Anyone wishing to make a public comment must sign in prior to the comments portion of the meeting at 9:15am. Your public comment will be limited to 3 minutes. Individuals who require interpreters or other special accommodation may be given additional time to speak, at the discretion of the Chair. Individuals may not relinquish their allotted time to anyone else.
Comments must be presented in a civilized and professional manner. Threatening, profane, vulgar, or abusive language will not be tolerated; use of such language may result in forfeiture of your time.
No action may be taken by the Commission on any comments during the same meeting in which the comments are made. Comments that are related to a topic that the public body feels may require formal action or further discission may be placed on a future agenda by the Commission at their discretion to allow for proper notice pursuant to open meetings laws.
Comments related to topics that are on the current agenda must be made during the time for discussion allowed for that agenda item.
The period for public comment is intended for the Commission to receive comments from the public. Commissioners are not required to respond to comments, answer any questions, or engage in any dialogue with the individual making the comments.
Contact Info
Please see department pages for direct contact information.
Physical Address:
Miner County Courthouse
Park Ave. & Main St
401 N. Main St.
Howard, SD 57349
Office Hours:
7:30am-12:00pm & 12:30pm-4:00pm
Monday - Friday
(Sheriff/Dispatch Office Open 24/7)