Cheryl Moore is Miner County's Welfare Director. If you are in need of economic or medical assistance, please contact her office to find out if you qualify for county assistance.
Inter-Lakes Community Action Partnership is a community based non-profit organization which serves primarily low-income families and senior citizens in a 14-county area of East Central South Dakota. ICAP administers a variety of programs supported through grants, donations, and other community resources to assist participants and their communities to achieve full potential. To learn more, visit their website at www.interlakescap.com.
The Mitchell Area Safehouse provides emergency and/or transitional housing for adult victims and their children escaping domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking. The shelter is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is a locked and secure facility equipped with cameras and an alarm system that allow direct contact to police dispatch. Their goal is to provide for the safety of victims and their children as they escape the violence at home. Available at the shelter are food for meal preparation, laundry facilities and support services. If you or someone you know is suffering domestic abuse, the Mitchell Area Safehouse wants to help. Visit their website at www.mitchellareasafehouse.org.
The 211 Helpline Center, which receives funds from Miner County to enable their telephone service in our area, is a vital service that connects millions of people to help every year. All calls are confidential and handled by highly trained service professionals in the caller’s area. They are accessible 24/7/365 in 180 languages to provide help with essential needs (food, clothing, shelter), crisis situations (grieving the loss of a loved one or thoughts of suicide), disaster assistance (flooding or tornado damage), and more. In the event of an emergency, always dial 911, but for nonemergent situations, 211 is here to help! If you are in need, we encourage you to take advantage of this valuable resource! Just dial 211 from a phone in a participating area (like Miner County), text your zip code to 898211, or email help@helplinecenter.org. Please help spread the word-you never know who you could help!