the board's intention to make and adopt such supplemental budget, along with the time and place when the same will be considered and adopted by the governing board, by posting at the front & back door of the courthouse and by publication;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that such supplemental budget, Government Building Repairs $63,260 shall be approved and adopted as a supplemental budget to the 2022 annual budget for Miner County, South Dakota.
Dated this 4th day of October 2022.
Alex Protsch, Chairman
Tom Reisch
Kari Jo Carlson
Kathy Faber
Joe Bechen
Attest: Susan Connor
Miner County Auditor
Highway Superintendent Ron Krempges reported on budget shortfalls due to the bridge rehabilitation near Carthage that was completed late this summer. Krempges has submitted the required paperwork to the state DOT for reimbursement of expenses associated with this project that was not included in the 2022 budget. Krempges also reviewed other highway matters.
It was moved by Reisch and seconded by Bechen that the following resolution be adopted.
WHEREAS, the South Dakota Department of Transportation Local Bridge and Improvement Grant Fund requires that in order to be eligible to apply for Bridge Improvement Grant funds, Counties are required to develop a five-year Highway and Bridge Improvement Plan, hereinafter referred to as Plan;
WHEREAS, Miner County has utilized the South Dakota Department of Transportation, County Staff, the First District Association of Local Governments, Townships, and the general public in developing the various components of the Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Plan includes maps and lists identifying an inventory of highways and bridges, project needs, and revenue sources; and
WHEREAS, Miner County held a public meeting on September 6, 2022, to solicit input into the Plan, and the citizens who attended expressed an interest in the Plan; and
WHEREAS, the County will be able to use the Plan as a tool to budget for transportation enhancements and better coordinate transportation issues with other entities;
Voting aye: Bechen, Faber, Carlson, Reisch and Protsch. Voting nay: none. Dated at Miner, South Dakota this 4th of October, 2022.
Alex Protsch
Chairman, Miner County Board of Commissioners
Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor
It was moved by Carlson, seconded by Faber and carried to authorize Chairman Protsch to sign the SD Dept. of Public Safety Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant agreement.
Treasurer Jessica Charles reviewed the tax deeds she has filed within the past few months. It was moved by Carlson, seconded by Bechen and carried to authorize the auditor to abate the taxes associated with the following properties: Record #3344, #3135, & #3657 for a total of $2153.66.
Curt Neises of Miner Insurance and Lynn Bren of SD Public Assurance Alliance presented quotes for the county’s property, liability and cyber insurance. The board will consider these proposals at its October 18th meeting.
Director of Equalization Severson presented a request from the SD Dept. of Revenue for a copy of Miner County’s GIS parcel data for inclusion in the statewide database. The board voiced concern as to the county’s cost of obtaining this GIS parcel data and its ability to continue to charge for-profit companies to access this data. The board instructed Severson to reach out to the Dept. of Revenue about these concerns before authorizing Severson to transmit the requested files.
Chairman Protsch reported he had received correspondence from Miner Insurance concerning the damaged fire alarm at the hotel. Miner County should be receiving a settlement from the insurance company within a few weeks. The board will review the proposal for repairing the fire alarm system at its next meeting.
It was moved by Faber, seconded by Reisch and carried to authorize the chairman to sign the 2023-24 Howard City Law Enforcement Contract.
Having no further business, the meeting adjourned to October 18th. Dated this 4th day of October, 2022.
Alex Protsch, Chairman
Miner County Board of Commissioners
Attest: Susan Connor, Miner County Auditor