August 20, 2024

August 20, 2024

            The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on August 20, 2024, in the Miner County Courthouse Commission room.  Members present: Alex Protsch, Tom Reisch, Joe Bechen (as marked) and Mike Clary.   Members absent:  Kathy Faber.

Chairman Protsch called the meeting to order.   The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  It was moved by Clary, seconded by Reisch, and carried to approve the agenda.  The minutes from the August 5th meeting were approved.  No one appeared for public comment. 

Motion by Reisch, seconded by Clary and carried to authorize the Auditor’s Office to pay the following claims:   Diane Anderson $100.00, Christi Borgers $100.00, Karley Hall $100.00, Tom Harris $400.00, Laura Hoff $100.00, Bobbi Kommes $100.00, Hunter Miller $400.00 4-H JUDGES; Santel $30.00, Triotel $171.53 911 CHARGES; ICAP $796.09 COMMUNITY ACTION PMT; Nelson & Ericsson Law Office $683.00, Lammers, Kleibacker, Dawson & Miller $214.80, Law Office of Jennifer Nelson $1,409.00 COURT APPT ATTY;  Two Trees $1,997.50 EQUIPMENT; HFCA $1,784.28, Wingens Garage $2,601.70 FUEL; Elan Financial $35.66 LATE FEE & INTEREST; Mark Neises $328.00 MOWING; Lake County Sheriff $2,130.00 PRISONER CARE; Madison Regional Health $1,088.10, SD DOH Lab $40.00 PRISONER MEDICAL; Office Ally $39.95 PROCESSING FEE; Microfilm Imaging $1,045.00 RENT; Microfilm Imaging $175.00, Two Trees $11,460.00, Two Way Solutions $19.98, Winker Trenching Service $2,629.00 REPAIRS; Jebro $275,032.46, Spencer Quarries $637.99, Truenorth Steel $51,697.80 ROAD MATERIALS; Relx, Inc. $149.00 STATE’S ATTY OFFICE EXPENSE; Beadle Co Auditor $2,000.00 STATE’S ATTY VICTIM ADVOCATE; Home Service Water $29.40, Interlakes Sports Center $45.14, Mcleod’s Printing $92.54, Miner County Pioneer $126.14, Office Peeps $9.78, Puthoff Repair $165.34, Runnings $179.99, Rusty’s $19.23, Shane’s Hardware $236.40, Two Trees $720.80, Tyler Technologies $449.00 SUPPLIES; Alliance $67.82 TELEPHONE; Joe Bechen $32.76, SDSU Extension $180.00 TRAVEL; Central Electric Coop $73.49 UTILITIES; Ray Genzlinger $350.00 WATCHMAN.

Protsch reported on his attendance along with Reisch and Cora Schwader at the last Howard City meeting on Monday, August 12.  The City signed their intergovernmental agreement for this year, but they would like to renegotiate the agreement for 2026. 

Correspondence Received:  July Sheriff Report, July Veterans Service Officer Report, Miner Conservation District June meeting minutes and NRCS Report and April, May, and June Financial Reports.

Mommaerts reported that the replacement pieces and stopping arms for the north door have been ordered, and the sidewalk sealant work is scheduled to be completed in mid to late September.  Also, after further research, it was determined that the FLSA changes do not affect the deputy sheriffs’ positions, so no further discussion was needed there. 

Joe Bechen joined the meeting at this time.  Motion by Reisch, seconded by Clary, and passed to declare surplus the HP V223 monitor (serial #3CQ81217NP)  and two Elite Desk 800 desktop computers  (serial #MXL9153447 and MXL915342S), and store them until there are enough items to warrant a public auction.

Ron Krempges joined the meeting to update the Commission on highway matters.  Fog sealing was completed last Friday.  Vehicle repairs were discussed.  Paint striping should hopefully be started in a week or two.  The June flooding event was declared a disaster by FEMA; there will be a virtual video briefing on Friday.  Mowing was finished a couple of weeks ago, and they will start fall cutting the second week of September.  Sam Schlim of the Carthage Township board requested assistance from the County to spot gravel low areas on their road that has seen increased traffic due to the restricted bridge detour. They would like this done after wheat harvest is done and before fall harvest starts.  Commissioners approved this request.  Krempges stated the highway will start hauling gravel probably next week. 

The work on the bridge north of town looks like it will be moved to next year.  The bridge next to Carthage will be done first.  There may be two other bridges that will be bid this year, but Krempges is hoping one will get pushed back to 2026, as Miner County only has two bridge projects budgeted for next year. 

Highway Clerk Amie Kidd recently got a new desk for her office.  Motion by Bechen, second by Reisch, to declare the old desk surplus and authorize its disposal.  Other highway matters included ditch cleaning, blading, and completing the culvert lining project that was started this spring. 

Severson presented a plat seen as a variance previously.  She reported that taxes have been paid recommended approval of the Tim & Karla Neises plat.  It was moved by Reisch, seconded by Clary and motion carried to pass the following resolution:

Resolution 24-24

Be it resolved that the plat shown hereon and described as LOT 1 OF BLACKJACK ADDITION IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW1/4) OF SECTION SEVEN (7), TOWNSHIP ONE HUNDRED SIX (106) NORTH, RANGE FIFTY-FIVE (55) WEST OF THE 5TH P.M. IN MINER COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA, be approved and accepted by the Board of County Commissioners at its meeting of August 20, 2024 and the county Auditor is hereby instructed to endorse on such plat a copy of this resolution and to certify the same.

Voting aye:  Protsch, Reisch, Bechen, and Clary.  Voting nay:  None.

Dated this 20th day of August, 2024.

                                                                                                Alex Protsch, Chairman

Miner County Commissioners

Attest:  Rebecca Mommaerts, Miner County Auditor

Motion by Clary, second by Bechen and carried to authorize Chairman Protsch to sign the Eagleview agreements, amending the previous contract. 

Jill Calmus joined the meeting to update the Commission on 4-H events.  Events reported on included: the horse show; paint, leather & tie-die project days; livestock judging school; area livestock judging contest; and Cloverbud camp.  Cloverbuds will start again in October.  The new trees on the 4-H grounds are thriving thanks to water bags.  Calmus reported she improved all exterior lighting prior to Achievement Days.  The goat, sheep & swine barn is still waiting for sponsorship boards, but the building was well-received during Achievement Days.  Calmus plans to update the 4-H building floors with epoxy.  Miner County Achievement Days was a huge success; the pie auction raised $51,750.  Calmus received a grant through Corteva (through a connection with Pioneer Seeds) to update the poultry and rabbit cages and continue the Chicks in the Classroom project.  Upcoming events include the state companion annual show and gearing up for the State Fair. 

Commissioners received a funding request from Hearts & Hammers for $10,000 to be considered for the 2025 budget.   Discussion took place on the funding received by Hearts & Hammers thus far and the projects they’ve completed.  Commissioners believe the program is a good thing, but they didn’t think county funds should be expended toward it, as the County already helps to fund ICAP, which does similar work, and the Commissioners are working to tighten up the budget.  They would like to see Hearts & Hammers pursue other fundraising ventures.  Commissioners denied the request. 

A donation request was received by St. Thomas Aquinas Church for their Annual Grand Gala on November 2nd.   Commissioners felt it was not appropriate to donate county funds toward this event.

Motion by Bechen, seconded by Reisch, and carried to enter into executive session for legal matters pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2 (3).  Commissioners entered executive session at 10:17am.  Commissioners returned to regular session at 10:41am.  Motion by Clary, seconded by Reisch, and carried to authorize Jessica Charles to file treasurer’s tax deed on parcel numbers 4044 and 4843 on August 27th and to authorize Kristian Ellendorf to commence the legal proceedings, if necessary.

Motion by Clary, seconded by Bechen to authorize Chairman Protsch to sign the Local Emergency Management Performance Grant (LEMPG) agreement for 2025. 

Further discussion of the 2025 provisional budget took place.  Item lines on the Veterans Service Officer budget will need to be adjusted, but the overall budget will remain the same.  Meeting moved to the dispatch office to discuss the intergovernmental agreement for dispatch with Cora Schwader.  A notice will be sent to the school that their $1500 contribution will not be accepted, but Commissioners requested Schwader set up another dispatch meeting for the entire board of County Commissioner to attend, along with all the other dispatch entities.  This meeting date will be placed on the next meeting agenda.   The meeting returned to the Commissioner room.  Commissioners instructed Mommaerts to adjust the revenue budget for dispatch for 2025. 

The meeting adjourned to September 3.  Dated this 20th day of August, 2024.

                                                                                    Alex Protsch, Chairman

                                                                                    Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest:  Rebecca Mommaerts, Miner County Auditor

Contact Info

Please see department pages for direct contact information.

Physical Address: 

Miner County Courthouse

Park Ave. & Main St

401 N. Main St.

Howard, SD 57349


Office Hours: 

7:30am-12:00pm & 12:30pm-4:00pm

Monday - Friday

(Sheriff/Dispatch Office Open 24/7)