December 17, 2024

December 17, 2024

            The Miner County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on December 17, 2024, in the Miner County Courthouse Commission room.  Members present: Alex Protsch, Joe Bechen Kathy Faber and Mike Clary.   Members absent:  Tom Reisch. 

Chairman Protsch called the meeting to order.   The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  It was moved by Faber, seconded by Clary and carried to approve the agenda.  The minutes from the December 3rd meeting were approved, with the amendment of adding “The auditor’s account with the county treasurer showed a November 30, 2024 balance of $6,520,220.73 in all state, county, civil, school and trust accounts.   In addition, due to an error of omission on the November 8, 2024 minutes, the auditor’s account with the county treasurer showed an October 31, 2024 balance of $8,251,712.43.” after the claims listing.

Kathy reported on the City of Carthage’s attempt to find new EVOC drivers and EMTs. 

For public comment, Rebecca Mommaerts reported on Justin Brandsma’s one-year work anniversary.  Justin received his first automatic level increase to Level 2 on December 11, 2024, increasing his pay to an equivalent of $20.27/hour.

Motion by Bechen, seconded by Faber and carried to authorize the Auditor’s Office to pay the following claims: Alliance Communications $150.00 911 CHARGES; ICAP $796.09 COMMUNITY ACTION PAYMENT; Avera Occupational Medicine $511.00 DRUG TESTING; SDAE4-HP $200.00 DUES; The Radar Shop $384.00 EQUIPMENT; Elan Financial $103.03, HFCA $12,715.52, Sturdevant’s $49.04, Wingens Garage $2,624.30 FUEL; Co Employee $216.81 INSURANCE REIMBURSEMENT; CLERP $1,217.00 JUDICIAL LEGAL RELIEF FUND; Miner Co Treasurer $178.67 POSTAGE; Davison Co Sheriff $105.00 PRISONER CARE; Office Ally $39.95 PROCESSING FEE; Miner County Pioneer $542.85 PUBLISHING; Dust-Tex $188.20 RENT; Butler Machinery $1,857.09, HFCA $189.39, Office Peeps $338.07, Prostrollo $91.30, Shane’s Hardware $12.17, Total Epoxy Systems $10,508.44, Tritech Software $1,047.77, US Records Midwest $3,102.54, Wingen’s Garage $150.00 REPAIRS; Michael Johnson Construction $2,075.73, Rolling Prairie Grain $2,683.75, Spencer Quarries $198.24 ROAD MATERIALS; All State Ag Parts $100.66, Amazon $1,091.58, Butler Machinery $534.82, Canova Service Center $268.07, Dakota Data Shred $75.59, Elan Financial $25.36, Fleetpride $1,721.49, Home Service Water $46.20, Homestead Building Supply $4.29, HFCA $109.90, K&M Tire $8,257.80, Kimball Midwest $406.91, Darcy Laible $75.00, Miner Co Treasurer $110.11, Office Peeps $745.58, Prostrollo $349.57, RDO Equipment $595.41, Rockmount Research & Alloys $457.91, Rusty’s $206.18, Shane’s Hardware $249.59, SD Federal Property Agency $335.50, Sturdevants $850.78, Thomson Reuters $214.40, Western Hotel Supply $132.85, Trail King Industries $58.93, USPS $240.00 SUPPLIES; Barb Esser $37.45, HFCA $32.41 TRAVEL; Central Electric Coop $61.38, Xcel Energy $31.15, City of Howard $143.51 UTILITIES.

Commissioners acknowledged receipt of the following correspondence:  Memo from the SD Dept of Public Safety regarding NIMS Training Reporting Requirement; a copy of the application, with attachments, by SCS Carbon Transport LLC for a permit to Construct a carbon dioxide transmission pipeline submitted to the SD Public Utilities Commission; November 2024 Moisture Report; and November 2024 Sheriff Report. 

Highway Superintendent Krempges reported on highway matters.  Krempges requested level raises for highway employees.  Motion by Bechen, second by Clary and carried to approve the following level raises, effective January 1, 2025 at the 2025 rates of pay: Donald Eppe from Level 8 to Level 9; Jeremy Beyer from Level 8 to Level 9; Eric Smith from Level 7 to Level 8; Adam Mentele from Level 6 to Level 7; Brian Dold from Level 5 to Level 6; Terry Burger from Level 3 to Level 4, Mike Umstead from Level 2 to Level 3, and Amie Kidd from Level 9 to Level 10. 

The amount to reconcile costs between Kingsbury County has been figured; Kingsbury County will pay Miner County $18,071.57, which is after the 10,000 ton of gravel that Miner County purchased.   Krempges presented quotes for the new Motorgrader from Butler Cat, pointing out that staying with the same manufacturer keeps the parts and filters the same.  In addition, their mobile serviceman is just 5 miles north of town.  Butler Cat offered a $85,000 trade-in for the old blade.  However, Miner County could sell the blade elsewhere before the new machine comes in.  The trade-in would have to be reevaluated if Miner County retained it until after the new machine is received, which could lower the offer.  Weiman’s Live Auction set sale dates are March 4 or April 22.  However, it’s possible the bidding wouldn’t come in at the reserve, and there are expenses to transporting the machine and listing it.  Bechen suggested counteroffering to Butler Cat to increase the trade-in offer to $90,000. 

A public auction was held, as advertised, of the East Sixty feet (E 60’) of Lot Ten (10) of the Southwest Quarter (SW ¼) of Section Two (2), Township One Hundred Six (106) North, Rance Fifty-six (56) West of the 5th P.M., Miner County, South Dakota.  Present for the auction included Tami Severson, Jessica Charles, Nate Ruml, Jeff Rubenstein, and Jeff Rubenstein, Jr. in person and Paul Larson telephonically.  The physical address of the property being auctioned is 218 E. Washington Ave. Chairman Protsch opened the bidding at $4,853.52 (the delinquent tax amount from 2017-2023); having no bidders, Protsch asked for someone to place an opening bid at any amount. The board awarded the sale of the property to Jeff Rubenstein for $6000.  A quit claim deed will be prepared and filed. 

Krempges returned at the conclusion of the auction.  He will request the $90,000 for the trade-in and report back to the board.  The county bridge in Carthage is progressing.  DOT has to give the notice to proceed for putting it out to bid, but Brad Stangohr has everything ready to go out hopefully next week.  Bids will be requested for an August 31, 2026 completion date, at Stangohr’s recommendation.  Stangohr will give Auditor Mommaerts the information to advertise in local papers for two weeks, but the hope is to have the bid opening on January 16, with the results to be presented at the January 21st meeting for commissioner action. 

Treasurer Jessica Charles reported a clerical error that was discovered when Auditor Mommaerts reviewed the advertising list for the newspaper.  The taxes in question are for a property that was sold by Lynn Borgers on contract for deed in 2020.  When taxes were not paid, a certificate was assigned in 2021.  When Borgers received the property back, he came in to pay the taxes, but the Treasurer staff only collected the taxes for 2020 and not for 2021 before deleting the certificate, which caused the property not to show up on the delinquent tax report.  The Department of Revenue recommended speaking with the Commissioners about waiving the interest accrued since the taxpayer was not notified of the delinquent taxes.  Borgers is aware of the situation and willing to pay the tax amount owed, without interest.  Faber made the motion to approve waiving the $111.70 in interest due to clerical error, seconded by Clary and carried unanimously.

An employee recognition ceremony was held with various county employees and family members in attendance.  Those recognized for milestone years of service were Gibi Page for 20 years and Greg Protsch for 40 years.  Plaques were also presented to departing employees: Alex Protsch for 11 years of service as Commissioner and Karla Neises for 41 years of service in the Register of Deeds office.  Protsch’s service to the county ends on December 31st, and Karla’s service will end just after her 41st anniversary on January 31st.  A public retirement party for Neises will be held in January.  Commissioners thanked the recognized employees for their service and took a short break to celebrate their achievements. 

Director of Equalization Tami Severson reported that both the State and Juvare have stated they are unable sign the requested documents that restrict sharing the information from the GIS files which would be provided for use with the Crisis Track disaster response system, but the Commissioners decided it was in the best interest of the county to release the information anyway, relying on their emailed assurance that it is for the intended purpose only  Motion by Bechen, second by Clary and carried to approve releasing GIS files for Crisis Track to the State of South Dakota free of charge.

Mommaerts reported that State’s Attorney, Kristian Ellendorf, researched and found that the FLSA salary threshold rule was vacated, which nullifies the requirement to increase Severson’s salary for 2025.  After discussion, commissioners requested to put “DOE/Planning & Zoning Salary” on the agenda for December 30th.

Severson reported that Amy Lovett has been hired for the part-time DOE position, to begin January 6th.  In addition, Barb Esser has completed her five independent study tests and passed basics this fall in Pierre.  She passed her CAA test on December 4th.  Due to the level of education completed, Severson requested to increase Esser to level 3.  Motion by Clary, second by Faber and carried unanimously to raise Barb Esser to Level 3, effective January 1, at the 2025 rate of pay. 

Director of Equalization Tami Severson presented the following plat for consideration.  Taxes are paid and it meets zoning.  It was moved by Bechen and seconded by Clary and motion carried to approve the following resolution:


BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Miner County, South Dakota, that the Plat of Tract 1 of Rentschler Addition in the Southwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 107 North, Range 58 West of the 5th P.M., Miner County, South Dakota appears to conform to the system of roads, existing plats, and section lines of Miner County and that adequate provisions have been made for access to adjacent unplatted lands and that all provisions of Miner County Subdivision Regulations have been complied with.  Furthermore, all taxes and special assessments upon the Tract or subdivision have been paid and that the plat and the survey thereof have been lawfully executed.  Said plat is approved and accepted and the Chairman is hereby instructed to endorse on such plat this resolution and to certify the same. 

Adopted this 17th day of December, 2024.

                                                                                    Alex Protsch, Chairman

                                                                                    Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest:  Rebecca Mommaerts, Miner County Auditor

Motion by Faber, second by Bechen and carried to authorize Chairman Protsch to sign the State of South Dakota County Contract for Provision of Community Health Services for calendar year 2025. 

The meeting adjourned to December 30th.  Dated this 17th day of December, 2024. 

        Alex Protsch, Chairman

                                                                                    Miner County Board of Commissioners

Attest:  Rebecca Mommaerts, Miner County Auditor

Contact Info

Please see department pages for direct contact information.

Physical Address: 

Miner County Courthouse

Park Ave. & Main St

401 N. Main St.

Howard, SD 57349


Office Hours: 

7:30am-12:00pm & 12:30pm-4:00pm

Monday - Friday

(Sheriff/Dispatch Office Open 24/7)